Showing posts with label Robert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robert. Show all posts

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Willie McGinest Believes Robert Kraft Will Pay Out Aaron Hernandez Contract (VIDEO)

Now that Aaron Hernandez is no longer a convicted murderer, Robert Kraft WILL fork over a check for the $ 6 million he reportedly owes the ex-NFL star … so says Willie McGinest.  As we previously reported, Aaron’s legal team has been in…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Robert Pattinson: I"d Be Down for a Twilight Reboot!

Let’s think back to, oh, let’s say about five years ago.

It was a happier time. A simpler time. A time when Twilight movies were still being released.

It may seem hard to believe, but it really has been that long since we last stepped into that special, sparkly vampire world — the second part of Breaking Dawn was released in 2012.

But these days, Hollywood is all about big franchises and fancy reboots.

Think Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the five-part Harry Potter spin-off series, or the fact that in the past ten years, we’ve had three different Spider-Man series.

So it would make sense that the powers that be would try to bring back Twilight, right?

After all, it was insanely successful, it triggered a huge amount of insane fans ready to buy even the stupidest pieces of merchandise, and nothing has been able to fill that cinematic vampire hole quite as nicely as it did.

Really, it would be strange if there wasn’t a Twilight reboot sometime soon.

But if we were blessed enough to see a return of this series, would the stars of the original be willing to return?

According to Robert Pattinson, the man who brought handsome yet troubled teen heartthrob vampire Edward Cullen to life, there’s a good chance!

In a new interview, Robert was asked a bit about Twilight, including a question about that super crazy, just really insane fan base.

“It’s definitely calmed down in terms of my everyday life,” he said, “but mainly because I spend more time in London, which is totally different.”

“And I’m doing more parts that just sort of interest me, while in a lot of ways taking a little bit of a step back just to learn and get better.”

“I guess I’ve never really acknowledged what the fan base is, or even if I have one,” he laughed.

Oh, Robert. Dear, innocent Robert. If you don’t know if you have a fan base, don’t you dare Google yourself, you sweet summer child.

He was then asked about the possibility of a series reboot, something that’s been talked about for a while now.

“Really, they’re expanding it?” he questioned. “So I’ll get my own spin-off?”

But in all seriousness, if another Twilight movie made its way outside of rumors and into reality, there’s a chance he’d be willing to participate.

“I mean, I’m always kind of curious,” he admitted. “Anything where there’s a mass audience — or seemingly an audience for it — I always like the idea of subverting people’s expectations.”

“So there could be some radical way of doing it, which could be quite fun. It’s always difficult when there’s no source material.”

“But yeah, I’m always curious.”

We’d be curious too, Rob. Super curious.

If there was another movie with any of the original cast, the chances are good that Kristen Stewart wouldn’t return — she’s said as much, and it seems unlikely that she’d be willing to act so closely with Robert after what happened with their personal relationship.

Pretending to be in love with your ex-boyfriend that you infamously cheated on doesn’t sound like a ton of fun, to be fair.

They could do a movie of Edward’s vampire origins, though they’d have to do it soon, what with that whole rule about vampires not aging and Robert being decidedly human.

Hey, maybe they could do a movie about Jacob the werewolf falling in love with Edward and Bella’s newborn baby! Remember that mess?

The possibilities are endless, and whether or not Robert is involved, you know it will be a hit.

A messy, embarrassing, ridiculously entertaining hit.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: Robert Kardashian KNEW O.J. Simspon Was Guilty!

Caitlyn Jenner’s new memoir doesn’t hit stores until April 25, but the former excerpts from the former Olynpian’s tell-all are already sparking major controversy.

Yesterday, we learned that Caitlyn has undergone gender reassignment surgery, a step she previously stated she didn’t plan to take.

Many assumed that the revelation was meant to convey that her memoir would be filled with similar revelations about herself, but no new dirt on the Kardashian family, possibly for legal reasons.

Now we know that’s not the case, as Radar Online has obtained a new excerpt of the book, and this one throws some major shade at a member of the family who’s been elevated to god-like status in the years since his death.

While it was widely known that Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe’s father, Robert Kardashian, Sr., was a friend of O.J. Simpson’s many didn’t realize how deep the Kardashian-O.J. connection went until it was featured in FX’s miniseries about Simpson’s infamous murder trial.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Caitlyn felt the need to address her indirect connection to O.J. in her book.

At one point, she quotes Robert Kardashian as saying, “I would’ve been okay with it if they had gotten him in the first trial.” 

“The implication was obvious that he believed O.J. was guilty,” Jenner adds.

Caitlyn goes on to speculate that Robert may have helped his friend beat the charges as a way of exacting revenge on Kris Jenner for divorcing him.

“I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big f–k you,” she writes.

Later in the book, Caitlyn offers her own feelings on O.J. and as you might’ve guessed, she’s not exactly a fan:

“He was the most narcissistic, egocentric, neediest a–hole in the world of sports I had ever seen, and I had seen a lot of them,” Jenner writes.

She goes on to put an even finer point on it, writing:

“I believe he got away with two savage murders.”

Caitlyn says the trial was a hugely divisive matter in the Kardashian-Jenner household, as Kim and company sided with their father, while Kris and Caitlyn (then Bruce) firmly believed that Simpson was guilty.

“See, I told you he didn’t do it!” Kourtney allegedly told her mother on the day the verdict was revealed.

Cailtyn says she sat down with her stepdaughter and that just because he was acquitted by a jury, that doesn’t mean he didn’t commit the crime.

She forbade Kourtney and her sisters from ever mentioning O.J.’s name in the house.

We think it’s safe to say that anyone who was worried Caitlyn’s book would be lacking in the drama department can officially rest easy.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Scheana Shay: Already Thinking About Marrying Robert Valletta?!?

It seems like just yesterday Scheana Shay, and Mike Shay walked down the aisle on Vanderpump Rules. 

That marriage, however, was built on lies and Scheana constantly worried Mike was back on drugs. Also, it was revealed earlier this week that Scheana wanted to work through Mike’s infidelity. Yes, he apparently was getting flirty via text message with an unknown recipient. 

These days, Scheana has moved on from her tough relationship with Mike to Robert Valetta. 

Scheana had previously dated Robert before things got serious with Mike. Now, Scheana has revealed that her views on marriage are very different now from a few months back.  

“If you asked me four months ago if I’d ever get married again, my answer was very different. I was like, ‘Hell, no. Never doing this again.’ And now I’m like, ‘I would love to marry him one day,"” Scheana said.

“I mean, we’re taking things very slow, but I wouldn’t be dating someone I don’t see a future with, because that’s just a waste of time at my age. So I definitely see a long future with him. Hopefully, he feels the same.”

It’s great that Scheana appears to be moving on with her life, but she seems to still be sticking to her rule about having no prenup. 

“Even if I were to remarry, I’m still not about a prenup. Yeah, things didn’t go well with Shay and I, but I don’t regret not having a prenup because if I’m marrying someone, I trust them. They’re my best friend. They’re someone I’m gonna spend my life with,” she explained.

“I mean, I know Katie described it as having insurance on your marriage, but I don’t think that’s something that I would need or want, because I do feel that puts a slight damper on the relationship. It’s like, well just in case, my money’s mine, and yours is yours.”

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will already know that Katie Maloney compared a prenup to marriage insurance. She did have a point, but everyone is different. 

Some people will want to take these precautions, while others are too blinded by love to think that anything is going to go wrong. Scheana did think it was something she would think about more next time. 

“But we haven’t had this discussion. We’re not even close to being there,” she said.

“I mean, if that’s something he wanted, then we would talk about it. But we’re two people who don’t really believe in that in general. So I wouldn’t recommend it, but if whoever I marry wanted it, then that’s a discussion we’ll have to have at that time.”

It sure sounds like a discussion they could be having soon enough. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Robert Herjavec Would Pay $500,000 for Tom Brady Jersey ... For Real! (VIDEO)

Maybe Tom Brady’s $ 500,000 valuation for his stolen Super Bowl 51 jersey ain’t so far off after all — because “Shark Tank” star Robert Herjavec says he’s down to pony up that kinda dough. 


Robert Herjavec Would Pay $500,000 for Tom Brady Jersey ... For Real! (VIDEO)

Maybe Tom Brady’s $ 500,000 valuation for his stolen Super Bowl 51 jersey ain’t so far off after all — because “Shark Tank” star Robert Herjavec says he’s down to pony up that kinda dough. 


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Robert Horry Says Master P Has To Pay Dues To Be NBA Coach (VIDEO)

Robert Horry says there’s no limit to what Master P can do in the NBA coaching ranks … as long as he’s willing start from the bottom … like, the very bottom. P told us he was gunning for an assistant coach job with the New Orleans Pelicans this…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Scheana Shay & Robert Valletta Take Their Relationship to the Next Level!

On tonight’s episode of Vanderpump Rules we’ll finally see Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney get married.

The wedding comes on the heels of a lot of drama, a lot of tears, and a lot of very valid questions about whether or not these two should really be getting hitched.

But while we’ve yet to see the Bubbas exchange vows, the public has already lost interest in Tom and Katie’s dysfunctional relationship and shifted focus to a new Vanderpump coupling.

We learned last month that Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta are dating, and now that they’ve gone public, the lovebirds are flaunting their romance at every opportunity.

Scheana and Robert kept their relationship on the down-low at first, as she’s still in the process of divorcing Mike Shay.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, however, they’re making up for lost time in a big way.

Though they’ve only been together a few months, Scheana and Robert are already traveling together, and it seems they’re big fans of those lame “couple on vacation” photos that are always clogging your newsfeed.

And we’re not talking about little weekend jaunts to Napa here, either.

These two are going international, and the weekend saw them partying it up in Amsterdam.

Scheana posted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“Saturday night in the Dam!”

We’re not sure if anyone actually calls Amsterdam “the Dam,” but we’re gonna go ahead and assume Scheana just made that one up.

Anyway, it looks like these two don’t have a care in the world, but they’re not kicking things off under the most auspicious circumstances.

Scheana and Shay didn’t just get divorced, they got full on ugly divorced, and the specter of that failed marriage is still looming large over Scheana’s life.

Tonight’s season finale will celebrate romance, but after that, we’re on to the reunion show, and it seems Scheana’s troubled love life will be a major topic of discussion.

In fact, her much-maligned ex will make an appearance to confront rumors that he cheated on Scheana and explain what exactly went wrong.

Nothing like curling up on the couch with your new dude and watching as you and your ex hash out your marital troubles on TV.

Good luck with that, you two!

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up and try to imagine how awkward this season must be for Robert!


Friday, March 24, 2017

Robert Brian Clark Dies; Catfish Star Was 33

Robert Brian Clark, who appeared on a memorable episode of Season 2 of Catfish, has tragically died, MTV News confirms this week.

He was just 33 years old.

Clark, who went by “Brian” on his Catfish episode, was reportedly killed in a motorcycle accident in Jefferson County, Alabama.

Local news reports described a tragic, harrowing scene.

It’s not clear exactly how, but Brian was thrown from his motorcycle after he “became airborne while crossing a set of railroad tracks.”

He was then hit by a car after landing on the highway.

When the motorcycle came landed after being airborne, it landed on its side and Clark was ejected from the bike before being struck.

The crash happened at 5 p.m. local time, and Clark was pronounced dead on the scene less than a half an hour afterward, at 5:20 p.m.

Simply awful.

According to reports, Brian passed away in December, but it appears that MTV only learned about, and mourned, his death this week.

In 2013, Brian appeared on Catfish with Jesse Bettinger, a pretty blonde who was worried that Brian was not who he appeared to be.

You can see a photo of the couple above.

He’d been portraying himself as a Southern gentleman, but Jesse, unsure of who she was dealing with online, enlisted the Catfish crew.

As she told Nev Schulman, she had been stood up by Brian once before, after driving hundreds of miles to meet up with him no less.

Brian later revealed that he missed their rendezvous because he was arrested for possessing a sawed-off shotgun that very same day.

RBC Image

Nevertheless, the online relationship continued, and when Brian and Jesse eventually met on Catfish, well, he was who he said he was.

That’s right, he was telling the truth all along.

A catch-up special later revealed to fans that they did not end up together, though they continued dating one another after the episode.

It’s not clear why they broke up, but Brian, a former U.S. Marine, had struggled with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for years.

Jesse, now the mother of a two-year-old son, posted a tribute to Brian on Facebook, along with the caption, “I’ll never forget our good times.”

“Your struggle is finally over,” she said.

Sadly, Catfish Season 2 star Ashley Sawyer died within the last year as well (Mike Fortunato, the man she met on MTV, is also deceased).

Wednesday night’s episode of Catfish contained a short tribute to Brian Clark, with the network sharing its condolences and memories.


Robert Valletta and Scheana Shay: We"re Instagram Official!

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage?

Maybe in 1983.

These days, it’s more like:

First comes a dating rumor, then comes a few vague hints from those involved, then comes anonymous source confirmation and then comes the first social media photo of the new couple.

Isn’t that right, Robert Valletta and Scheana Shay?

The Vanderpump Rules star and her rebound from her failed marriage to Mike Shay went public on Wednesday night, making their romance Instagram official via the cozy picture above.

Posing alongside the little known actor, Shay captioned this image with a single blue heart emoji, confirming that things are progressing very well between the two.

Valletta also posted a photo of the pair from the same evening on the red carpet, as they attended this film premiere with Shay’s Vanderpump Rules costars Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix.

Check it out below:

“She wasn’t expecting to meet somebody new so soon; she certainly wasn’t looking for it,” an insider told People Magazine last month of Shay, who divorced husband Mike in November.

This source added:

“She’s taking things slow, but is finally optimistic on what the future might hold.”

Scheana and Mike called it quits on their marriage last fall after two years as husband and wife.

Those who would watch Vanderpump Rules online on a regular basis were well aware that the couple had its share of issues.

Mike battled an addiction to painkillers for quite some time, actually going missing for several days not long before Scheana filed for divorce.

At the time, the estranged reality stars released a statement that made it sound as if this would be an amicable break-up.

“While we have made the difficult decision to move forward separately, our story will continue on through the love and mutual respect that we have cultivated throughout our 15-year friendship,” they wrote, adding:

“Much of the recent speculation and reporting on our relationship has been misguided, and we have come to an amicable decision on all matters.


A trailer for the upcoming Vanderpump Rules three-part reunion, which debuts on April 3, features Shay alleging that her former husband cheated on her, claiming that she “caught him texting another girl.”

That trailer came out around the same time as Shay releasing this picture of her and Robert Valletta.

Hmmm… coincidence?

Or it Shay trying to stir some $ hit up between herself and Mike?

It feels like a very long time since the two sliced into some wedding cake and exchanged vows, doesn’t it?

Says another source to People:

“Scheana spent the past year putting all of her energy into her marriage, neglecting her own needs.

“In Scheana’s previous relationship she carried the weight, in regards to finances and responsibility.

“It’s refreshing to see her with somebody who matches her own ambition and work ethic.”

Sort of hard to wonder if this anonymous source isn’t a certain Vanderpump Rules cast member who recently got divorced and who just made her romance Instagram official.

Vanderpump Rules airs Monday nights at 9/8c on Bravo.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tom Brady Jerseys Returned to Robert Kraft By FBI (PHOTO)

Pats owner Robert Kraft was actually happy to see the FBI — because they forked over Tom Brady’s missing Super Bowl jerseys!!! The Bureau posted this photo shot at Gillette Stadium Thursday … where the QB’s Super Bowl 49 and 51 jerseys were…


Tom Brady Jerseys Returned to Robert Kraft By FBI (PHOTO)

Pats owner Robert Kraft was actually happy to see the FBI — because they forked over Tom Brady’s missing Super Bowl jerseys!!! The Bureau posted this photo shot at Gillette Stadium Thursday … where the QB’s Super Bowl 49 and 51 jerseys were…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Robert Kraft Kicked It with President Trump ... In Air Force 1s (PHOTO)

Robert Kraft traveled on Air Force One … in his Air Force 1s. How cool is that? The New England Patriots owner flew from West Palm Beach, FL to D.C. on POTUS’ plane on Sunday.  After the flight, Kraft was transported to the South Lawn of the…


Robert Blake and Fiancee Appear to Have Gotten Married (VIDEO)

Robert Blake and Pamela Hudak not only took out a marriage license earlier this month … they appear to be married. We got the two hand in hand up in Beverly Glen Sunday and our photog congratulated them on their “marriage.” Robert…


Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund Says "Get Out" Not Best Recent Horror Flick (VIDEO)

Robert Englund has a tip for all you horror fans who loved the movie “Get Out” … and it involves a western. We got Mr. Freddy Krueger at LAX and he gave Jordan Peele major props for his blockbuster horror flick, but there’s another…


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Scheana Shay and new BF Robert Parks Valleta

“Vanderpump Rules” star Scheana Shay isn’t letting a recent divorce keep her from showing some serious PDA with her new man. Shay — who split with hubby Mike in November — hit the beaches in Malibu Friday with BF Robert Parks Valletta. The two…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Robert Blake and New Fiancee Dress the Same (PHOTO)

Robert Blake’s new chick is so ride or die … she’s already dressing like him. Robert and his fiancee, Pamela Hudak, wore matching caps, denim and cowboy boots Sunday as they headed out to dinner in Bev Hills. We broke the story — the…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Robert Blake To Give Marriage Another Try

Robert Blake will take a walk down the aisle a third time … 12 years after a jury acquitted him of murdering his second wife. We’ve learned the 83-year-old “Baretta” star was at the Beverly Hills Courthouse Thursday and filled out a marriage…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Robert Osborne Dies: Beloved Turner Classic Movies Host Was 84

You may not recognize the name Robert Osborne, but if you’re a fan of the Turner Classic Movies network, you almost certainly recognize his face.

For 23 years, Osborn was the face of TCM, the number one cable destination for lovers of Old Hollywood and budding young filmmakers alike.

A respected film historian and preservationist, Osborne was hand-selected by Ted Turner when the network launched in 1994.

He was on the air to introduce the network’s very first film, Gone With the Wind, on April 14, 1994.

“Robert was embraced by devoted fans who saw him as a trusted expert and friend,” TCM general manager Jennifer Dorian said in a statement released moments ago.

“His calming presence, gentlemanly style, encyclopedia knowledge of film history, fervent support of film preservation and highly personal interviewing style all combined to make him a truly world-class host.”

Dorian added:

“Robert’s contributions were fundamental in shaping TCM into what it is today, and we owe him a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.”

In addition to his time at TCM, Osborne worked as a columnist for The Hollywood Reporter for several decades.

His “Rambling Reporter” column ran in the magazine from 1983 to 2009 and was considered a must-read amongst industry insiders.

Tributes to Osborne began pouring in on social media within minutes of the announcement of this death, thus making the beloved TV icon a worldwide trending topic within minutes:

“Very sad to hear about Robert Osborne passing. I programmed on TCM with him in 2015 & it was a treat. He couldn’t have been more charming,” tweeted filmmaker Edgar Wright.

“Robert Osborne was a class act, a true gentleman & his historical nuggets as TCM host made watching those great old movies even better. RIP,” wrote Larry King.

“All of us are better for having known him – I know I am,” said Osborne’s longtime co-star Ben Mankiwiecz.

“So saddened by the death of Robert Osborne of @tcm. He helped spark my interest in classic films. He was a special man,” tweeted Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak.

One Twitter user suggested perhaps the best method of paying tribute to a man whose life was so fully devoted to the cinema:

“I think the best way to honor the life of Robert Osborne is to watch as many classic films as possible. Going to start right now. “


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Robert Griffin III Restrained In Altercation At FSU Track (VIDEO)

Robert Griffin III was physically restrained during a heated confrontation at an off-season training session in Tallahassee … and TMZ Sports has the video.
