Showing posts with label Something. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Something. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kristen Stewart to Whining Actresses: DO SOMETHING!

In a new interview with Variety, Kristen Stewart was asked about the topic of gender equality in Hollywood, an issue that has gotten more and more attention over the past several weeks.

Back in October, for example, Jennifer Lawrence penned an open letter in which she asked why she makes less money than her male co-stars.

But Stewart says here that she gets it.

Movies with male leads make more money than movies with female leads, so it"s just basic math, basic business.

And the former Twilight Saga star isn"t exactly sympathetic to women who simply whine about this pay gap.

“Instead of sitting around and complaining about that, do something,” she says in the following video. “Go write something, go do something.”

This is "easy to say," Stewart admits, adding:

“Like, f-ck, it’s hard to get movies made. It’s a huge luxury. Who gets to just make movies? But that subject is just so prevalently everywhere right now, and it’s boring.”

An interesting take to be sure.

Do you consider the topic boring? Or is this a real controversy that should continue to be discussed until the salaries of women are on par with the salaries of men?

Watch below and then response to Stewart"s comments:

Kristen stewart to whining actresses do something

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chris Brown Actually Does Something Nice

Might fatherhood truly have changed Chris Brown?

The often-angry, bitter, occasionally violent singer has announced to fans that he has a very nice gesture in mind when it comes to his new album.

Brown will be donating a portion of all “Royalty” proceeds to charity.

“The holidays are all about giving back, so this Christmas, from now until Christmas, if you order the album, pre-order the album, one dollar of every album sold will go to Children’s Miracle Network hospital,” the 26-year-old singer said in an Instagram video last Friday.

“So please do your part. Give back!”

Brown, of course, has named his latest record after his daughter, Royalty.

Last month, the singer unveiled the artwork for his album, which features a photo of a shirtlss Brown cradling his little girl.

“I honestly never knew I could love someone as strong as I do,” Brown said of his child back in May. “I’m gonna give her the world.”

Brown shares his daughter with ex-girlfriend Nia Guzman and won joint custody of his little her in September.

His seventh studio album, meanwhile, will be released on December 18.

We’d still prefer to just give money directly to charity that pad this woman-beater’s pockets with it, but hey.

We can at least acknowledge this is a nice gesture by Brown.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ben Carson Rap Song is Something That Actually Exists

Move over, Donald Trump.

Ben Carson is here to prove that you may not be the craziest candidate in the field of 2016 Presidential nominees.

The Republican hopeful, who is now leading many national polls among the GOP, has released a new 60-second campaign ad… which comes in the form of a rap song.


According to ABC News, the $ 150,000 radio ad buy (titled “Freedom”) will air for two weeks in Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Birmingham, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas.

The spot is meant to appeal to young African-America votes, featuring rapper Aspiring Mogul on the main vocals.

But his spit-out verses are interspersed with portions of Carson’s stump speech.

"America became a great nation early on not because it was flooded with politicians but because it was flooded with people who understood the value of personal responsibility, hard work, innovation and that’s what will get us on the right track now,” Carson says between Mogul’s rap.

He later adds:

“I’m very hopeful that I"m not the only one that’s willing to pick up the baton to freedom.

"Because freedom is not free and we must fight for it every day. Every one of us must fight for us because we are fighting for our children and the next generation."

The aim of the this commercial ad is to motivate the urban market, with Carson believing he can take down Hillary Clinton is he wins 20 percent of the black vote next year.

“Reaching them on a level they appreciate and follow and see if we can attract their consciousness about the election,” Carson campaign spokesman Doug Watts told ABC News.

“They need to get involved and express their voice through their vote.”

This is a real campaign ad.

We are not making it up.

Ben carson releases rap song as campaign ad

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Andy Cohen Told Tori Spelling To "Eat Something" And It Didn"t Go Well! Watch Him Explain The Awkward Exchange To Jimmy Fallon!

Despite constantly teasing celebs on Watch What Happens Live!, Andy Cohen says he never likes hurting anyone’s feelings!

But after making what he thought was a harmless joke about Tori Spelling, he ended up accidentally offending her more — because he misread an email!

The Bravo host told the story on Wednesday’s Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, which began after he made a joke about the 90210 alum suffering third-degree burns in April while eating at a Benihana.

Video: Joe Jonas Performs With His New Band DNCE On Fallon

Cohen revealed that Spelling shortly afterwards sent him an email saying how she felt the joke was uncalled for.

When Cohen sent an apology email back, he accidentally offended her AGAIN in his response when he told her to “EAT SOMETHING” — all because he misread her original email!

Check out the clip (below) to find out what caused the accidental insult!

[Image via NBC.]

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Chewbacca Toilet Paper Dispenser: Something That Sort of Exists!

How many times has this happened to you:

You are sitting in a public restroom. You have finished your business and it"s time for some clean up. You reach for the toilet paper and you are greeted by that scary sound.

It"s the screech of a very old apparatus that you know has been used by countless people who have popped a squat in the past. It"s sort of a gross sound and feeling.

But what if someone took advantage of this opportunity to create the ultimate (okay, the only) Chewbacca toilet paper dispenser?!?

That"s what a genius has done here. Watch the video to see what we mean.

Chewbacca toilet paper dispenser is something that sort of exist

Monday, September 21, 2015

EXCLUSIVE! Game Of Thrones Star Sophie Turner Dances Around Naming The CRAZIEST Fan Theory She"s Ever Heard — Is She Hiding Something?!

How many months until the season six premiere of Game of Thrones?!

Well, if you’re like us then you’re constantly itching for any and all insight into the world created by author George R.R. Martin.

Luckily, we caught an EXCLUSIVE moment with GoT star Sophie Turner at the 2015 Emmy Awards and asked her about the craziest fan theory she’s read online. Like any good cast member of the HBO show, she cryptically danced around answering the q as not to upset any loyal fans.

Video: YouTube Stars Tyler Oakley, Hannah Hart, & Cameron Dallas Dish About Their Squad!

Well played Miz Turner. But we can’t really blame her as she can’t give anything away — cuz that’s how they stay an Emmy-winning show.

Nonetheless, we’re just happy she didn’t say “Jon Snow lives.” LOLz!

Ch-ch-check out our whole encounter with the red headed maven for yourself (above)!