Showing posts with label Miranda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miranda. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2016

Miranda Lambert: Did She Ruin Her Relationship with Anderson East?!?

Poor Miranda Lambert. So sad. So pitiful. So unlucky in love.

First there was her sudden, completely unexpected divorce from Blake Shelton … and now she’s done with Anderson East?!

Let’s back up a little bit.

Around this time last year, Miranda started dating Anderson East. It was just a few months after she and Blake divorced, and at the time, the word was that he was just a dude for her to her to “have fun with.”

But less than a month later, Miranda was referring to Anderson as her boyfriend, and about a week after that, the pregnancy rumors began.

A few months later, in April, we heard that she just may have been working on some wedding planning, with a source claiming that “they’ve been ring shopping!”

“She and Anderson have a crazy-strong connection,” the insider insisted. “An engagement will be coming soon.”

The source added that “They are planning to get married before the end of the year, and Miranda has even talked about a date in early fall, right after she furnishes her extensive concert tour.”

But here it is, right before the end of the year, and still, no wedding.

What could have possibly happened?

Well, friends, we’ll tell you what could have happened. But you’re not going to like it.

According to a new report, Miranda and Anderson were planning on getting hitched before 2016 breathes its last terrible breath, but she kind of just ruined it all.

An insider claims that “Miranda unwittingly sabotaged any last chance of keeping their romance alive when she put their earlier, tentative wedding plans on hold in November.”

Apparently Miranda wanted the relationship to chill out a little bit, since she reportedly told Anderson that “she was too busy traveling and promoting her new album.”

That sounds fair, right? After all, they haven’t been dating for all that long, it wouldn’t be unreasonable for them to wait a little longer to get married.

But alas, the source says that “I believe that gave him the time to think everything over — and he realized it was probably time to bail.”

So that’s sad — if this is true, it looks like Miranda just can’t catch a break.

But it’s also good, right? After all, if a little bit of time made Anderson realize that things weren’t working, then there’s a bullet dodged right there.

Good riddance, and on to the next!


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Miranda Kerr -- Intruder Delivered Rambling Love Note Before Attack

The intruder who was shot at Miranda Kerr’s home left a bizarre calling card/love letter at the house 2 days before his bloody confrontation … TMZ has learned. Our law enforcement sources tell us Shaun Haywood hand-delivered a letter to…


Miranda Kerr -- Intruder Delivered Rambling Love Note Before Attack

The intruder who was shot at Miranda Kerr’s home left a bizarre calling card/love letter at the house 2 days before his bloody confrontation … TMZ has learned. Our law enforcement sources tell us Shaun Haywood hand-delivered a letter to…


Friday, October 21, 2016

Miranda Lambert to Anderson East: Hurry Up and Get Me Pregnant!

It’s been over a year since Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert divorced, and both parties seem to have had no difficulty moving on from their marriage.

Obviously, Blake started dating Gwen Stefani very soon after the split (some would say suspiciously soon), but Miranda didn’t waste much time either.

She’s been dating Anderson East since at least December of 2015, and while they don’t seem to have moved quite as quickly and Gwen and Blake in the early months of their relationship, they might now be making up for lost time.

According to multiple sources, Anderson and Miranda are eagerly planning the next step in their relationship – and it may be a big one.

One insider claims Miranda is in a hurry to get pregnant. 

She reportedly believes Anderson would make a great dad, and with her 33rd birthday just two weeks away, she’s apparently concerned about her ticking biological clock.

“That has been an open conversation between her and Anderson,” says an insider close to the couple.

“He wants the same. Her friends think this is the guy for her.”

Both parties are reportedly hoping that marriage will follow soon after, but having a kid is said to be priority number one.

Several media outlets have suggested that part of the reason Miranda is so eager to get pregnant is so that she can set the record straight with regard to reports that she’s still pining away for Blake.

According to various rumors, she’s been particularly upset with her ex in recent weeks, due to reports that he’s told friends and family that Gwen “saved him” from a loveless marriage to Lambert.

Miranda’s inner circle says that’s nonsense, and she would never have a kid for such a foolish reason.

Based on what we know about Lambert, we’re inclined to agree with those sources.

She doesn’t strike us as the bitter type, and she seems to be genuinely head-over-heels for East.

So good luck with the baby-makin’, you two!

If nothing else, we’re sure they’ll enjoy the process.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Miranda Kerr -- Grisly Photos From Mansion Shooting (PHOTO GALLERY)

TMZ has obtained gory photos and details from the violent confrontation at Miranda Kerr’s Malibu home on Friday, but be warned … they aren’t for the faint of heart. Kerr’s neighbor tells us … workers on the deck of his home witnessed the…


Miranda Kerr -- Grisly Photos From Mansion Shooting (PHOTO GALLERY)

TMZ has obtained gory photos and details from the violent confrontation at Miranda Kerr’s Malibu home on Friday, but be warned … they aren’t for the faint of heart. Kerr’s neighbor tells us … workers on the deck of his home witnessed the…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blake Shelton Secretly Meeting with Miranda Lambert?!

Don’t you just love Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani together?

They’re just such an unlikely couple, Blake with his country swagger and deer track tattoos and Gwen being the ultimate pop/rock princess. It’s sweet.

It’s even sweeter because they’ve been together for a whole entire year now, if you can even believe it, and Gwen has been publicly gushing over Blake to commemorate their anniversary.

“I can’t say anything but I’m so blessed,” she said in an interview this week. “It’s just crazy how much happened, you know what I mean? So many beautiful memories.”

And she’s right, it is crazy that so much has happened in their relationship already — and it’s especially crazy to think about how they got together.

Gwen and Blake both went through difficult divorces right before they started their relationship.

Gwen filed for divorce from Gavin Rossdale in August 2015, allegedly because of a long affair he had with their nanny, and Blake filed for divorce from Miranda Lambert in July 2015, allegedly because he believed she was unfaithful.

But while filming The Voice, Gwen and Blake found comfort in each other, and now, a year and approximately a billion rumored pregnancies and engagements later, it looks like they’ve found true happiness.

… Or have they?

Sorry to bring on this bit of sadness, but there’s a new report from Radar that claims that Blake recently met with Miranda behind Gwen’s back.

And the details are just absolutely awful.

According to the report, Blake and Miranda both attended a gala in Nashville, but Miranda’s boyfriend, singer Anderson East, and Gwen didn’t accompany them.

Blake reportedly “complimented her on her newest song, ‘Vice,’ said she looked amazing and asked to have a private word with her.”

Uh oh …

He then told her that he’s been “carrying around a ton of emotional baggage and guilt since they divorced last summer.”

“He told her he regretted how their split became so nasty, and even suggested he wished their marriage could have worked out. He also told Miranda he misses her!”

If this is true, then obviously poor Gwen would take it pretty hard.

This insider claims that “Gwen has always been insecure and jealous over Blake’s womanizing ways, but she’s going to be crushed when she learns he and Miranda are getting chummy again.”

It probably goes without saying, but the source concludes by saying that “Blake and Miranda reconnecting could be the nail in the coffin for Blake’s relationship with Gwen.”

Hopefully this is a bunch of nonsense, because can you even imagine how tragic this would be?

Gwen’s been through enough already. Come on, world.


Miranda Kerr Security Guard STABBED In Altercation With Intruder

Things got pretty scary at Miranda Kerr’s Malibu mansion on Friday morning. 

An intruder engaged in a brutal fight with Kerr’s security guard. 

That altercation sent both people to the hospital. 

They were both airlifted. 

Details are pretty sketchy at the moment, but we’re hearing that the intruder gained access to the grounds of the mansion by climbing over a fence. 

We’re hearing that the intruder stabbed the security guard in the eye. 

This paved the way for the security guard to open fire on the trespasser. 

When it was all said and done, the two of them wound up in hospital. 

The security guard was treated for stab wounds, while the intruder was treated for a gunshot to the head. 

Word is that both of them are going to be okay. 

This is without a doubt one of the scariest celebrity incidents in recent memory. 

Kerr was not at home when the incident occurred, but it’s scary to imagine how the incident might have played out if she was. 

Anything could have happened, but Kerr must be thankful she has a securty guard who swung into action to protect her home as soon as he made contact with the perpetrator. 

Celebrity security has been questioned a lot recently in the wake of Kim Kardashian being robbed at gunpoint in Paris. 

It’s unclear where Kerr’s 5-year-old son, Flynn, was at the time of the incident. 

Flynn is the child Kerr shares with Orlando Bloom. 

Orlando is currently dating Katy Perry and Miranda is less than impressed by the pairing.

It was recently revealed that the former couple manage to co-parent amicably, but there are some strict rules in place. 

Orlando allegedly broke one of those golden rules when he attended the birthday party of Robert Downey, Jr’s son. 

Rules are in place for a reason, but there were also reports that Miranda is not impressed with Katy. 

This all allegedly stems from Miranda having a hold over Orlando. 

Sounds pretty crazy. Right?

Miranda recently got engaged to Evan Spiegel

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Miranda Kerr on Orlando Bloom Penis Pics: WTH?!?

Miranda Kerr has seen Orlando Bloom naked on many occasions.

The model and the actor were married for about three years prior to getting divorced in 2013.

But that doesn’t mean the model was prepared to turn on her computer one day this summer and simply see Orlando Bloom’s penis right there in front of her.

It was just hanging out on the Internet.

For all to see.

Earlier this month, Bloom was paddleboarding with girlfriend Katy Perry – and he wasn’t wearing a bathing suit.

Or underwear. Or any bottom layer of any kind.

Indeed, Bloom was simply naked, making himself an easy target for photographers in the area.

As a guest on KIIS FM’s Kyle & Jackie O show this Tuesday, Kerr was asked about this strange incident.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen the same photos.

“But even when people are paddleboarding, people are supposed to be wearing pants of some description,” cohost Kyle said to Kerr.

To her credit, the model didn’t hem, haw or change the topic.

She just jumped right in with her take on Bloom’s public birthday suit.

“Oh, my God, he texted me,” she said.

“And he was like, ‘Um, I’m really embarrassed. Some photos are coming out. Just thought I should let you know."”

That was fair of Bloom.

And how did Kerr respond?

“I was like, ‘Hmm … right, what were you thinking? Seriously, what were you thinking?"”

We may never know the answer to that question.

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor and the Victoria’s Secret beauty broke up in 2013 after three years of marriage; they are parents of a five-year old son named Flynn.

Both have since moved on from the romance.

Bloom is seriously involved with Perry, while Kerr is actually engaged to Evan Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat.

Still, the two clearly keep in close touch, much to their credit. They both play a key role in their child’s life.

Bloom is yet to comment on his famous (infamous?) penis photos, but an insider tells Us Weekly that the star hasn’t lost much sleep over it.

“[Orlando] finds the whole thing amusing,” a source told Us Weekly a couple weeks ago.

As for Perry, the source added that the situation wasn’t “something that would annoy her.”

She does seem rather laid back as a person and performer.

And the same goes for Kerr.

We could see some ex-wives getting angry if asked about their former husband’s penis.

But she seemed to role with it here. Kudos!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Blake Shelton: Did He Just Admit Miranda Lambert Cheated?

This may be his most revealing interview yet.

As the cover star for Billboard‘s latest issue, Blake Shelton gave some fantastic insight into his four-year marriage to Miranda Lambert.

Or rather, how it ended.

The magazine’s contributor, Rob Tannenbaum pointed out that the lyrics to the country singer’s single, “She’s Got A Way With Words” were about a woman who lies a cheats.

Shelton didn’t argue this point.

“When we recorded the vocals for some of these songs, I was only six months removed from when all the crap went down,” Shelton explained, referring to his July 2015 split from Lambert.

“When you have a broken heart – at least, when I do – you got to get it out of your system. You want people to sympathize with you. I was at rock bottom, in the middle of hell.”

A few months later, he was out of it.

In November, Shelton confirmed that he was dating Gwen Stefani, who judge season nine of The Voice alongside him.

The romance grew organically from a friendship that was formed because both Stefani and Shelton were going through divorces.

“She didn’t tell me much, because we didn’t know each other at the time, but she said, ‘I’m going through something very similar to what you’re going through. I understand. And I hate it,"” Shelton said.

“That’s kind of how our friendship and bond started, that day. It went from that, to checking in on each other once a week through email — ‘This shit happened to me, what happened to you?’ — to maybe three times a week, then every day, to ‘Hey, here’s my phone number if you ever want to text."”


“Next thing I know, I wake up and she’s all I care about, and I’m ­wondering if she feels the same about me.”

What’s even cuter is that Stefani can’t stop gushing about Shelton either.  Ever since her interview with the New York Times in March, Stefani has been open about her feelings for the country singer.

“We had anger, we had sadness, we had flirtation, we had sexy, and now we’re madly in love,” Stefani said.

Miranda Lambert: Plotting Revenge on Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani?!

They say revenge is a dish best served cold.

If it weren’t for the fact that it totally mangles the metaphor and basically makes no damn sense at all, we would amend that to “revenge is a dish best served piping hot on the cover of a tabloid!”

That’s the new issue of Life & Style, and as you can see, Miranda is plotting some sort of vengeance against her ex and the new woman in his life.

Cue dramatic music and this dude:

Dramatic Chipmunk GIF

And how will she have her revenge, you ask?

Sugar in their gas tanks?

Ordering a dozen pizzas to their house every day for the rest of their lives?

Launching a competing ska/pop band called Uncertainty?

The possibilities are endless, but it seems that Miranda subscribes to the theory that the best revenge is living well.

(Is it just us, or there a lot quotes about revenge?)

A source tells L&S that the rumors about Miranda being pregnant with Anderson East’s baby are 100% true, and she now feels that she’s “outdone her ex and his new love when it comes to romance, career, fans and, in the biggest bombshell of all, baby news,” 

Interesting fact: revenge babies grow up to be the most well-adjusted members of society.

Okay, we might’ve made that up.

While it’s certainly true that Lambert’s latest single is a hit, it would be tough to argue that she’s more popular or beloved by fans than Blake or Gwen.

But the source says she’s spot-on in her belief that it would drive Shelton nuts if she got knocked up by East:

“If [Miranda Lambert] starts a family with another man, it would have to make Blake’s blood boil,” claimed the source.

“His greatest wish was to have a baby with Miranda during their relationship. But now it’s Anderson by her side, and Miranda is thriving like never before. For Miranda, it’s the ultimate revenge at last.”

Meanwhile, it seems Shelton has yet to propose to Stefani for the simple reason that they’re relationship isn’t all smooth sailing these days.

“Blake and Gwen seem to be struggling on so many fronts. It really is a sweet revenge,” says the insider.

Somewhere, Miranda is stroking a cat and cackling like a Bond villain.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel: Engaged!

Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr is engaged to Evan Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat, a rep for the tech mogul confirmed Wednesday.

Kerr, 33, shared the happy news about her engagement to her boyfriend by posting a bling-tastic Instagram photo earlier today.

Complete with – what else – a custom Snapchat filter. 

“I said yes!!!” she captioned the pic, showing off her diamond ring and featured a cartoon depiction of them and the words “Marry Me!”

The pair first stepped out together in June 2015, and in May of this year, purchased a $ 12 million mansion in L.A.’s Brentwood neighborhood.

He’s been ready to propose for awhile already.

“They are both completely smitten and Evan’s starting to look at rings,” a source told Us Weekly regarding the couple last month.

The duo will have “an extravagant wedding, in true Evan style,” the celebrity news magazine’s insider added. “Miranda certainly won’t mind!”

Clearly these two are not short on cash, nor shy about enjoying the finer things in life. But at the same time, they’re bizarrely … normal.

The former Victoria’s Secret Angel gushed:

“He’s 25, but acts like he’s 50,” she said.

“He’s not out partying. He goes to work in [L.A.’s] Venice. He comes home. We don’t go out. We’d rather be at home, have dinner, go to bed early.”

Sounds boringly perfect, doesn’t it?

Kerr was previously married to Orlando Bloom from 2010-13, and the pair – who remain on very good terms – share a 5-year-old son, Flynn.

As for when Flynn met her new man?

“We had to know the person for six months and feel good about them,” she said. “Evan met Flynn, so, yeah, things are going well.”

“Orlando thinks [Spiegel] is great.”

“We’re just a modern family now!”


Miranda Lambert: My New Single Is A Hit!

Miranda Lambert is moving on. 

The 32-year-old country star’s life has changed a lot in the past year. 

She and Blake Shelton divorced last July and the singer took a time out from recording music. 

Lambert moved on from Shelton with Anderson East and things seem to be moving along nicely for them. 

There’s even word that they could be moving in together. 

It’s great that she’s moved on. Right?!

Her first single since her divorce was recently released and it sure seems like she’s on to a winner. 

It quickly shot to the top of the iTunes chart, taking over Katy Perry’s new song. 

“Vice” is full of emotional lyrics. Could some of them be about her troubling time with Blake?

That’s a strong possibility. 

On the heels of her song lighting up the charts, Lambert took to Instagram to speak about her year. 

“The last year of my life has been one of heartache and healing,” the country star, 32, wrote.

“Of learning to be honest …. Accepting the flaws and celebrating the smiles. Finding peace in dark places … having some moments alone with me. Facing fears and feelings… All of them.”

“I got to know my guitars…became friends with a pencil and paper … Used melodies to lead me places I had never been…. Made music with my friends.”

“Because music is medicine. This means the world to me. Thank you for joining me on this journey.”

What do you think of her new single and the Instagram post?

Hit the comments below.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Corey and Miranda Simms: We Are NOT Getting Divorced!

Corey Simms and Leah Messer didn’t work out, as you know if you watch Teen Mom 2 online, but he and Miranda Patterson are on solid ground.

Despite rumors of a Corey and Miranda Simms divorce that were triggered by social media comments earlier this month, they’re fine. 

Seriously. Like Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer, they are one of the rare Teen Mom couples you don’t have to worry about lately.

Miranda and Corey were recently caught up in controversy after a Facebook account attributed to him referred to being a “single” dad.

Luckily, it’s not true, and Miranda Simms took to Twitter to explain.

“That most definitely is a Fake Facebook,” Miranda told her fans.

“Corey and I have a private FB for only family & close friends!”

In a second tweet days later, Miranda added, “Those rumors def aren’t true! We actually celebrated 3 years of marriage yesterday.”

Bottom line: Whatever beef they have with Leah is one thing, and we likely haven’t seen the end of that, but as a couple, they’re golden.

Almost lost in the shuffle amid Leah’s non-stop drama is the fact that Corey and Miranda became parents themselves fairly recently.

Besides the twin girls he shares with Leah Messer, the couple are the parents of a daughter Remi, who just celebrated her first birthday.

Don’t expect to see much of her on MTV going forward, though.

Insiders say Corey was not a fan of the ongoing drama surrounding Messer and her alleged drug use playing out as it did on the air.

“[Corey Simms] feels MTV did him dirty,” a friend explained.

How so? Simms believed producers “let Messer off easy.”

“He thinks they had the perfect opportunity to show [Teen Mom 2] viewers, ‘This is what happens when you get on drugs, this is reality."”

“Instead, they made it seem like Corey was constantly attacking Leah for no reason,” the source claimed, and he scaled back on filming.

“[Corey] told producers what he thought about the situation, and said that he and Miranda would not film nearly as much as in past seasons.”

As for his ex-wife, Leah Messer also slammed producers for what she felt was an unfair portrayal this season, so they have that in common.

Then again, in her case it was a little more complicated.

After all, she was taken to task repeatedly for perceived parenting fails as well as her handling of relationships with both of her ex-husbands.

It’s a turbulent world out there for those Teen Moms.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Lin-Manuel Miranda Honors Orlando Shooting Victims with Sonnet

Leave it to Lin-Manuel Miranda to find a powerful, unique way to honors those killed in the Orlando shooting early Sunday morning.

The creator and star of Hamilton, which dominated the 2016 Tony Awards last night, made a powerful statement while accepting the Tony Award for Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre category.

It was written in sonnet form and it opened by thanking his wife, before Miranda moved on to paying tribute to the 50 victims who were killed inside a gay nightclub.

“We chase the melodies that seem to find us until they’re finished songs and start to play,” Miranda said. “When senseless acts of tragedy remind us that nothing here is promised, not one day.”

He later added:

Love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.

“I hadn’t written anything going into today. I hadn’t heard about the day’s events until after our Tony rehearsal,” Miranda said backstage after the ceremony, during which Hamilton won 11 awards including best musical.

“I’d always had this time between rehearsal and tonight to think about what I’d say if I was lucky enough to be called up, and it sort of informed all of it…

"We live in this world where beautiful and horrible things exist at the same time and often on the same day. … Theater doesn’t exist without the LGBTQ community. It’s the cornerstone of our industry."

Earlier in the Tony Awards, host James Corden also honored the victims of the Orlando shooting.

“Hate will never win,” he remarked in pre-taped remarks before the event began.

Take a look at Miranda"s full sonnet below and join us in honoring those who died in this senseless act of ignorance, hate and cowardice in Orlando.

Lin manuel miranda honors orlando shooting victims with sonnet

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Corey Simms Announces Spilt From Miranda Simms on Facebook?!

The last time we checked in on Miranda Simms, she was defending herself against accusations that she had been neglectful toward Leah Messer’s daughters.

Miranda defended herself well and convincingly argued that she was fully devoted to raising Leah and Corey Simms’ kids as her own – but now it looks like she may not get that chance.

Many fans are taking a pair of cryptic Facebook posts attributed to Corey as confirmation that he and Miranda are headed for divorce.

“Starting to rethink a lot of things,” the first status update read.

Another more telling post quickly followed, reading, “Single dad. Never thought I would do this again.”

Needless to say, it’s not hard to see how fans interpreted that as Corey’s way of saying he and Miranda were kaput.

Many expressed their shock on social media and implored Corey to either confirm or deny the news.

Others pointed out how devastating the timing of such a split would be.

Corey and Miranda welcomed their first child in May, and they recently celebrated the third anniversary of their marriage.

Fortunately, Miranda has taken to Twitter to put the rumors at rest, informing fans that they’ve been the victims of a hoax:

“That most definitely is a Fake Facebook,” Miranda tweeted. “Corey and I have a private FB for only family & close friends!”

Some fans still have their doubts, but it looks like Miranda’s story checks out.

After all, this isn’t the first time that the Simms has complained about a fake Facebook account spreading rumors about them.

We guess Leah Messer will just have to put the celebration festivities on hold yet again.

Just kidding, Leah!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive the many ups and downs (mostly downs) of Hot Messer’s love life.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Leah Messer: SLAMMED By Fans For Criticizing Miranda Simms!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re probably aware that Leah Messer hasn’t been portrayed in the most flattering light this season.

On recent episodes, Leah has butted heads with Miranda Simms over what she alleged is Simms’ negligence toward her daughter Ali, who suffers from muscular dystrophy.

Specifically the ladies clashed over the accusation that Miranda refused to help Ali carry her backpack while she was walking into school.

The conflict stemmed from a recording in which Ali was heard to complain, “Miranda always gets mad at me cause my backpack is too heavy.”

Leah became emotional after viewing the footage, saying, “I can’t watch it without getting angry or wanting to cry … I don’t know what to do.”

Miranda was understandably not happy with being portrayed as the bad guy, as she claims she was unable to assist Ali due to the fact that she was carrying her infant son, Remington.

It doesn’t take much to turn fans against Leah, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that social media seems to be overwhelmingly Team Miranda.

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Miranda made a strong case for why Leah should trust her a bit more with regard to her children.

Leah reluctantly agreed, and she even agreed to attend co-parenting sessions with Miranda and Corey.

Even so, many fans on Twitter believe Leah as in the wrong and should be begging Miranda for an apology:

“U never had ur hands full when you had ur 3rd child & couldn’t help a child with a book bag?” tweeted one viewer.

“Maybe you should invest in a rolling backpack for your daughter @TM2LeahDawn that way she doesn’t have to carry a heavy bag,” wrote another.

Leah didn’t respond directly, but she did post a meme reading:

“Should you ever find yourself the victim of other people’s bitterness, smallness, or insecurities, remember things could be worse … you could be them.”

Sigh. She tries, but things will never be easy for Leah on Twitter … or in life, for that matter.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Corey & Miranda Simms: Neglecting Leah Messer"s Daughters?!

Thanks to last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer is once again at the center of a parenting controversy.

This time, however, she’s not the one who’s getting slammed by critical fans on social media.

Viewers took to Twitter in droves to express their displeasure over a scene in which Leah’s daughter Ali, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, complained that her stepmother, Miranda, Patterson refused to help her carry her backpack into school.

“Miranda always gets mad at me ’cause my backpack’s too heavy,” Ali said in a heartbreaking video.

“I give her my backpack when it’s too heavy outside. When we’re going inside. And she says, ‘Ali, I have to hold a baby."”

Naturally, Leah lost it when she saw the footage, and she proceeded to go off on Simms’ second wife, even going so far as to call Miranda a “lazy bitch.”

Miranda texted Leah shortly after the incident, explaining that she treats Messer’s twin daughters with the same loving care that she gives her own children.

Judging from the reaction on Twitter, however, many still believe that Miranda is guilty of failing to properly attend to a disabled child’s needs.

Perhaps it’s for that reason that Miranda and Corey made made their case in a recent interview with MTV News:

“I always try to carry Ali’s backpack for her,” Simms explained. “I would never try to do any harm to the children or create any kind of task that I know Ali cannot do.”

“I’m not saying how she felt was wrong – her feelings are important. I just hope that we can move on, and I hope that the girls feel comfortable no matter where they are at one time.”

Corey chimed in to stick up for his wife, saying:

“Miranda is aware of what Ali is capable of and what she’s not capable of doing. If Miranda would have felt that the backpack was too heavy, she would not have made her carry the backpack.

As for Messer girls’ claims that they’re being neglected in favor of Miranda and Corey’s son, Remi, Miranda says that’s just kids being kids:

“After Remi was born, I’ve never seen any type of jealousy that the girls had towards Remi or any kind of feeling that they felt left out,” Miranda explained.

“Yes, it would be a big change for two six-year-olds to have a new baby in their lives when they’re used to just being the kids in the house.”

Makes sense to us – but we doubt that’s the end of the drama over this particular issue.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive some of Leah’s best battles with her exes’ new boos.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Miranda Simms Calls Leah Messer Out: I"m So Good To Your Girls!

Leah Messer"s cousin recorded an interaction between one of her twin daughters and their stepmom, Miranda Simms.

Naturally, it disturbed the Teen Mom 2 star.

In the recording Ali, 6, complained that “Miranda always gets mad at me cause my backpack is too heavy."

Ali was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, which leads to weakness and muscle mass.

“I give her my backpack when it’s too heavy" Ali continued.  "She [Miranda] says, ‘Ali, I have to hold the baby."”

Miranda and Leah"s ex-husband have a daughter, Remington, whom they welcomed back in November.

Leah was furious after watching the video.

“I can’t watch it without getting angry or wanting to cry… I don’t know what to do,” she told her sister, Victoria.

"There’s nothing wrong with you going down there and saying, ‘I’m tired of my kids hurting,"" Leah told Victoria

"Ali has a condition, she can’t help it that she can’t carry the damn backpack. So the lazy b***h needs to pick the backpack up and carry it for her period.

"There is no reason that kid should feel that way.”

Leah told her sister that Ali says she"s "upset" and "hurt" by the way Miranda treats her.

“What do I do?” she asked helplessly.

“I want to save them. I want to make them feel better, I want to rescue them and I can’t. There’s nothing I can do and they’re my kids.” It is Corey’s fault just as much as it is Miranda’s,” she added.

“I would have never, ever thought he would allow this to ever happen to our kids.”

In the video below, Leah deals with Miranda"s reaction after she told Corey about the video.

Miranda was upset that she was portrayed in such a poor light, and texted Leah that she didn"t appreciate what happened.

Watch the video, and let us know if you agree with Leah or not.

Miranda simms gets defensive after