Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ben Carson Rap Song is Something That Actually Exists

Move over, Donald Trump.

Ben Carson is here to prove that you may not be the craziest candidate in the field of 2016 Presidential nominees.

The Republican hopeful, who is now leading many national polls among the GOP, has released a new 60-second campaign ad… which comes in the form of a rap song.


According to ABC News, the $ 150,000 radio ad buy (titled “Freedom”) will air for two weeks in Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Birmingham, Alabama, Jackson, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee and Little Rock, Arkansas.

The spot is meant to appeal to young African-America votes, featuring rapper Aspiring Mogul on the main vocals.

But his spit-out verses are interspersed with portions of Carson’s stump speech.

"America became a great nation early on not because it was flooded with politicians but because it was flooded with people who understood the value of personal responsibility, hard work, innovation and that’s what will get us on the right track now,” Carson says between Mogul’s rap.

He later adds:

“I’m very hopeful that I"m not the only one that’s willing to pick up the baton to freedom.

"Because freedom is not free and we must fight for it every day. Every one of us must fight for us because we are fighting for our children and the next generation."

The aim of the this commercial ad is to motivate the urban market, with Carson believing he can take down Hillary Clinton is he wins 20 percent of the black vote next year.

“Reaching them on a level they appreciate and follow and see if we can attract their consciousness about the election,” Carson campaign spokesman Doug Watts told ABC News.

“They need to get involved and express their voice through their vote.”

This is a real campaign ad.

We are not making it up.

Ben carson releases rap song as campaign ad