Showing posts with label Misconduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misconduct. Show all posts

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Andrew Kreisberg, Major TV Producer, Suspended for Sexual Misconduct

Andrew Kreisberg is the latest big name to be accused of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Warner Bros. TV has suspended the executive producer due to an investigation into numerous allegations of sexual harassment and offensive physical contact.

This is what the production company said in a statement related to the suspension and troubling accusations:

“We have recently been made aware of allegations of misconduct against Andrew Kreisberg.

“We have suspended Mr. Kreisberg and are conducting an internal investigation.

“We take all allegations of misconduct extremely seriously, and are committed to creating a safe working environment for our employees and everyone involved in our productions.”

Kreisberg is a producer on Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

Variety broke this piece of news and said it has spoken to 15 women and four men who all claims Kreisberg harassed them in various ways.

To be specific, the publication cites a “pattern of alleged sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact over a period of years.”


It goes on to say that Kreisberg “strongly denies” these allegations.

None of the men or women behind the story wanted to reveal their names out of fear of retaliation.

“We were recently made aware of some deeply troubling allegations regarding one of our showrunners,” said Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter, who head Berlanti Productions which oversee Kreisberg’s shows.

They add in their statement:

“We have been encouraging and fully cooperating with the investigation into this by Warner Bros.

“There is nothing more important to us than the safety and well-being of our cast, crew, writers, producers and any staff.

“We do not tolerate harassment and are committed to doing everything we can to make an environment that’s safe to work in and safe to speak up about if it isn’t.”

Kreisberg is accused of often touching individuals without their permission.

The alleged victims say he would ask for massages from female staff members… and kiss women without asking. 

Nearly each of the sources also mention sexualized/inappropriate comments about women’s appearances, their clothes, and their perceived desirability.

The producer denies making any sort of advances or unwanted touches, but does acknowledge the following to Variety:

“I have made comments on women’s appearances and clothes in my capacity as an executive producer, but they were not sexualized.

“Like many people, I have given someone a non-sexual hug or kiss on the cheek.”

Kreisberg stands

In response to the charges that he “scares people” and makes the “workplace feel unsafe,” Kriesberg replies:

“I have proudly mentored both male and female colleagues for many years. But never in what I believe to be an unwanted way and certainly never in a sexual way.”

We’ll have more on this story as it develops.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Kevin Spacey to Seek Vague "Treatment" in Light of Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Kevin Spacey has allegedly admitted he needs help.

It’s just unclear what kind of help.

In the wake of multiple accusations of sexual harassment and/or misconduct against him, the two-time Oscar winner has agreed to talk to a professional…

… about something.

“Kevin Spacey is taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment,” a representative for the actor said in a statement on Wednesday night, mysteriously adding:

“No other information will be available at this time.”

Just a few days ago, Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of trying to force himself on Rapp sexually back in 1986 when Rapp was only 14 years old.

The actor – who currently stars on Star Trek: Discovery – said he finally came out with this admission because he was inspired by other victims of sexual assault.

Over the past few weeks, an endless array of men and women have been speaking up in light of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

“I came forward with my story, standing on the shoulders of the many courageous women and men who have been speaking out, to shine a light and hopefully make a difference, as they have done for me,” Rapp explained to People Magazine.

After this scandalous story went viral, Spacey didn’t deny Rapp’s charges.

He issued a lengthy statement that served as both a mea culpa and a coming out; Spacey said he’s gay in the statement.

“I have a lot of respect and admiration for Anthony Rapp as an actor,” Spacey wrote, expounding as follows:

“I am beyond horrified to hear his story. I honestly do not remember the encounter as it would have been over 30 years ago.

“But if I did behave then as he describes I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior and I am sorry for the feelings he described having carried with him all these years.”

Inviting more controversy and scorn, he then added:

“This story has encouraged me to address other things in my life…

“I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man.”

As you can see above, Spacey has been harshly criticized for adding this second part about his personal life.

Most people have interpreted it as Spacey’s attempt to distract from the allegations against him, while they’ve simultaneously wondered:

So what? What does being gay have to do with any of this right now?

On a professional level, the actor also learned that he will not receive the International Emmy Award in light of the sexual misconduct allegations.

Moreover, Netflix at first announced House of Cards will end after six seasons.

And then announced production has been suspended.

Meanwhile, actor Roberto Cavazos came forward on Tuesday and brought up his own alleged experience fending off Spacey, claiming the Nstar’s inappropriate behavior toward younger actors was “common” practice during his 12-year-run as artistic director at The Old Vic Theatre.

So now Spacey is seeking “treatment.” What kind of treatment?

No one knows.

This seems like another attempt to distract and deflect by Spacey.

After all, what sort of treatment is there for simply being a pompous creep?


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Jeremy Piven "Unequivocally" Denies Sexual Misconduct Claim

Jeremy Piven has issued a statement in response to sexual harassment allegations leveled at him by former reality star Ariane Bellamar.

Earlier today, we reported on a number of disturbing Tweets posted by Bellamar, who guest-starred many years ago on an episode of Entourage.

Piven, of course, is best known for having portrayed super agent Ari Gold throughout the duration of that long-running comedy.

In her barrage of social media messages, Bellamar tagged Piven and reminded him of two alleged times in which he groped her private body parts.

“Hey @jeremypiven! ‘Member when you cornered me in your trailer on the #Entourage set? ‘Member grabbing my boobies on the without asking??” she wrote, later adding a pair of texts that read:

Member when I tried to leave; you grabbed me by the ass, looked at yourself in the mirror, & said what a ‘beautiful couple’ we made?

Jeremy Piven, on two occasions, cornered me & forcefully fondled my breasts & bum. Once at the mansion & once on set.

Bellamar – who appeared as herself on installments of Beverly Hills Nannies and The Millionaire Matchmaker and who has had bit parts in various movies – also referenced “explicit” texts she supposedly received from Piven.

In response to these allegations, the Emmy-winning actor has now said the following:

“I unequivocally deny the appalling allegations being peddled about me. It did not happen.”

Recognizing in general how difficult it is for victims of sexual harassment and assault to come forward, Piven concluded:

“It takes a great deal of courage for victims to come forward with their histories, and my hope is that the allegations about me that didn’t happen, do not detract from stories that should be heard.”

Piven was in New York City on Tuesday to promote his awful CBS drama, Wisdom of the Crowd.

In a statement of its own, the network says it is “aware of the media reports and [is] looking into the matter.”

Over the past few weeks, the topic of sexual harassment in Hollywood has been especially prominent after countless women accused producer Harvey Weinstein of misconduct or even flat out rape.

The courage of the alleged victims who have called Weinstein out for his abhorrent behavior has inspired others to do the same.

Actor Anthony Rapp, for instance, says that Kevin Spacey attempted to sexually assault him at a party back in 1986, a charge Spacey did not deny.

Andy Dick, meanwhile, has been dropped from the independent feature film Raising Buchanan following accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct on set.

“I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them,” Dick said as a defense of his actions, adding:

“That’s my thing.”

Yeah. Maybe it shouldn’t be.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Mark Halperin Placed on Leave by MSNBC Amidst Sexual Misconduct Claims

Mark Halperin, a veteran political journalist who has been accused by five women of sexual harassment, has been placed on leave by MSNBC.

The network made the announcement about 12 hours after these damaging allegations were made against Halperin, saying via statement:

“Mark Halperin is leaving his role as a contributor until the questions around his past conduct are fully understood.”

On Wednesday night, shortly after news of these charges went viral, Halperin confirmed in his own statement that he had not always acted appropriately with women in the past.

“During this period, I did pursue relationships with women that I worked with, including some junior to me,” he said in a statement to CNN, adding:

“I now understand from these accounts that my behavior was inappropriate and caused others pain.

“For that, I am deeply sorry and I apologize.

“Under the circumstances, I’m going to take a step back from my day-to-day work while I properly deal with this situation.”

The allegations against Halperin stem from his tenure as political director at ABC News.

While the reporter was vague about what he was owning up to, his accusers claims his propositioned them for sex… touched their breasts… and/or pressed his genitals up against them while clothed.

Halperin is maybe best known for co-authoring the bestselling book “Game Change,” which was made into an HBO movie starring Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin.

He has also anchored a program on Bloomberg TV and was prominently featured in Showtime’s “The Circus,” a series that chronicled the 2016 campaign cycle and the early days of the Donald Trump presidency.

Said ABC News in response to this story:

“Mark left ABC News over a decade ago, and no complaints were filed during his tenure.

These allegations come on the heels of more disturbing information also coming to light regarding Bill O’Reilly and the massive amount of money he paid to alleged sexual harassment victims in exchange for their silence.

According to a new New York Times article, O’Reilly shelled out $ 32 million in a settlement to one accuser alone.

Then, of course, there’s the case of Harvey Weinstein.

The long-time movie producer has now been accused by 54 women of having harassed or assaulted them.

The Times has reported on eight settlements he reached with his accusers, while various actresses and women who have worked in Hollywood have been coming forward with harrowing tales of interactions with Weinstein.

As a contributor to MSNBC, meanwhile, Halperin made regular appearances on Morning Joe and other news programs.

We doubt we see him back on that network again.


Monday, October 23, 2017

James Toback: 38 Women Accuse Director of Sexual Misconduct

James Toback, an Academy Award-nominated director/writer, has been accused of sexual harassment by 38 different women.

According to The Los Angeles Times, Toback would approach his alleged victims in all sorts of different settings, typically offering up his resume early on in order to impress them.

“In a hotel room, a movie trailer, a public park, meetings framed as interviews or auditions quickly turned sexual,” writes the publication.

It went on to detail how Toback would brag about his Oscar nomination (for the Warren Beatty film Bugsy) and how he claimed to have “invented” Robert Downey Jr. by directing him in a trio of films.

These disturbing allegations come on the heels of producer Harvey Weinstein also being accused of sexual harassment, misconduct and assault.

Referring to Toback, The Los Angeles Times writes:

“He prowled the streets of Manhattan looking for attractive young women, usually in their early 20s, sometimes college students, on occasion a high schooler.

“He approached them in Central Park, standing in line at a bank or drug store or at a copy center while they worked on their resumes.”

Most of the woman who spoke to the newspaper went on the record with their encounters.

Take actress Adrienne LaValley, for example, who outlined a 2008 encounter in a hotel room:

“The way he presented it, it was like, ‘This is how things are done.”

She said Toback tried to rub his crotch against her leg and when she recoiled, he simply masturbated inside his pants.

“I felt like a prostitute, an utter disappointment to myself, my parents, my friends. And I deserved not to tell anyone,” she says now.

Adds Lousie Post, guitarist and singer for Veruca Salt:

“He told me he’d love nothing more than to masturbate while looking into my eyes.”

Altogether, the newspaper spoke to 38 women who leveled similar accusations against Toback; 31 of whom were willing to use their names.

In their retelling, the women said Toback boasted of sexual conquests with celebrities and then asked embarrassing personal questions of them, such as:

How often do you masturbate? How much pubic hair do you have?

He’d tell the woman that he couldn’t get a full erection unless he “jerked off” several times a day.

As described above, he would often then he’d dry-hump them or masturbate right in front of them, ejaculating into his pants or on to their bodies and then walk away.

Contacted by The Los Angeles Times for comment, Toback denied these allegations, saying that he had never met any of these women – or, if he did, it “was for five minutes and have no recollection.”

The director also alleged that it has been “biologically impossible” for him to engage the sort of behavior described here because he had diabetes and a heart condition that required medication.

Toback declined to include more details.

As for Weinstein, over 40 women have come forward against him with stories of inappropriate behavior, ranging from sexual harassment to rape.

Through a spokeswoman, Weinstein has “unequivocally denied” all allegations of rape.

But he’s admitted to other instances of crossing the line and said he will seek professional assistance.


Monday, June 12, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" "Misconduct" Investigation Involves Alleged Sexual Assault

“Bachelor in Paradise” was shut down because a field producer filed a complaint that Corinne Olympios seemed so drunk the first day of filming she had no ability to consent to DeMario Jackson’s sexual moves in a swimming pool, and producers…


Sunday, June 11, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Production Suspended After Allegations of Misconduct

Production for ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ has been suspended after allegations of misconduct were reported … which puts a halt to filming for the upcoming season indefinitely. Warner Bros. execs for the show said Sunday that they had been alerted to…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Casey Affleck Breaks Silence, Addresses Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Casey Affleck has finally spoken out about the sexual harassment charges that have plagued him for months.

For years, really, but these allegations have especially come to the forefront for the actor ever since the release (and subsequent critical acclaim) of his latest film, Manchester by the Sea.

Affleck, of course, was awarded with the Best Actor trophy for his role in this drama on Sunday night at the Oscars.

About seven years ago, however, two women who worked with Affleck on the movie I’m Still Here filed separate lawsuits, both of which accused him of “uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace.”

Affleck denied the allegations and both cases were settled out of court.

In a statement made at the time, a spokesperson for the star said the dispute had “been resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties and the lawsuits are being dismissed.”

But questions have remained.

Many folks have been uncomfortable with the recognition (in the form of positive press and many awards) Affleck has received in the wake of his Manchester by the Sea performance.

Brie Larson, for example, presented Affleck with the Academy Award this week… 

… and then stood around on stage, refusing to clap for him.

Affleck has remained entirely silent on this controversial topic ever since the allegations returned to the spotlight last year.

But he finally addressed them in a post-Oscars interview with The Boston Globe.

This is what he said:

I believe that any kind of mistreatment of anyone for any reason is unacceptable and abhorrent, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect in the workplace and anywhere else.

There’s really nothing I can do about it.

Other than live my life the way I know I live it and to speak to what my own values are and how I try to live by them all the time.

The only other time Affleck addressed these charges was in a chat with The New York Times several months ago.

He made the same sort of general, mostly meaningless statement in early November, too.

“It was settled to the satisfaction of all,” he told the paper, adding:

“I was hurt and upset – I am sure all were – but I am over it. It was an unfortunate situation – mostly for the innocent bystanders of the families of those involved.”

Affleck has said that the terms of his settlement with the alleged victims prohibit him from speaking in detail about the lawsuits.

Which is fair.

But he might as well have saved himself a few words and simply released a shrug emoji as his statement in these cases.

That would have said just as much, really.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Nate Parker -- Penn State Investigates Second Sexual Misconduct Allegation

“Birth of a Nation” director Nate Parker is at the center of another sexual misconduct allegation … one for which he faces no punishment, but this time Penn State is on the hot seat. A female student trainer claims in 2000, while Nate was on the…


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Jessica Drake, Adult Film Star, Accuses Donald Trump of Sexual Misconduct

Another woman has come out and accused Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual behavior.

This one is a bit more notable than past accusers, however, because she is an adult movie star.

Her name is Jessica Drake and she is the 11th person to make such allegations against the Republican nominee for President.

Flanked by civil rights attorney Gloria Allred on Saturday afternoon, Drake spoke publicly about her claims against the Republican presidential candidate, telling reporters the following:

“Ten years ago, I was working for Wicked Pictures, an adult film company, at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe.

“I was at Wicked’s booth when I met Donald Trump in the celebrity gift room early in the morning before he teed off. He flirted with me and invited me to walk along the golf course with him, which I did.

“During that time, he asked me for my phone number, which I gave to him. Later that evening, he invited me to his room.

I said I didn’t feel right going alone, so two other women came with me.”

Here is a photo of Jessica Drake, one of the few we can show uncensored on this website:

Continued Drake:

“In the penthouse suite, I met Donald again

“When we entered the room, he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each one of us without asking permission. He was wearing pajamas. A bodyguard was also present.

“He asked me about details on my job as an adult film star – about shooting porn, and he also asked us about our personal relationships and whether we were married or single. We answered his questions. It felt like an interview.

“About 30 or 45 minutes later, we left his room.

Drake went on to allege that she returned to her bedroom… when she received a call from a man asking for her on Trump’s behalf.

“He said Donald wanted me to come back upstairs to Donald’s suite,” she claims. “I indicated I did not wish to return. Then Donald called. He asked me to return to his suite and have dinner with him.

“He also invited me to a party; I declined. Donald then asked me, ‘What do you want? How much?’ I told him that I couldn’t because I had to return to L.A. for work.

“I said that as an excuse because I didn’t want him to continue asking me, and I didn’t want to be with him. After that, I received another call from either Donald, or a male calling on his behalf, offering me $ 10,000.

“I declined again and once more gave, as an excuse, that I had to return to Los Angeles for work. I was then told Mr. Trump would allow me to use his private jet only if I accepted his private invitation”

Concluded Drake:

“I did relay my experiences immediately afterwards to some friends. Out of respect to the other parties involved and their families, I will not share their names, I am choosing to share my personal exchange in light of the recently released tapes in order to lend my voice, my strength and my support to the other women who are coming forward.

“Collectively, his words and his actions are a huge testament to his character, that of uncontrollable entitlement, misogyny and a sexual assault apologist. This is not acceptable behavior for anyone, much less a presidential candidate. I realize that in the situation I may be but a tiny grain of sand, but clearly this is an enormous speech

“I am not looking for monetary compensation. I do not need additional fame or the type of attention that this is sure to bring.

“I understand that I may be called a liar or an opportunist, but I will risk that in order to stand in solidarity with women who share similar accounts that span many, many years.”

We obviously cannot verify Drake’s claim here.

But this is a picture of her and Trump at an event in Lake Tahoe in 2006:

Drake’s harsh claim comes just two days after yoga instructor Karena Virginia said Trump involuntarily grabbed her right arm and touched the inside of her breast during a 1998 encounter at the U.S. Open.

On the campaign trail today in Pennsylvania, Trump told his supporters:

“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over.”

Why wait until then?

The Donald did not say.

Does he have your vote for President?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Jessica Drake, Adult Film Star, Accuses Donald Trump of Sexual Misconduct

Another woman has come out and accused Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual behavior.

This one is a bit more notable than past accusers, however, because she is an adult movie star.

Her name is Jessica Drake and she is the 11th person to make such allegations against the Republican nominee for President.

Flanked by civil rights attorney Gloria Allred on Saturday afternoon, Drake spoke publicly about her claims against the Republican presidential candidate, telling reporters the following:

“Ten years ago, I was working for Wicked Pictures, an adult film company, at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe.

“I was at Wicked’s booth when I met Donald Trump in the celebrity gift room early in the morning before he teed off. He flirted with me and invited me to walk along the golf course with him, which I did.

“During that time, he asked me for my phone number, which I gave to him. Later that evening, he invited me to his room.

I said I didn’t feel right going alone, so two other women came with me.”

Here is a photo of Jessica Drake, one of the few we can show uncensored on this website:

Continued Drake:

“In the penthouse suite, I met Donald again

“When we entered the room, he grabbed each of us tightly in a hug and kissed each one of us without asking permission. He was wearing pajamas. A bodyguard was also present.

“He asked me about details on my job as an adult film star – about shooting porn, and he also asked us about our personal relationships and whether we were married or single. We answered his questions. It felt like an interview.

“About 30 or 45 minutes later, we left his room.

Drake went on to allege that she returned to her bedroom… when she received a call from a man asking for her on Trump’s behalf.

“He said Donald wanted me to come back upstairs to Donald’s suite,” she claims. “I indicated I did not wish to return. Then Donald called. He asked me to return to his suite and have dinner with him.

“He also invited me to a party; I declined. Donald then asked me, ‘What do you want? How much?’ I told him that I couldn’t because I had to return to L.A. for work.

“I said that as an excuse because I didn’t want him to continue asking me, and I didn’t want to be with him. After that, I received another call from either Donald, or a male calling on his behalf, offering me $ 10,000.

“I declined again and once more gave, as an excuse, that I had to return to Los Angeles for work. I was then told Mr. Trump would allow me to use his private jet only if I accepted his private invitation”

Concluded Drake:

“I did relay my experiences immediately afterwards to some friends. Out of respect to the other parties involved and their families, I will not share their names, I am choosing to share my personal exchange in light of the recently released tapes in order to lend my voice, my strength and my support to the other women who are coming forward.

“Collectively, his words and his actions are a huge testament to his character, that of uncontrollable entitlement, misogyny and a sexual assault apologist. This is not acceptable behavior for anyone, much less a presidential candidate. I realize that in the situation I may be but a tiny grain of sand, but clearly this is an enormous speech

“I am not looking for monetary compensation. I do not need additional fame or the type of attention that this is sure to bring.

“I understand that I may be called a liar or an opportunist, but I will risk that in order to stand in solidarity with women who share similar accounts that span many, many years.”

We obviously cannot verify Drake’s claim here.

But this is a picture of her and Trump at an event in Lake Tahoe in 2006:

Drake’s harsh claim comes just two days after yoga instructor Karena Virginia said Trump involuntarily grabbed her right arm and touched the inside of her breast during a 1998 encounter at the U.S. Open.

On the campaign trail today in Pennsylvania, Trump told his supporters:

“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over.”

Why wait until then?

The Donald did not say.

Does he have your vote for President?

And the Winner is?

Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll »


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gymnastics Coach Accused Of Child Sexual Misconduct Found Dead In Jail Cell From Apparent Suicide

Marvin Sharp, an award-winning gymnastics coach in Indianapolis, Indiana who was accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, was found dead Saturday night in his jail cell by authorities.

According to law enforcement, prison workers discovered Sharp’s body at roughly 8:15 pm Saturday night, and suicide is suspected, though officials wouldn’t share more.

Related: Ben Carson Says No Muslim Should Ever Be President

Katie Carlson, spokeswoman for the Marion County Sherriff’s Office, said:

“A follow up investigation is being conducted by the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and the Marion County coroner’s office.”

Sharp, who was the USA Gymnastics Coach of the Year in 2010, had been under investigation in his side business — as a photographer — over complaints of some of the photo shoots he had done with kids.

That probe eventually led to his arrest back in August when accusations came to light that he had fondled a 14-year-old gymnastics student, after which local and federal investigators raided Sharp’s home and found thousands of images of child pornography.

[Image via Marion County Prosecutor’s Office.]