Showing posts with label Pens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pens. Show all posts

Monday, December 4, 2017

Billy Bush Pens NYT Op-Ed on Trump: Yes, You Said That

Billy Bush is calling out Donald Trump … asserting that was, in fact, him on the Access Hollywood tape, and he DID say “Grab ‘em by the p****.” Bush penned an op-ed for the New York Times Sunday with the title “Yes, Donald Trump, You Said…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Rain Brown Pens Moving Note to Alaskan Bush People Fans

Rain Brown has been going through a lot over the past several months.

As reported on at length, the Alaskan Bush People star and her siblings are faced with the strong possibility that their mother will soon pass away, considering Ami Brown"s lung cancer diagnosis.

In response, the 14-year old has been taking often to social media, having to actually deal with trolls who are giving her a hard time over the way she"s handling this difficult situation.

Thankfully, Rain hasn"t been backing down.

In a new Instagram post, the teenager opened up like never before about her present state of mind, her past and how no one should ever lose hope.

Scroll down for the latest from Rain Brown…

1. Some Background:

Rain brown instagram image

Rain has starred on Alaskan Bush People since its very first episode. She has basically grown up in the spotlight, due to the popularity of this Discovery Channel series.

2. She Calls Her Social Media Followers "Rainbows"

Rain brown flower crown selfie

Get it? We sort of love it. And Brown has always been very open about herself and her family on Instagram.

3. Tragedy Hits

Rain brown loves sunshine

Mother Ami Brown has stage four lung cancer. Her odds of long-term survival are very low. Rain has not talked specifically about this sad situation very often, but she has referenced it in general and thanked fans for their support, saying at one point: “Love is never wrong… just be and love yourself the rest will fall into place… All of your support and love is amazing and it’s great to know there are so many Rainbows out there.”

4. That Brings Us to This Meme

That brings us to this meme

Rain shared it on September 28, 2017 and used it as a jumping off point to send her followers an important message.

5. Take It Away, Rain:

Rain brown working out

This is how Rain opened her emotional note: “This probably speaks to a lot of you out there and I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone and your feelings matter!…”

6. I Feel Your Pain:

Rain brown singing

“The way you feel isn’t stupid, I’ve struggled with a lot of depression over the last couple years, I was told it was puberty I was told I was too young to feel any real emotion that I “wasn’t fully developed so my brain couldn’t have actually been depressed” one of the main things I struggle with is my age.

View Slideshow

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Amber Tamblyn Pens Open Letter to James Woods: I"m Not a Liar!

James Woods got roasted for unbelievable hypocrisy after trying to bash a critically acclaimed gay film. He’d claimed that it, or Hollywood, or whoever, was “chipping away at decency.”

He was then immediately on the receiving end of what we can only describe as some brutal and well-deserved clapback. Multiple women came forward with stories of James Woods hitting on them when they were teenagers.

Amber Tamblyn, whose tweet was the first of many accusations, took the opportunity and penned an open letter to James Woods.

First, a quick refresher.

James Woods has done some incredible voicework over the years, which makes it all the more painful for many of his fans that he’s turned out to be so aggressively offensive.

It’s not just that he tweets support for Donald Trump or that he holds conservative viewpoints.

James Woods seems to actively court controversy to a point that would make Lena Dunham blush.

Earlier this summer, James Woods posted a photo of a gender creative child and his supportive parents at Pride, suggesting that the kid would grow up to be a deranged serial killer.

That was disgusting and transphobic, obviously.

James Woods defended himself by saying that he has gay friends, and couldn’t possibly be homophobic.

One, some people aren’t homophobic but are transphobic. There’s a lot of types of gross bigots in the world.

Two, isn’t that the “how can I be racist when I have black friends?” defense? Amazing that bigots are still trying to pull that in 2017.

Well, now he bashed a gay romance film because the ages are different.

Set in Italy where, like the vast majority of the Western world, a 17-year-old is considered adult enough to consent to sex, the film Call Me By Your Name details a relationship between a 17-year-old young man and a 24-year-old man.

We won’t get into the whole age-of-consent politics, but suffice to say that the characters break no laws and that the older man isn’t, like, the younger man’s teacher or priest or any other sort of authority figure.

But James Woods apparently figured that it was a great opportunity to dredge up old anti-gay arguments that deliberately conflate gay men with pedophiles.

He tweeted: “As they quietly chip away the last barriers of decency. #NAMBLA”

James Woods’ tweet, which name-dropped an infamous pedophilia organization from the ’90s that hasn’t existed for more than a decade, earned him some serious callouts.

First, Armie Hammer tweeted a reminder to him that he had once dated a 19-year-old when he was 60.

Then Amber Tamblyn tweeted, accusing James Woods of trying to pick her and her friend up and take them to Vegas when they were just 16.

She says that when they informed James Woods of their ages, he replied: “Even better.”

Since then, other women have taken to Twitter to share their alleged experiences with James Woods hitting on them when they were young.

One person tweeted a question at James Woods:

“What makes a 24yo/17yo gay relationship inherently indecent but skeevy old guys trying to pick up a pair of 16 year old girls is okay?”

James Woods replied that the first is illegal (again … that’s not universally true, and certainly not true in Italy). He claims that the second, the accusation that Amber Tamblyn made against him, is a lie.

Amber Tamblyn penned an open letter to James Woods, published in Teen Vogue.

“What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. … The hope being that through this experience, you can change. You can redefine the man who will come after this moment and this man who came before.”

We won’t hold our breath, though.

“Since you’ve now called me a liar, I will now call you a silencer. I see your gaslight and now will raise you a scorched earth.”

“Upon leaving the restaurant we were stopped by you and your friend, who both seemed very nice. At one point you suggested we should all go to Las Vegas together. ‘It’s such a great place, have you ever been?’ You tried to make it sound innocent.”

It sounds like Amber has encountered other predatory men during her life.

“This is something predatory men like to do, I’ve noticed. Make it sound innocent. Just a dollop of insinuation. Just a hair of persuasion. Just a pinch of suggestion. ‘It will be so much fun, I promise you. Nothing has to happen, we will just have a good time together."”

But she was 16.

“I told you my age, kindly and with no judgment or aggression. I told you my age because I thought you would be immediately horrified and take back your offer. You laughed and said, ‘Even better. We’ll have so much fun, I promise."”

See, a normal person would have apologized. Not a teen and maybe not a 20-year-old, but a grown-ass adult would have. And old man certainly should have.

“At that time I was not a public persona. I had done a couple years on a soap opera as an actress, but you wouldn’t know me from Adam. I’m sure you’ve racked your brain trying to remember how you could’ve possibly hit on the actress Amber Tamblyn at a diner almost two decades ago.”

We wonder if her letter — if he reads it — will jog his memory.

“You think, it’s not possible, there’s no way I would’ve been so stupid as to hit on a 16-year-old known actress. But I wasn’t known then, James. I was just a girl.”

Clearly, Amber saw some of those tweets from other women who say that they had similar teenage encounters with James Woods.

“And I’m going to wager that there have been many girls who were just girls or women who were just women who you’ve done this to because you can get away with it.”

That’s heavy stuff.

She finishes by imploring James Woods to consider what sort of man he is and to face the truth.

Amber clearly hopes that he can change.

We doubt that he will. So many of his political opinions seem to be based upon a total lack of self-examination.

James Woods has characterized these accusations as personal attacks, as the last resort of his political opponents.

Controversies aside, we don’t think that he’s enough of a political figure to warrant some contrived character assassination.

It looks like Amber just saw his controversial, deeply offensive tweet and figured that he needed a reminder that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ariel Winter Pens Open Letter to Levi Meaden On His 30th Birthday

Ariel Winter is 19.

Her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, turns 30 today.

That may not sound like such a big deal, but the age difference between Ariel and Levi has been a source of controversy pretty much from the time their relationship started.

There are two ways for a public figure to handle such a controversy.

Ariel could do like Kylie Jenner and Tyga and avoid commenting on her relationship whenever possible.

Or she could get right in front of it and declare her love for her older boyfriend boldly and proudly.

Based on her latest Instagram post, we’re guessing Ms. Winter prefers the latter strategy.

Ariel posted the photo below to her Instagram p[age today to mark the occasion of Levi’s birthday.

She captioned it with a lengthy tribute to the actor:

“Happy 30th my love,” Ariel writes.

“Every single second I spend with you I fall more in love. I couldn’t be more grateful to be your partner in crime. You are the most incredible man, and I love you more than absolutely anything.”

In case there’s any lingering doubt that Ariel is in this relationship for the long haul, she concluded:

“I can’t wait to celebrate you Here’s to many, many more birthdays together.”

Meaden also took to social media to thank Winter for spending the day with him:

“Amazing birthday thanks to this one!!! Just old movies, us and the dogs. A perfect day!!!” he wrote.

Look, from the time Ariel and Levi started dating, fans have been throwing shade about the creepiness of a 30-year-old dude dating a teenager.

But we’d like to address the truly important issue here:

Why the hell are these two wearing Seahawks jerseys.

This is the reason officials have to clear the tumbleweed off the field at Rams and Chargers games!

You guys are like three years late for the Seahawks bandwagon!

You might be thinking, Well maybe one of them is from Seattle originally.

Well, we did our research, Argumentative Hypothetical Reader!

Ariel was born in LA, and she’s lived there her whole life.

Levi is from freakin’ Canada, which means he should be cheering the Saskatchewan Roughriders on to their fifth Grey Cup, or some sh-t.

Ya know, we were initially okay with this relationship, but if Levi is gonna be this much of a bad influence on Ariel, we simply can’t sign off on it.

Also, Levi – you’re 30, bro. No jerseys unless you’re going to the game.

We hope you wanted an unhinged rant for your birthday.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Kenya Moore Pens Emotional Tribute to Late Grandmother

Kenya Moore doesn’t have time to be feuding with Kim Zolciak or her daughter right now.

Or, to be more specific, Kenya Moore simply doesn’t care about Kim Zolciak or her daughter right about now.

A day after Brielle Biermann slammed Moore as an “ugly evil bitch,” The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member is dealing with something far more traumatic:

The death of a loved one.

Late Monday night, Moore shared the sad news that her grandmother has passed away, explaining on Instagram that she was especially close to this relative.

“Today I lost the only woman in the world who has ever loved me unconditionally,” Moore wrote. “My grandmother who raised me from 3 days old passed away.”

The 46-year-old went on to praise her grandma, expressing sadness, gratitude and appreciation all at once:

“Thank you Jehovah for sending me your Angel who taught me everything I know about love, compassion, strength, kindness, selflessness, forgiveness, family, education, brains over beauty, inner beauty, strength, respect for your elders, being true to myself….

“She has helped mold me into the woman I am.”

Moore’s grandmother had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease when she passed.

Thankfully, Kenya was able to pay her a visit last month, even getting a chance to introduce her to new husband Marc Daly at the time.

Continued Moore in her moving message:

“She truly was my best friend. She finally lost her battle with Alzheimer’s disease but her heart and spirit never failed her. Thank you Jehovah for allowing my last moment with her last month to be the last and for her to have met my loving husband.

“I truly believe she waited until she knew that I finally found someone to love and cherish me the way she did.

“She could not rest until she knew I would be taken care of by someone who deserved me.”

And this is how the Bravo star concluded her tribute:

She didn’t recognize me at first but when I introduced them but she lit up with so much joy that my heart became overwhelmed. She approved and it was the happiest day of my life.

Thank you momma for being the best woman I have ever met in my life. Thank you for approving of me and thank you for letting the world know how proud you are of me.

I thank you for my life. I owe the world to you. I know you will never leave my side in life or after. I am eternally grateful to you.

Thank you for loving me.

Perfectly said all around.

We send our condolences to Kenya Moore and her family during this difficult time.

May her beloved grandmother rest in peace.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Linkin Park Pens Open Letter to Chester Bennington: Read the Tribute Here

Linkin Park has issued its first public statement since lead singer Chester Bennington committed suicide last week at his home.

As previously reported, following several years of substance abuse and depression, the 41-year old stunned the music community by hanging himself around 9 a.m. on Thursday, July 20.

The frontman for a group that sold over 70 million albums and earned two Grammy Awards, Bennington had talked openly in the past about being sexually abused as a child.

Authorities have said there were no indications at the scene that any drugs were in Bennington’s system, but we’ll need to wait for toxicology reports to be completed before we know for sure.

All we can say at the moment is that, just a couple months after Chris Cornell also hanged himself, the entertainment world has lost another widely respected musician.

On its official Facebook page this morning, Linkin Park penned an open letter to Bennington.

It begins with “Dear Chester” and then it continues as follows:

Our hearts are broken. The shockwaves of grief and denial are still sweeping through our family as we come to grips with what has happened.

You touched so many lives, maybe even more than you realized. In the past few days, we’ve seen an outpouring of love and support, both public and private, from around the world.

Talinda and the family appreciate it, and want the world to know that you were the best husband, son, and father; the family will never be whole without you.

Talking with you about the years ahead together, your excitement was infectious. Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled—a boisterous, funny, ambitious, creative, kind, generous voice in the room is missing.

Chester Bennington of Linkin Park statement

We’re trying to remind ourselves that the demons who took you away from us were always part of the deal. After all, it was the way you sang about those demons that made everyone fall in love with you in the first place.

You fearlessly put them on display, and in doing so, brought us together and taught us to be more human. You had the biggest heart, and managed to wear it on your sleeve.

Our love for making and performing music is inextinguishable. While we don’t know what path our future may take, we know that each of our lives was made better by you.

Thank you for that gift. We love you, and miss you so much.

The band signed the letter with “Until we see you again.”

Powerful, moving, heartbreaking stuff.

In addition to this tribute, Linkin Park has set up the website

It simply features a photo of Bennington in concert, surrounded by the light from thousands of fans’ phones, with the hashtag #RIPCHESTER and the following message…

In case you or someone you know needs support, here are some resources:

Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK.

Crisis Text Line, the free, nationwide, 24/7 text message service for people in crisis, is here to support. For support in the United States, text HELLO to 741741 or message at

For support outside the US, find resources at

The website also features a section where fans can leave their own messages of grief and/or support.

We continue to mourn the death of Chester Bennington and we send his loved ones our condolences.

May the musician rest in peace.


Daniel Stern Pens Touching Tribute to John Heard: The Coolest Cat EVER!

Home Alone star Daniel Stern took to Twitter to share an emotional letter to his longtime friend and co-star John Heard, who died Friday.

Stern, 59, told fans that he knew Heard as far back as the early ’70s, long before the movie for which both actors became best known.

Stern played one half of the Wet Bandits, Marv, while Heard played family patriarch Peter McCallister in the 1990 Christmas film classic.

When he heard the sad news that John Heard died suddenly at the age of 72, Stern wrote an emotional letter, which he posted to Twitter.

In it, he detailed their history together and the side of an actor even many longtime fans of his work probably aren’t familiar with.

“John Heard was the coolest cat in New York City for about 10 straight years, 1974-1984,” Stern, who also starred in City Slickers, wrote.

“Ask anybody who was there then. Every actor wanted to be as intense as him, every woman wanted to sleep with him.”

“He was defiant, he was poetic, he was ridiculously generous,” Stern said of his friend, “and he was charismatic as hell.”

Stern explained that he met Heard the day he moved to New York City to become an actor, and that John changed his life as a result.

“John was the very first person I knew to be in a movie,” he wrote. “It had never crossed my mind that that was a thing you could do.”

“I was a theater rat in high school,” Stern says, “and New York only meant trying to be a professional actor in the theater.”

After Heard invited Stern to a showing of his 1977 movie Between the Lines, the Maryland native realized that he, too, could do films.

Early on in his career, Stern and his wife, Laure Mattos, were plagued by financial troubles; Heard helped out whenever he could.

“We were amazed that he had that kind of cash to throw around,” he said of Heard, who frequently treated them to dinners out.

“It was so sweet over the years to have our family and home become a place of ‘normalcy’ in John’s otherwise frenetic life.”

“He so loved having his ‘kid brother’ do good and thrilled at our kids’ accomplishments,” he said of their lasting friendship.

Stern notes that many obituaries have referred to him as “Home Alone actor John Heard” when he was so much more.

As Stern admitted in his letter, which appears below, “What’s funny is I never remember that John is even in that movie.”

“I’ve only ever really watched it once, and he and the family were all so great in it. But we never had any scenes in it together.”

“We only crossed paths on the set once or twice.”


Even remembering him only as an actor wouldn’t do him justice, his friend said, because of the simple but profound way he lived.

“Nothing was more intense than John’s performance in life,” Stern concluded his tribute. “He lived it hard, fast and fearlessly.”

“He was a romantic and a raconteur.”

“He was as loyal and generous as they come. He was a friend and a brother and a legend in his time. RIP John.”

As for his passing, various reports regarding Heard’s cause of death have surfaced, but nothing has been concluded definitively.

Our thoughts go out to his loved ones and friends at this difficult time, and we thank Daniel for sharing his wonderful letter.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Jared Padalecki Pens Touching Letter to Children After Father"s Day

We’ve watched Jared Padalecki grow up on a string of WB/The CW drama series over many years, and we still can’t quite believe he’s a father to three children.

It is crazy how the time flies, right?

Turns out, Jared is embracing fatherhood with open arms and even penned a touching letter to his children after Father’s Day. His wife, Genevieve Cortese shared the letter on her blog, Now & Gen, on Thursday. 

It was titled Post Father’s Day Thoughts and included a whole lot of thoughts that will hit you right in the feels.  He and Genevieve have three children, Thomas, 5, Austin, 3, and Odette, 3 months.

“I realize Father’s Day was supposed to be about … well … ‘fathers’ … praising them and thanking them and making them feel needed and appreciated. But, as the ‘father’ in this relationship, I wanted to change things up a bit,” the actor’s letter began.

“I wanted to take this opportunity, after my fifth Father’s Day (and counting), not to say ‘you’re welcome,’ but to say ‘thank you.’”

In the letter, the star reflects on some funny moments in which his kids turned his trailer into a “jungle gym,” his office into a “secret candy storage bunker,” his bed into a “UFC octagon, and his truck into “a giant garbage and food crumb receptacle.”

“Thank you for making my trailer feel like more than just a ‘place I go to work,’ thank you for our ‘don’t tell mom’ excursions up to my office to have a sweet treat, thank you for testing the mattress springs, thank you for making me clean my truck more often,” he said. 

“Thank you for letting me feel what it’s like to love something more than yourself. I have your back, now and always. You’ve humbled me, you’ve helped me rediscover the joy of discovery. You’re turned my world upside down. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Was that, like, the biggest tearjerker of the century?

Hit the comments, you guys. 


Friday, May 26, 2017

Father of 3 Daughters Pens Touching Letter to Ariana Grande

With Ariana Grande at home with her family in Florida – laying low while trying to deal with the aftermath of a suicide bombing at her concert this week – someone who has never even met the singer has reached out to offer assistance.

This is yet another example of humanity’s best shining through during a time when we’re always forced to grapple with its worst.

Patrick Millsaps, a father of three young daughters, wrote a lengthy open letter to the Grammy nominee on social media in which he urged the artist to “take care of you first.”

The singer, of course, is at the center of the news this week for the most horrible of reasons.

On Monday night in Manchester, an ISIS-connected attacker detonated an explosive that killed 22 attendees at Grande’s concert.

The blast injured dozens more, prompting the world to stop and mourn – and, to a far lesser extent, prompting Grande to cancel portions of her upcoming tour.

Insiders have told multiple outlets in the days since that Ariana is “devastated” by what happened.

Which is what led Millsaps to address the star in this unexpected message.



“You have been a part of our family for years,” wrote the father, adding in humor:

“On occasion, your songs may have stayed on the radio AFTER I have dropped the girls off at school.”

Millsaps then urged the 23-year-old not to blame herself for the deadly attack that transpired.

“You are no more responsible for the actions of an insane coward who committed an evil act in your proximity than you would be for a devastating natural disaster or acts of morons near your hotel.”

Upon calling off various European tour dates in the weeks ahead, Grande said the following:

“We ask at this time that we all continue to support the city of Manchester and all those families affected by this cowardice and senseless act of violence.

“Our way of life has once again been threatened but we will overcome this together. Thank you.”

With unexpected time off on the way, Millsaps offered a few pieces of advice to Grande.

“Spend time with your God, your family and your friends who will give you space and support when you need it,” he wrote, explaining later that he does think Ariana should return to the stage.

When the time is right, that is.

“When and only when you are ready….SING AGAIN. Music is the international language of peace. Every time you open your mouth and share that incredible God-given gift to the world, you make this crappy world a little less crappy

“Your fans aren’t going anywhere.”

Patrick signed the letter “Sincerely, Morgan, Alison & Kendall’s Daddy.”

Grande has received messages of support from strangers, family members and friends over the past few days.

Some, such as this one from Kim Kardashian, got the sender in trouble.

But most clearly came from a place of sympathy and affection.

“It’s really been an eye-opener and for my friend Ariana it’s just beyond me,” Miley Cyrus said on Today this morning, adding:

“And I can’t wait to I get a second and give her a big hug, for sure.”

Cyrus also dedicated a song to Grande on The Voice this week (below), writing on Instagram shortly after the attack:

“Wishing I could give my friend @arianagrande a great big hug right now… love love love you …. so sorry you had to be apart of such a tragic event!” she wrote alongside an Instagram photo of herself and Grande.

“my most sincere condolences to anyone and everyone affected by this horrific attack! all I can do is send as much HOPE & PEACE your way!

“This MUST end! No more war …. no more innocent lives taken …. L-O-V-E.”

We feel the same.

We send our best wishes to Grande and to everyone who has been affected by this terrorist act.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Chris Cornell Funeral: Wife Pens Heartbreaking Letter Prior to Farewell

Prior to laying her husband to eternal rest, Chris Cornell’s wife wrote a public letter to her husband on Wednesday that was published by

We’ve shared it below.

But be warned: it will almost definitely make you cry.

One week after the former Soundgarden and Audioslave singer killed himself following a show in Detroit, Vicky Cornell addressed the artist directly on a moving message.

“To my sweet Christopher, you were the best father, husband and son-in-law,” she wrote, adding:

“Your patience, empathy and love always showed through. You had always said I saved you, that you wouldn’t be alive if it were not for me.

“My heart gleamed to see you happy, living and motivated. Excited for life. Doing everything you could to give back.

“We had the time of our lives in the last decade and I’m sorry, my sweet love, that I did not see what happened to you that night. I’m sorry you were alone, and I know that was not you, my sweet Christopher.

“Your children know that too, so you can rest in peace.”

Cornell battled a substance abuse problem for years prior to passing away.

A friend recently came out and said the star was high during his final performance.

As is the case with any suicide, we’ll likely never have all the answers to every question, but Vicky is determined to keep a positive memory of her husband.

She concluded her open letter as follows:

I’m broken, but I will stand up for you and I will take care of our beautiful babies. I will think of you every minute of every day and I will fight for you.

You were right when you said we are soulmates. It has been said that paths that have crossed will cross again, and I know that you will come find me, and I will be here waiting.

I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone in the history of loving and more than anyone ever will. Always and forever, your Vicky.

Cornell’s death has officially been ruled a suicide by hanging.

He was cremated in Los Angeles on Tuesday, May 22 and he will be laid to rest in a private ceremony at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on Friday, May 26.

The singer’s body was found in a hotel bathroom by a family friend after Vicky had not heard from him in hours.

She grew concerned and asked this acquaintance to try and track Cornell down.

The couple has two kids together and Vicky told TMZ the day after this tragedy that she saw no signs in the weeks preceding it that Cornell was in such a bad place.

Cornell had checked into a rehab facility in 2013 and Vicky said last week she believed her husband remained clean ever since.

Vicky thinks that prescription drugs may have played a part in her husband’s death.

In a previous statement, the grieving mother wrote that Cornell would never intentionally hurt his family by taking his own life.

“I noticed he was slurring his words; he was different. When he told me he may have taken an extra Ativan or two, I contacted security and asked that they check on him,” Vicky said at the time.

“What happened is inexplicable and I am hopeful that further medical reports will provide additional details.”

The couple got married in 2004 and are the parents of daughter Toni, 12, and son Christopher, 11.

Cornell is also father to 16-year-old daughter Lillian from a previous marriage.

May he rest in peace.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Jessa Duggar Pens Adorable Letter to Ben Seewald for His Birthday!

The Duggars have their problems, everybody knows that, but sometimes, every once in a while, they can actually be pretty cute.

And this weekend, one of them was darn near precious.

On Friday, Ben Seewald celebrated his 22nd birthday. Yeah, you’d think he’d be a little older, what with being married with two children, but hey, it’s the Duggars.

What can you do?

So Ben had his birthday, and to celebrate, Jessa Duggar wrote just the sweetest little letter to him and slapped it up on the family’s website.

She begins the letter by telling Ben that she’s been reminiscing about how their relationship began, and “just thinking about how blessed I am to do life with you!”

“When first I laid eyes on you,” she writes, “a dapper seventeen-year-old young man, I never could’ve dreamt of what the future held for us.”

She explains that the first time she met Ben, they were at church on Sunday morning, and their eyes just happened to meet across the pews.

“Our first conversation was slightly awkward because we both wanted to say ‘Hey!’ but we were a bit nervous,” Jessa recalls.

“You tried to break the ice. ‘Is that an iPhone?’ you questioned, pointing at the device I was fumbling around in my hands. I held up my beat-up iPhone 3 in a lime green case.”

“‘Yeah, it’s an ancient one.’ You were an android user at that point (though I’ve since converted you), so I guess that was a genuine inquiry.”

After that, their families interrupted, and their first conversation was over.

Ah, young love.

Jessa says that after that first meeting, it took three weeks for Ben to show up at the Duggar’s church again, and after that service, her brothers invited him over to the compound.

They seemed to have a good time, so Ben made the trip back once a month, and after a while, he brought up the idea of transferring schools to be closer to Jessa.

This whole time, if you can believe it, she wasn’t sure about his age, and when she found out that he was over two years younger than her, she thought “Surely he wouldn’t be interested in an older gal.”

But he was!

“Over those next few months,” Jessa says, “we talked a lot during your visits. And the more we talked, the more I started to fall for you.”

“It was as if I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t know many guys in their 30’s with the passion for Christ that you had! I was amazed by the depth of the spiritual conversations we would have. You went deep with God.”

How could a girl resist that?

They continued meeting, and between meetings, they texted. Eventually he asked her on a date, and then shortly after that, they decided to “spend forever together.”

Jessa — sweet Jessa — says that she told Ben to “buy me a ring from Claire’s,” and that she “didn’t care if it turned my finger green if it meant we could save up quicker for our future together!”

But he saved up until he could buy her a diamond, and almost a year later, he proposed in a chapel decorated with candles and rose petals.

After that, of course, they had their gorgeous wedding, then began their life together.

She makes a long list of things she loves about Ben, including the way he supports her but still pushes her to try things out of her comfort soon, his corny sense of humor, and his tenderness.

“You are so tender with our children,” she gushes. “Spurgeon loves wrestling with you, and playing hide & seek. Henry loves ‘talking’ to you! His face lights up and he gets so excited when you’re around!”

“There is just so much more that I could say,” Jessa finishes, “but I shall close for now with this: I know that I married up. God has blessed me beyond measure in giving me you! I am so thankful for you!”

“Happy birthday, Lovey!”

Congrats on all the love, you crazy kids.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Channing Tatum Pens Heartfelt Tribute to Daughter, Puts All Men to Shame

There are plenty of reasons to love Channing Tatum.

There’s his chiseled jawline. And his abdominal muscles. And those biceps.

And the way he so clearly loves and respects his wife.

Above all, however, there’s Tatum’s view on fatherhood, his overwhelming love for his daughter and the valuable life lessons he wants to pass along to little Everly.

The 37-year old recently wrote an essay for Cosmopolitan in which he thought back to his first meeting with Jenna Dewan Tatum and how he hopes their daughter inherits her mother’s attitude.

“In honor of the launch of Magic Mike Live in Las Vegas, my friends at Cosmo generously invited me to write something for you,” the actor explains to open his post.

He then brings the subject immediately to his four-year old at home:

“The more I thought about this, the more I thought about my daughter reading this article someday. I pictured her in her late teens or early 20s, hoping to explore and discover her sexuality and dreaming about finding true love.”

Continues Tatum, making us adore him more and more with each word:

“I tried to imagine the things I’d want her to read that would help her understand men and sex and partnership better, and at that moment, I realized a strange thing.

“I don’t want her looking to the outside world for answers.

“My highest hope for her is just that she has the fearlessness to always be her authentic self, no matter what she thinks men want her to be.

Channing met Jenna on the set of the film Step Up.

They’ve been together for over a decade.

And you never read a single scandalous story about these two, do you?

“I knew our connection was really powerful, but I wasn’t sure what our relationship was going to be,” Tatum says of first encountering his wife.

“Then one day, Jenna just blurted out that she knew exactly what she wanted in life and she didn’t have to look for it anymore because it was me. She had no idea what I’d say or how I’d react, but that was her truth.

“I remember feeling this incredible rush – it was the sexiest thing she’d ever done for me. I felt strength, because in that moment, she had accepted every part of me, the good and the bad.

“And I knew she wasn’t auditioning me or hoping I’d meet some set of expectations.”

channing loves jenna

Taum goes on to say it was this quality that made him fall for Jenna (who looks great naked).

“That radical authenticity of hers was what made me fall head over heels in love. Before I experienced it, I wouldn’t have known how to ask for it. Now I know it’s what I was always craving.

“And that’s what I want for my daughter – to be expectation-less with her love and not allow preconceived standards to affect her, to ask herself what she wants and feel empowered enough to act on it.”

Are you crying yet?

Just you wait…

“If there’s one thing that I think men wish women knew, it’s just that they alone are enough,” Channing writes, adding:

“When more women start to truly feel this power in themselves, the world will become so magical, it makes my head hurt.”

Tatum concludes by saying he’s grateful that women “are realizing that they no longer have to conform to certain standards of social and sexual behavior, and this changes what they need from men and the role of men in general.”

Why did he turn Magic Mike into a live show?

“Because I wanted to create a space where we could really explore these themes in a fun, provocative way,” he shares.

“I want women to feel what it’s like to exist in a world where men really listen to them, where they treat them like goddesses, and where they can feel comfortable and proud to express the full force of their sexual energy together.

“I want them to experience a place where they are much more than enough.”

All that AND you get to see hot male strippers dance?!?

Excuse us while we go buy some tickets.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

George H.W. Bush Pens Apology Letter to Donald Trump: Read It Here!

George H.W. Bush does not owe anyone any kind of apology, that much is certain.

The former President of the United States was admitted to the intensive care unit at Houston Methodist Hospital this week to address “an acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia,” according to his spokesman, Jim McGrath.

He is currently in stable condition.

“Doctors performed a procedure to protect and clear his airway that required sedation,” McGrath added said in a statement on Wednesday, although Bush is now awake and alert.

The ex-Commander-in-Chief is so awake and alert, in fact, that he actually penned a note to Donald Trump from the hospital in order to explain his absence from tomorrow’s inauguration in Washington, D.C.

“Dear Donald, Barbara and I are so sorry we can’t be there for your Inauguration on January 20th,” the father of George W. Bush wrote, explaining:

“My doctor says if I sit outside in January, it likely will put me six feet under. Same for Barbara. So I guess we’re stuck in Texas.

“But we will be with you and the country in spirit. I want you to know that I wish you the very best as you begin this incredible journey of leading out great country. If I can ever be of help, please let me know.”

It’s true: Barbara Bush is also in the hospital.

She admitted on Wednesday morning as a precaution after “experiencing fatigue and coughing,” McGrath said yesterday.

The former First Lady has a case of bronchitis and is being treated with antibiotics.

George H.W. Bush is 92 years old and his wife is 91 years old.

Despite his self-proclaimed hatred of Twitter, Trump responded to Bush’s kind letter with a message on the social media service that reads:

“Looking forward to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, both hospitalized. Thank you for your wonderful letter!”

According to NPR, the 41st President – for understandable reasons, of course – will be the only living ex-POTUS who will miss the ceremony on January 20.

His son and former first lady Laura Bush; Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton; and Jimmy Carter and former first lady Rosalynn Carter will all attend the inauguration.

bush letter

The elder Bush served a single term as President from 1989 to 1993. He was defeated for a second term by Bill Clinton, with whom Bush has since developed a close relationship.

“They have not only dedicated their lives to this country, they have been a constant source of friendship and support and good counsel” over the years, Barack Obama said on Wednesday of the Bushes, adding:

“They are as fine a couple as we know.”

We join everyone else who has wished both George and Barbara Bush a full recovery from their respective ailments.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Boyfriend Pens Essay in Support of Girlfriend Giving Him a BJ

We"re just going to come right out and say it:

EARMUFFS, children!

Okay, now we"re going to come right out and get to the point:

Men will do anything for a blowjob.

We don"t mean to generalize or stereotype here, but… yeah. It"s true. Men will do anything for a blowjob.

Just ask Hannah, a young woman who has been dating her boyfriend for about a year and who apparently is yet to provide him with any oral sex.

After he started pushing for her mouth to be wrapped around his penis, Hannah replied by asking for a lengthy essay in support of this request.

And the boyfriend took this assignment more seriously than anything since his SATs! Heck, who are we kidding: he took it far more seriously than he took his SATs!

Follow along with this hilarious story below… 

1. Persuade Me!

Persuade me

Hannah means business. She’s looking for far more than “Ummm… because it will feel really good?” And just you wait, her boyfriend is about to deliver!

2. What is MLA Format?

What is mla format

For those who require a better understanding of what is being asked for here.

3. … And He’s Off!

And hes off

Seriously, do you think anyone has ever typed more furiously in the history of the Internet?

4. Let Me Start By Saying…

Let me start by saying

… To blow or not to blow? This is a parody of the well-echoed Shakespearean proverb that gauges the pros and cons and consequential successes and failures (the latter of which is indisputably improbable) of giving me a blowjob.

5. Do It for Diversity!

Do it for diversity

In bed, but still. Diversity nonetheless.

6. Look at This Research!

Look at this research

We’re not down with the term “sucky fucky.” But we’re blown (get it?!?) away from the research.

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