Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racism. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2016

"Birth of a Nation" -- Theater Accused of Lying to Kill Ticket Sales ... But Denies Racism (VIDEO)

Regal Cinemas says it’s not on a mission to tank Nate Parker’s “The Birth of a Nation” … despite a viral video purportedly catching one theater lying about tickets being sold-out.  Moviegoer Devon Walls claims staff at a Regal Cinemas in…


"Birth of a Nation" -- Theater Accused of Lying to Kill Ticket Sales ... But Denies Racism (VIDEO)

Regal Cinemas says it’s not on a mission to tank Nate Parker’s “The Birth of a Nation” … despite a viral video purportedly catching one theater lying about tickets being sold-out.  Moviegoer Devon Walls claims staff at a Regal Cinemas in…


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ellen DeGeneres Responds to Charges of Racism

Here is something you don’t read everyday:

Ellen DeGeneres has been forced to defend herself against charges of racism.

What has cast one of Hollywood’s most popular and, let’s face it, most harmless celebrities in such a negative light?

A photo shared on the official Ellen Facebook page that made a joke about Usain Bolt.

On Monday, several hours after Bolt captured his record third consecutive Gold Medal in the 100-meter dash, DeGeneres shared the following image:

“This is how I’m running errands from now on. #Rio2016,” the comedian wrote as a caption.

It’s not her best joke of all-time, but whatever, right? Especially considering it’s sort of Ellen’s thing to insert herself into famous photos, right?

Wrong, argued a handful of critics online.

Wrote one Twitter user in response to the picture:

“@TheEllenShow so the first thing that pops in your head when looking at this pic is “oh let me jump onto his back like he’s a common mule”?

Another user made a similar comment:

“@TheEllenShow @usainbolt So riding on his back like a mule, a horse as some form of property is fun to you… Ok.”

And yet another was a bit more understanding, yet still very critical:

“@TheEllenShow despite its intentions this pic has ugly connotations comin from a rich white lady.”

Wanting to nip this controversy in the bud, Ellen replied to the criticism with a Tweet that reads:

“I am highly aware of the racism that exists in our country. It is the furthest thing from who I am.”

Here is a look at the message she sent on Tuesday?

Ellen DeGeneres tweet

And we mean, look, okay, yes, we get it.

If you really wish to scrutinize the above photo, you can find racist connotations to it. We guess.

But sometimes people need to first just chill out. Not everything is a controversy waiting for your opinion on Twitter.

Second, they need to consider the source.

Ellen DeGeneres made for a terrible American Idol judge because she’s too nice. She gives a platform to every conceivable celebrity on her talk show.

She’s known for her warmth and kindness and generally positive attitude and she was just doing here what she does so often:

Make a joke out of something popular in culture at the moment.

Ask yourself this: would Ellen have made this same quip if a white person had won the race? Of course she would have.

Simply put, you have to really, really, REALLY want to see something racist in this picture in order to slam Ellen for it.

And that says more about you than it says about Ellen.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

M.I.A. Furious Over VMAs Snub, Accuses MTV Of "Racism sexism classism elitism"

What’s the point of taking part in social justice if the MTV Video Music Awards aren’t paying attention?

M.I.A. was pissed that her September 2015 music video for “Borders” (which she also directed) wasn’t nominated this year and she wants everyone to know it.

“MIA – BORDERS is not included in the VMAs #hahahahhaahahhaha!!,” she tweeted today.

“Racism sexism classism elitism #dontwantyourlane!”

The music video is impactful in that it highlights the European migrant crisis.  M.I.A. is featured in the video singing alongside refugees as they travel.

Something about this video was right, and I was doing something for a good cause,” she told TIME Magazine last year.

“It didn’t really feel like I was doing it to promote my own pop stardom. ‘This week I’m going to be on refugees and next week I’m going to be on AIDS!’ It just felt like everything came together for a reason.”

If she’s not doing it to promote her own pop stardom, then why is she so fired up about not being nominated? 

M.I.A tried to explain herself in subsequent tweets.

“not here 4 EGO or Accolades but know before you tell other 🌍 artists they have the same platform as major US artists coz they don’t #🌍,” she tweeted.

“BORDERS came representing people outside US showing 🌍. This is a perfect example of “allowed” voice vs excluded voices .Even if U direct it.”

Ok, I only took away “EGO” and “Accolades.”

Credit must be given to M.I.A. though for trying to bring attention to an international crisis.

“I’ve taken a lot of criticism and made a lot of sacrifices because I keep talking about this,” she told TIME back in September.

“I could never talk about this again and be more successful, more accessible and more famous and more rich. But I’ve never done that because that aspect is important for me.”

Should “Borders” have been nominated?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Azealia Banks Twitter Account Suspended Due to Rampant Racism and Homophobia

Twitter has managed to do the one thing no celebrity has yet been able to do:

Shut Azealia Banks up.

Following a rampage in which she went off on Zayn Malik via a firestorm of hateful insults that questioned his skin color… his religion… and his sexual preference, Banks has seen her Twitter account get temporarily suspended.

Those who visit the account for @AZEALIABANKS will now be redirected to a page that reads: “Account suspended.”

A message there explains why:

This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.

This news has hilariously caused “#AzealiaGotSuspendedParty” to start trending on Twitter.

Of course, anyone who has been following the celebrity gossip world over the past few days is well aware already of why Banks has gotten the social media boot.

In response to her belief that Malik copied portions of her work for his latest music video, Banks called Malik a “bitch n-gga” on Tuesday.

She also said he was the “token brown boy” in One Direction, that his mother is a “dirty refuse” and that he’s a giant “f-ggot.”

These messages got Banks fired from an upcoming London music festival and led many on Twitter to start calling for her account to be suspended.

They also led 14-year old Skai Jackson to slam Banks, putting the artist in her place by saying she has no class and no career.

“Fix ur life,” Jackson wrote to Banks. ‘I’m sure my mom did a wayyy better job then yours did! You give black woman a bad name. I’ll be praying for you.”

The only surprising thing here is that it took Twitter so long to actually kick Banks off.

She has bashed the gay community in general in the past, while she’s also gotten into absurd beefs with Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Pharrell and Iggy Azalea.

Who has Banks NOT gone after? 

That may actually be a shorter list than who she has gone after.

We’ve made an attempt to compile the latter below:

Azealia Banks Twitter Account Suspended Due to Rampant Racism and Homophobia

Twitter has managed to do the one thing no celebrity has yet been able to do:

Shut Azealia Banks up.

Following a rampage in which she went off on Zayn Malik via a firestorm of hateful insults that questioned his skin color… his religion… and his sexual preference, Banks has seen her Twitter account get temporarily suspended.

Those who visit the account for @AZEALIABANKS will now be redirected to a page that reads: “Account suspended.”

A message there explains why:

This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.

This news has hilariously caused “#AzealiaGotSuspendedParty” to start trending on Twitter.

Of course, anyone who has been following the celebrity gossip world over the past few days is well aware already of why Banks has gotten the social media boot.

In response to her belief that Malik copied portions of her work for his latest music video, Banks called Malik a “bitch n-gga” on Tuesday.

She also said he was the “token brown boy” in One Direction, that his mother is a “dirty refuse” and that he’s a giant “f-ggot.”

These messages got Banks fired from an upcoming London music festival and led many on Twitter to start calling for her account to be suspended.

They also led 14-year old Skai Jackson to slam Banks, putting the artist in her place by saying she has no class and no career.

“Fix ur life,” Jackson wrote to Banks. ‘I’m sure my mom did a wayyy better job then yours did! You give black woman a bad name. I’ll be praying for you.”

The only surprising thing here is that it took Twitter so long to actually kick Banks off.

She has bashed the gay community in general in the past, while she’s also gotten into absurd beefs with Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Pharrell and Iggy Azalea.

Who has Banks NOT gone after? 

That may actually be a shorter list than who she has gone after.

We’ve made an attempt to compile the latter below:

Friday, September 25, 2015

Robert Pattinson Addresses Racism Against FKA Twigs — Says Commenters Are "Demons Who Live In Basements"

Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs have had plenty of problems with being in the public eye.

The singer has openly mentioned she is not a fan of fame, and she and her fiancé have faced their fair share of relationship rumors — having to shut down stories that their upcoming nuptials are no longer happening.

Related: Robert Worries About His ‘Gut!’

But far and away the worst of all the constant scrutiny comes from those who still harbor racist resentment towards the Twilight star’s lovely lady, and he’s had enough.

Robert was talking to NME magazine about the hateful messages twigs has received in the past, and it’s clear it makes him furious. He said:

“I was talking to my dad about this and I bet him that if he looked up Nelson Mandela‘s funeral on YouTube, the first comment would be a racist one. And it was, with like a million upvotes. What I don’t get is why. I think it’s because most normal people are not commenters – I’ve never met anyone who’s left a comment on anything. It’s just demons who live in basements. You have this weird thing where you end up trying to fight against this faceless blob, where the more you hate it, the bigger it gets, because it’s all in your head.”

While he tries to stay off the internet himself — and avoid all the haters and trolls — the 29-year-old says sometimes the curiosity gets the best of him:

“I go through periods where I don’t do it at all and feel glorious! Then I’ll fall back into this pit. It really does affect you, and it all comes from some moron sitting on a comment board. It’s always that person who’s needling away at you, who you either want to destroy, or convince them to love you.”

But, ever since he moved from LA to London, he says life in the spotlight has become less blinding:

“I had people sitting outside my house every single day, and it drove me crazy. I didn’t go into a supermarket for about six years. But now I can go in and chat to the guy who’s working there about his kids, or where he’s going on holiday, and not be thinking, ‘Is he gonna sell me out?’ I just don’t have to think about that stuff any more.”

Well, we’re glad that Robert feels a little more comfortable leaving the house! And while our heart breaks that people still say such despicable things about his main squeeze, it’s important that they know those haters don’t matter!

After all, they have each other!

[Image via WENN.]