Showing posts with label North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Donald Trump Makes it Clear, He"s Threatening to Nuke North Korea

Donald Trump just warned North Korea … he’s not only renovating the White House air conditioning system, he’s doing the same to our nuclear arsenal. Trump’s latest tweet — “My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kim Kardashian Responds to Outrage Over Putting North in a Corset!

Kim Kardashian was spotted with her adorable daughter North West in New York. This is the same New York trip that saw Kim Kardashian shutting down rumors that she uses cocaine, so it"s already been pretty eventful.

The thing is that when people spotted North, she appeared to be wearing a tan corset over her mango colored dress. North West is four years old, which is absolutely too young to wear a corset. By, like, a decade.

Kim made a video specifically to address the controversy and, as with the "cocaine incident," is clearly hoping to explain it away. You can watch the video below:

North west turns 4 with kim kardashian

Understandably, when people spotted what appeared to be a four-year-old girl wearing a corset, they flipped out a little.

Mommy-shamers live for that kind of thing, but this is one of those times where people who normally don"t care how people"s kids dress piled on, because that seems super unhealthy.

Corsets, if you"ll remember, squeeze the torso to give the wearer a more pronounced hourglass figure.

When applicable, they also give a boost to boobs while providing some support.

They can go under or over clothing and come in plenty of different styles.

Hell, sometimes teenagers make them out of duct tape (with no adhesive sides touching skin!).

But none of the many versions should be worn by a four-year-old.

And the response was so vocal that Kim Kardashian certainly caught wind of it.

North west corset 1

In response, one might say that Kim Kardashian is dropping hints that she didn"t actually put North in a corset.

By explicitly stating that she didn"t put North in a corset.

Thus, the video that she tweeted out.

And, just in case people didn"t watch the video …

(Where she shows off the garment and goes into detail)

… Kim included text in the tweet in the hopes of shutting down the mommy-shamers.

"I would never put my daughter in a corset!"

Don"t worry — she explains.

Sort of.

"It"s a dress I bought that is a cotton fabric that laces up & looks like a corset!"

You"ll see in the video.

(Though, really, even when North was spotted in New York, the "corset" didn"t look tight)

Kim also offers an explanation for what it was doing on the garment.

"Just decoration."

North west corset 2

She also speaks during the video while she manipulates the garment with her hand so that people can understand how it works more clearly.

"And, The Daily Mail, this one"s for you."

That"s a polite version of calling them out.

"This dress, that I did not design, and I actually bought … is not a corset."

Nice to know that Kim doesn"t just steal from designers — as some of her siblings have been accused of doing.

"It"s just fabric on the front that looks like a [corset]."

It"s an odd choice, but clearly, Kim likes it.

"So, I think it"s really cute."

Then she tells us something that she"s already told us.

"I bought it from a designer."

And she closes the video with a bit of reassurance.

"And it"s just fabric, people. It"s not a real corset."

North west corset 3

It"s an odd choice, but Kim"s right — it does look kind of cute.

Especially if somebody has a daughter who wants to wear more grownup clothes but absolutely should not wear a corset.

It"s not like this was, like, a faux thong sticking up from the back of North"s pants or anything like that.

Corsets used to be commonplace and they aren"t inherently sexual.

If North West had been wearing one, it might have been unsafe.

But a fake one?

That"s mostly fine.

But we"re glad that Kim took the time to explain it with this video:

Kim kardashian responds to outrage over putting north in a corse

Friday, July 7, 2017

Vladimir Putin & Angela Merkel Talk North Korea Missiles

Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel had a close encounter at the G20 summit — and their hands said a lot … possibly about North Korea’s latest missile launch. The Chancellor and the President came face-to-face during a G20 event … and Merkel made…


Vladimir Putin & Angela Merkel Talk North Korea Missiles

Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel had a close encounter at the G20 summit — and their hands said a lot … possibly about North Korea’s latest missile launch. The Chancellor and the President came face-to-face during a G20 event … and Merkel made…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Jordan Belfort says North Koreans Should Assassinate Kim Jong-un

The real-life Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort predicts North Korea’s dictator could be killed in a matter of months … by his own people, with a little prodding. Jordan – who spent 22 months in prison for fraud and money laundering…


Saturday, June 24, 2017

John Salley Says Axing Rodman From Hall Of Fame Over North Korea Ties Is Crazy

John Salley 100% has the back of his old Bad Boys teammate Dennis Rodman … saying the human rights organization calling for revoking The Worm’s Hall Of Fame status is full of B.S. As we previously reported … The Victims of Communism Memorial…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Otto Warmbier Dies; U.S. Student, Former North Korean Prisoner Was 22

Otto Warmbier, a young American who was famously sentenced to hard labor in North Korea more than a year and a half ago, has died.

He had only just returned to the US, having been in a coma for over a year.

His loved ones mourn him, and his family has issued a public statement:

18 months ago, Otto Warmbier was on vacation in North Korea (by way of a trip to China) when he was accused of attempting to steal a propaganda poster from a restricted area of his hotel.

The “evidence” was sketchy at best.

After issuing a dubious confession, he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

He had, you see, by allegedly messing with a poster, committed a “crime against the state.”

The sentence itself, and possibly the initial accusation that led up to it, was a political reprisal for American sanctions against North Korea for their nuclear program.

After spending the majority of that sentence in a coma, it was clear when Otto’s still-medically-considered-alive body returned home days ago that recovery might be impossible.

Today, that became a tragic certainty.

His parents, Fred and Cindy Warmbier, have issued this statement:

“It is our sad duty to report that our son, Otto Warmbier, has completed his journey home.  Surrounded by his loving family, Otto died today at 2:20pm.”

Every parent’s nightmare, right?

“t would be easy at a moment like this to focus on all that we lost — future time that won’t be spent with a warm, engaging, brilliant young man whose curiosity and enthusiasm for life knew no bounds.”


“But we choose to focus on the time we were given to be with this remarkable person.”

They thank the doctors who worked to try to restore Otto to his former self.

“We would like to thank the wonderful professionals at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center who did everything they could for Otto.

And there’s no question of where the blame lies, in their minds or basically in anyone else’s:

“Unfortunately, the awful torturous mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North Koreans ensured that no other outcome was possible beyond the sad one we experienced today”

They even describe Otto’s final days.

Brace yourselves.

“When Otto returned to Cincinnati late on June 13th he was unable to speak, unable to see and unable to react to verbal commands.”


“He looked very uncomfortable — almost anguished.  Although we would never hear his voice again, within a day the countenance of his face changed — he was at peace.”

That might be their interpretation, but even someone with massive brain injuries might perceive things on some level about the world around them.

“He was home and we believe he could sense that.”

The Warmbiers have described North Korea as a “pariah,” and they’re right.

The rogue state is a dystopian hellhole — the kind where so much Young Adult fiction is set.

And the world does nothing, for a long list of complicated reasons.

How agonizing it must be for the people impacted by it, both North Korean citizens themselves who are powerless against an oppressive regime, and for those outsiders caught up in it all.

We’re glad that Otto had some peace at the end.

And though they’ll be tormented for years, wondering what horrors befell their son to put him in such a condition, we hope that his family finds peace soon.


Kim Kardashian"s New Puppies for North and Penelope Look Like Micro Pomeranians, BUT ...

Kim Kardashian seemed to go all micro when she bought 2 Pomeranians for her daughter and niece, but turns out she took a much safer route. Kim posted this pup pic, showing off the pooches she got North and Penelope. Micro Poms — which…


Friday, June 16, 2017

North West Turns 4: The Kardashian Clan Celebrates with Cute Pics!

Though rumors continue to swirl about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s marriage troubles, it looks like they weren’t going to let that ruin their daughter’s special day.

Because North West turned 4 on Thursday, and her family shared photos from their celebratory get-together.

And North is just too cute.

This was her fourth birthday, and we don’t know if Thursday’s celebration was her full party or just a little gathering to mark the day.

Remember that, in the past, North’s birthday parties have actually been massive extravaganzas.

When she turned 3, North West had a mermaid birthday party with cousin Penelope Disick.

So maybe Thursday was the real deal and an opportunity to celebrate with family — a very different affair from having a bunch of little friends visit.

Or maybe they just decided to split things up — and will have a party when everybody can make it.

Sometimes it’s best to have two gatherings, so that you can celebrate with family and friends without it being awkward or having to hop between two totally different group like a sitcom character who’s double-booked his date night.

We’d hate to think that her family’s getting fatigued by the larger events already.

After all, how many people remember their birthdays when they’re little versus when they get a little bit older?

Like, I remember a little bit about my second birthday, and a lot more about my fourth — and then remember every party vividly starting when I turned 5.

It would be a shame for North West, who can have any part she imagines, to miss out on making memories at the large ones, you know?

By the way, while she’s certainly growing up fast, you just have to see her in a room filled with birthday balloons to be reminded that she’s still tiny.

Kourtney’s having family problems, but that didn’t stop her from sharing that cute photo of North on Snapchat.

And she’s so small that we didn’t even notice that she was in the picture at first.

Of course, no matter how old she gets, North probably won’t ever be especially tall.

Because almost her whole family is short.

Like, of the Kardashian girls, Khloe and Kendall are the “tall” ones … at 5-foot-10.

That’s … not tall.

Anybody under 6 feet is short — sorry, I don’t make the rules.

(Disclaimer: I’m not sorry and I do make the rules)

North’s parents are Kim, at 5-foot-3, and Kanye, at 5-foot-8.

They are so little.

And we fully expect North to follow in their tiny, tiny footsteps.

We guess that we’ll find out over the weekend — or perhaps even later — if North is in for another extravagant carnival of pre-kindergarten delights.

Like, four is for sure old enough to be making friends, so we’re sure that she’ll want to celebrate with them.

But regardless, we know that her parents absolutely adore her.

You don’t have to show your love with huge parties, even if you’re rich.

… But it’s still nice.


Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Celebrate North West"s 4th Birthday

Looks like North West is down with Mom’s new low-key approach to life, ‘cause she got turnt for her 4th birthday party at a Ruby’s Diner. Yes, Kim and Kanye threw a family-only shindig Thursday evening in Calabasas. Grandma…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Kim Kardashian Shares Sweet Video of North West

Say what you want about Kim Kardashian.

Really, go right ahead.

Say she"s desperate for attention. Say she lacks any kind of talent. Say she owes all her fortune and fame to Ray J"s penis and Kris Jenner"s managerial choices.

But there"s one thing you can"t say:

You can"t say she doesn"t have an adorable child.

You can"t even say that Kim isn"t a dedicated and loving mother, as she"s given every indication over the years that daughter North West and son Saint West mean the world to her.

This is why we"re calling for a moratorium on all Kim bashing, at least for today. Because today is a special day.

It"s North West"s fourth birthday!

In honor of the occasion, her famous mother has shared the video below.

It features a number of memorable North West Snapchat moments… and it"s totally and completely adorable!

"Happy birthday to my mini me! I can’t believe you are 4 already. I love you so much, Northie!" wrote Kim as a caption to the video.

To see the entire video, of course, one has to sign up for Kim"s app. So, yes, she"s sort of using her daughter"s birthday as a way to earn more followers and more money.

But this isn"t a time for Kardashian bashing, we said!

It"s time for you to get a free look at the video Kim shared as a tribute to her infant child. Check it out now!

Kim kardashian shares sweet video of north west

North West Turns 4: A Fun Photo Montage!

Kim Kardashian likes to play dress up.

With her daughter, that is!

Check out these pictures of times she has dressed up North West. Which is your favorite outfit?

1. North West as a Monkey

North west as a monkey

AWWW! North West is a monkey! Kim Kardashian posted this photo to Instagram in March of 2015.

2. North West in a Tutu

North west in a tutu

North West is a tiny dancer! Look at this adorable photo of Kimye’s spawn.

3. North West in Sunglasses

North west in sunglasses

North West rocks some killer shades in this cute Instagram photo. It was posted online by Khloe Kardashian.

4. North West as an Angel

North west as an angel

North West wears angel wings in this Instagram photo. It was posted by Kendall Jenner.

5. North West Halloween Costume

North west halloween costume

North West is dressed as a skunk for Halloween. Safe to say this is an unusual selection for the tyke.

6. Kardashian Halloween Costumes

Kardashian halloween costumes

HA! Kim Kardashian is all dressed up as fashion guru Anna Wintour, while daughter North West is another fashion expert for Halloween: Andre Leon Talley.

View Slideshow

Dennis Rodman Gives Trump"s "Art of the Deal" to North Korean Sports Minister

Dennis Rodman is spreading President Trump’s word in North Korea after all … at least when it comes to his business prowess. The NBA Hall of Famer gifted N. Korea’s sports minister, Kim Il Guk, Trump’s ‘The Art of the Deal’ book. Dennis was…


North Carolina Woman Calls Missing Cat a Jerk, Goes Viral

Cats are notorious for going a wander for days on end, and owners get worried because they think the worst is happening to their little furry friend. 

It happens, and one woman from North Carolina took the internet by storm in her ad to find her cat named Babou who went missing on June 9. 

NC Cat Ad

The reason it went viral? She called the little animal a “jerk.”

No, we’re not even kidding. 

The advertisement reads:

Babou is a 6-year-old, sprayed, gray female shorthair with no chip and no collar, about 10 pounds. She’s been missing since Friday morning, June 9th. 

She’s mostly friendly, but may run if you try to catch her – she’s kind of a jerk, too. She has strong opinions about things. 

Last seen in Ballantyne – closest intersection is Ballantyne Commons and N Community House Road

A post shared by Mary Irwin (@marymakeup) on

We can’t quite believe someone would call a missing pet friend a “jerk,” but it’s certainly a humorous way to garner attention across the internet. We bet everyone is looking out for the little cutie right about now. 

“She’s probably hiding somewhere, cursing my name,” Mary Irwin told ABC News on Tuesday, June 13. She even claimed their reunion would be like a scene out of West Side Story. 

“It’s going to be like the Sharks and the Jets, and she’s going to be leading this team of wild cats,” Irwin joked.

“She’ll show up in two weeks missing an ear and patches of hair and smoking a cigarette all like, ‘You should see the other guy. I’d tell you where he is, but then I’d have to kill you.’”

A post shared by Mary Irwin (@marymakeup) on

She then went on to confirm that she rescued that cat in a Target parking lot in 2011.

“She ran across the parking lot and jumped into my arms. She was the coolest cat for six months and then she got spayed, and that changed everything,” Irwin explained.

“She knows how she is supposed to behave, but she likes to see what she can get away with,” the owner revealed.

“She has a scratching post, but if she’s mad at us, she’ll wait until we’re looking at her, then she’ll walk over to the couch and stick out one paw and run it slowly down the side of the couch. Like a teenager.”

Badou sounds like a wonderful feline, and we hope she makes her way home very soon!


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Dennis Rodman Hanging with North Korean Women"s Basketball Team and School Kids

Dennis Rodman stuck to what he knows, at least to start to his North Korea trip … visiting with a hoops squad — but he also connected with Kim Jong-un’s roots. The NBA hall of famer checked in with the Pothonggang women’s basketball team…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Otto Warmbier: Comatose American Prisoner Released by North Korea

Back in January of 2016, an American college student named Otto Warmbier was detained by North Korean officials after allegedly attempting to steal a government propaganda banner while visiting Pyongyang.

In the weeks that followed, Warmbier’s family watched in horror as their son tearfully begged for leniency in open court, only to be sentenced to 15 years hard labor by the Kim Jong-Un regime.

Otto Warmbier Photo

This morning, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that Warmbier has been released from prison and will return to the US following a round of successful negotiations with North Korean leaders.

Unfortunately, it’s not all good news for Warmbier’s long-suffering family back in his natice Cincinnatti.

Several news outlets are reporting today that the newly released 22-year-old is in a coma for reasons that remain somewhat unclear.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Warmbier’s parents revealed that their son has been in a coma since chortly after his last public appearance in March of 2016.

He is currently being medically evacuated via a US military base in Sapporo, Japan.

Otto Warmbier Image

“Our son is coming home,” Fred Warmbier told the newspaper.

“At the moment, we’re just treating this like he’s been in an accident. We get to see our son Otto tonight.”

North Korean officials claim that Warmbier came down with botulism shortly after being incercerated.

He was reportedly given a sleeping pill, and never awoke.

Tillerson made no mention of Warmbier’s condition in a statement announcing his relase:

“At the direction of the President, the Department of State has secured the release of Otto Warmbier from North Korea,” Tillerson said.

“Mr. Warmbier is en route to the United States, where he will be reunited with his family.”

Tillerson stated that he will not comment further “out of respect for the privacy of Mr. Warmbier and his family.”

The news of Warmbier’s release comes on the heels of reports that former NBA star Dennis Rodman will soon head to North Korea on a diplomatic visit.

Rodman has met with Kim Jong-Un in the past and has stated that he considers the dictator a friend.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Dennis Rodman Arrives in North Korea to Promote "Something Pretty Positive"

Dennis Rodman is at it again, playing diplomat and trying to ease fierce tensions between the U.S. and North Korea … or so it seems. The NBA Hall of Famer arrived in Pyongyang Tuesday afternoon for what appears to be a four-night visit…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Kim Kardashian & North West, This Kid Ain"t Staying in the Picture (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian’s firstborn is NOT down with the family biz — North West is making that 100% clear. Kim, North and some friends were leaving the immensely popular Museum of Ice Cream (everybody’s doing it) Thursday in L.A., and the standard pack of…


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Kim Kardashian and North Hit Famous Bowling Alley, Kanye Still M.I.A. (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian spent some quality mother/daughter time with North on Saturday — taking her kid to one of the hottest celebrity-packed bowling alleys in L.A. … without Kanye.  The two hit up Pinz in Studio City — the same place Shia LaBeouf…


Kim Kardashian and North Hit Famous Bowling Alley, Kanye Still M.I.A. (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian spent some quality mother/daughter time with North on Saturday — taking her kid to one of the hottest celebrity-packed bowling alleys in L.A. … without Kanye.  The two hit up Pinz in Studio City — the same place Shia LaBeouf…
