Showing posts with label Stassi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stassi. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Stassi Schroeder SLAMS Ariana Madix: Your Brother Beats Women!

Last night’s Vanderpump Rules reunion show may have brought the show’s fifth season to a dramatic conclusion, but it seems the cast is far from finished firing shots at one another.

The only difference now is that the war of words has shifted to social media, and believe it or not, it’s even uglier than what viewers witnessed on the series’ three-part reunion.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you probably know that the latest season wasn’t terribly kind to Scheana Marie.

Not only did the show document her divorce from Mike Shay (a storyline that probably should’ve received more screen time), we also saw Scheana butting heads with the chick clique of Stassi Schroeder, Katie Maloney, and Kristen Doute.

The show wrapped filming last summer, and the reunion specials were taped a few weeks ago, but it seems that the tension between Scheana and her former friends is still running high.

She’s not fighting the battle alone, however, as Ariana Madix has been taking shots at Katie and company on Scheana’s behalf.

Unfortunately for Ariana, it looks as though Stassi is taking no prisoners in this battle.

It seems Ariana and Lala Kent both joined Scheana for an episode of online talk show Scheananigans, and naturally they went in on Scheana’s rivals.

According to Stassi and Kristen the episode featured all three of the ladies engaging in the sort of bullying behavior they’ve been accusing others of all season.

Stassi put Lala in her place months ago (While Kent somewhat redeemed herself with her reunion show appearances, she was deservedly torn apart in her Twitter feud with Schroeder.) and now it seems she’s set her sights squarely on Madix.

Schroeder responded to a tweet from Ariana’s brother by reminding the world that Jeremy Madix was once arrested on domestic abuse charges:

Stassi Tweet

Yes, Stassi basically went nuclear, and it seems the escalation had the desired effect:

Ariana, usually never at a loss for words, has yet to respond to Stassi’s latest salvo.

Something tells us that long-gestating friendship between these two will never quite happen, but hey, at least you can’t accuse this crew of faking the drama for ratings.

A clearly feud-fatigued Kristen Doute remarked summarized the situation in a tweet posted moments ago, writing:

“Well.. I hope everyone enjoyed the final episode of #PumpRules Season 5! perfect timing for a dumb fucking twitter war.”

Seriously, folks. Save it for when the cameras are rolling, so we can all watch!


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Stassi Schroeder & Ariana Madix: Going At It On Twitter!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that this season has been about two things:

1. Tom and Katie’s wedding (and formerly one-note nice-guy Tom revealing himself to be as amusing a hot mess as anyone else on the show.)

2. And the politics of the show’s primary chick clique, with Stassi (probably temporarily) abdicating her HBIC throne to bride-to-be Katie.

Throughout the season, Ariana Madix has been on the outside looking in, having lost her most formidable ally when mean girl extraordinaire Lala Kent quit the show back in August.

Early on, Ariana made the baffling decision to side with Lala and James Kennedy, who is – and let us not mince words here – nothing but an entitled, egomaniacal abusive misogynist who may well have a bright future in presidential politics.

Despite what appeared to be a deepening rift between the two factions of the Vanderpump cast, there were rumors of hatchets buried and apologies issued during the filming of this year’s reunion show.

Which is why so many were caught off guard when Lala threw some unprovoked (and bafflingly random) shade at Stassi on a recent episode of Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live.

During a quiz about her former cast mates, Lala accused Stassi of lying about being from New Orleans, stating that the 28-year-old actually hails from a “white suburb” on the outskirts of the region.

Ariana seemed to side with Lala (as she so often does), prompting Stassi to publicly what she’d done to provoke the bartender.

“Wake me up when you find out whatever it is I did to [Ariana],” Stassi wrote.

Ariana responded, “It’s not about me, it’s how you treat people.”

Madix included a link to an article about a recent episode of Stassi’s podcast in which the reality star discussed the 2017 Academy Awards and decried what she saw as a situation in which art was overshadowed by racial politics.

Stassi replied to Ariana’s tweet with a scathing retort with some shade about Ariana’s failed attempt at podcasting:

“Thank u for my podcast shout out. If yours would’ve had success, then maybe u would’ve accidentally f–ked up on your words at some point.”

Does Ariana have a point in this particular argument?

Yes, but to be fair Stassi has fully accepted the blame for the ignorance of her statement. 

At this point, Ariana’s insistence on pointing to a past slip-up rather than sticking to the issue at hand smacks of the rhetorical equivalent of running and hiding.

To say nothing of the fact that these days, Ariana is awfully vulnerable to being called out for a shocking lack of woke-ness, herself:

In fact, she’s proven herself so self-servingly hypocritical that in most cases, her high-minded moralizing is thoroughly undermined by her recent words and deeds. 

Madix calls herself a feminist while defending the actions of Lala Kent, a young woman who’s most memorable moments from this season involved body-shaming her castmates and mocking women who aren’t attractive enough to receive free transportation in private jets.

Ariana is the same woman who called herself the smartest person she knows (a statement so egregiously dumb it serves as its own counter-argument), but who routinely pulls co-workers and castmates into the most inane squabbles imaginable.

We guess such hypocrisy shouldn’t be surprising coming from a woman who proudly boasts about “taking comedy seriously.”


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Stassi Schroeder & Scheana Shay: Feuding Because of Lala Kent?!

It was back in August, that we first learned Lala Kent was quitting Vanderpump Rules, reportedly due to unwelcome scrutiny of her personal life. 

(Lala really should’ve googled “reality star job responsibilities” before she took the gig. There’s only like one.)

The show has yet to deal with Lala’s departure, but a preview for next week’s episode promises a brief return, presumably so that she can tie up some loose ends before cutting ties with the SUR crew for good.

Despite the fact that she lasted just a few episodes longer the ill-fated Vail Bloom (Vail, we hardly knew ye.) Lala still casts a long shadow over a certain WeHo neighborhood, and it seems the mere mention of her name is still enough to stir up drama amongst her former rivals.

According to Radar Online, Scheana Shay has committed the grievous sin of befriending Lala (Following the shifting alliances and rivalries in this clique is like studying the buildup to World War I.), and now she’s suffering the Regina George-esque wrath of Stassi Schroeder and company.

If you’ve been watching the show this season you know that the similarities between Mean Girls and Vanderpump Rules have been overwhelming, and that poor Scheana has been on the receiving end of some serious cafeteria table cold shoulders.

Now, an insider says that just as Scheana was being welcomed back into the fold, she once again finds herself exiled from Stassi Land due to to her decision to make nice with Lala.

“Lala and [Scheana] have been hanging out, partying together and texting and talking,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“[Stassi Schroeder] is still mad and making digs at Scheana for even talking to — let alone becoming friends with Lala [Kent] again.”

Yes, it seems Scheana still just can’t catch a break.

First she gets divorced from Mike Shay, then her friends question her commitment to the wedding of Tequila Katie that’s taken up this whole freakin’ season for some reason, and now she’s on the outs again for getting friendly with Lala.

Granted, Lala did some sh-tty things (her “summer bodies” comment will go down as one of the douchiest in the show’s history, which is really saying something), but let Scheana live, y’all

Has the girl not been through enough?

These days, Scheana is dating again and trying to move on from both the wreckage of her marriage and her singing career, but she just can’t get out from under the thumb of Queen Stassi.

We’re about to launch a Kickstarter to buy this girl a new group of friends.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Stassi Schroeder Calls Lala Kent an "Assh-le," Is Correct in That Assessment

You’ve gotta hand it to Lala Kent.

We didn’t think anyone could misunderstand the point and purpose of reality television more than the Teen Mom stars who can’t fathom why producers need to film, like, totes personal stuff, but Lala found a way.

Kent quit Vanderpump Rules before the show’s fifth season premiere, reportedly because she was upset over scrutiny of her love life.

Having joined the show in its fourth season, one would think she would’ve watched the first 48 episodes and gotten a sense of the extent to which producers explore the cast’s romantic conflicts, but apparently her pre-sugar daddy budget didn’t leave room for Amazon Prime.

(Side note: watch Vanderpump Rules online at TV Fanatic! You’ll be better informed about the cast’s past than both Lala and Brittany Cartwright, who, in fairness, should never, ever watch the reruns for the sake of her relationship.)

Anyway, it seems many of the show’s viewers are similarly clueless as to the difference between reality TV and actual reality.

(We assume they voted for Trump for the same reason you hope the most jerk-ass contestant doesn’t get kicked off The Bachelorette).

Some of these folks took to social media to lambaste Stassi Schroeder, Katie Maloney, et al. over what they saw as nosiness from a bunch of co-workers (and co-workers’ friends) at a WeHo restaurant.

But if you think that Lala simply took a hostessing gig and wound up plugged into a drama-heavy circle of friends, we encourage you not to breed.

Kent knew what she was signing on for, and she bounced from the scene the second she realized that there’s a lot she doesn’t want the world to know about her personal life.

Stassi called Lala out for her hypocrisy on Twitter last week, pointing out that asking her co-stars to sign a non-disclosure agreement was the gross contract violation that could potentially threaten the future of the show.

Lala persisted in playing the victim, responding on Monday (better late than never) that the cast had slut-shamed her, and referring to them as “disgusting human beings.”

She followed that up yesterday, by gleefully tweeting about Stassi’s sex tape, which stripped her slut-shaming defense of any credibility.

Continuing what’s quickly becoming one of the more entertaining online feuds in recent memory, Stassi responded in a recent interview with Us Weekly, reminding fans that long before the sugar daddy talk, Kent made a game out of bullying and harassing Katie:

“Of course we had our issues with Lala, because Lala was an a–hole to Katie,” Schroeder told the magazine.

“[She was] an a–hole!” Stassi reiterated.

“And when I see someone hurting my friends, I make it my mission to destroy them.”

Asked how she and the rest of the cast responded to the news that Lala had quit the show, Stassi replied:

“I think we all threw a party, honestly.”

We’d say let’s go ahead and get a #LalaKentIsOverParty hashtag trending on Twitter, but Lala Kent never began.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Stassi Schroeder on Scheana Marie Shay Divorce: There Were Red Flags

There’s nothing Stassi Schroeder likes to say more than, “I told you so.”

That has been crystal clear over the past five seasons of Vanderpump Rules, but we would not change her for the world. 

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will be well aware that Stassi has somehow managed to work her way back to being the Queen Bee of her friend circle. 

That’s not entirely a bad thing. Schroeder makes for good TV and it’s evident the producers knew that, allowing her to stage a return to the show last year. 

Stassi’s latest revelation centers on co-star Scheana Marie Shay’s marriage to Mike Shay. 

As you probably already know, the relationship came to an abrupt end last November when Scheana filed from divorce from Mike after some erratic behavior. 

“You’ll see as you keep watching this season. Shay kind of backed off from us almost entirely. It felt like he was almost never around,” Schroeder revealed about Mike’s sudden disappearance.

“So that to me was like a little bit of a red flag, but like nothing major. So when they actually decided to split up, that was a little shocking.”

Turns out, the “red flag” actually turned out to be that Scheana and Mike were having some marital woes.

It’s difficult enough to admit to yourself that your relationship is over, so you can only imagine how painful it was for her split to become public knowledge. 

That said, Stassi felt that the divorce came about pretty quickly and there was not much lingering from either party. 

“It was so fast that, like, I don’t remember having, like, a real reaction. All I know is that I’m happy that they are getting a divorce. I think Scheana’s handled it so well and she’s been so strong,” Schroeder continued. 

“And I don’t know if I would have been able to have that strength if I was in her position. But I admire the way that she’s handled everything.”

As much as Stassi comes across as the two-faced person of her band of minions, it’s clear she does like Scheana. 

They may not have gotten off to the best start, but it seems the bumps in the road to becoming friends have only made them stronger. 

There are still a lot of big events coming up this season on the hit Bravo show. We will finally get to see Katie Maloney and Tom Schwartz becoming the cutest “bubbas” of the small screen. 

That’s if Tom gets Katie to agree to the prenup. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Stassi Schroeder SLAMS Lala Kent: She"s a Liar & a Nobody!

Though she’s been irritatingly melodramatic and self-absorbed (even by reality star standards) this entire season, we can’t help but feel a little bummed that Lala Kent is quitting Vanderpump Rules.

The reason is not that we were holding on to any hope that she could turn things around and redeem herself.

(Her problematic observation that if you’re “not ugly” and “have tits” you should be cruising on private jets all the time pretty much squashed any chance of that.)

Rather, it’s because the feud between Lala and the entire rest of the cast is heating up in entertaining fashion, but Ms. Kent is jumping ship just as things are starting to really get good.

Kinda leads us to believe she didn’t really know what she was getting into.

If only the show had been around for several seasons before she joined the cast, so that she might’ve gotten a better idea of what she was signing on for. Oh, wait…

Anyway, things really came to a head on this week’s episode of Vanderpump, as Lala lost her last allies when Sandoval and Ariana turned on her.

Sure, she still has James Kennedy on her side, but that’s like having a hybrid of Voldemort and a shaved ferret in your corner.

And even James seems to realize that Lala’s behavior is beyond the pale these days, as he offered up the best indication yet that she doesn’t really understand what makes compelling reality television work.

It was James who spread the word that Lala tried for force her “friends” to sign a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for staying at a house her mysterious sugar daddy rented for Coachella. 

All this season, Stassi, Katie, Kristen and company have taken no end of flak from fans for taking too much of an interest in Lala’s love life.

The NDA ordeal made it clear that their dislike for the newest SUR girl had little to do with Lala’s feminine wiles and everything to do with her secretive behavior.

Put simply, Lala is f–king up their cash cow by trying to keep the drama off camera.

In a lengthy Twitter tirade posted yesterday, fan favorite Stassi explained that the reasons for her squad’s disdain for Lala are simple – she’s a bully when she’s not filming, and she doesn’t play by the clear and explicit rules of the show.

Stassi writes:

In between filming seasons, Lala thought she could say the most sicking degrading degrading things about Katie & my friends on podcasts, social media, and news outlets.

“She thought she could disparage every single one of us: call us old, uninteresting has-beens; say it was ‘her’ show.

“All the while she never actually showed any part of her life. We have worked so hard for 5 years to make a great show.

“We have poured our hearts and, for better or worse, exposed our lives in every way we could. VPR has been our baby. She doesn’t get to ride our coattails without having to do any work.”

It’s a fair point, and it’s the sort of thing viewers often lose sight of:

The restaurant and hostessing gigs are for show. These folks real job is starring on a Bravo reality series, and they have reason to be protective of the following they worked hard to build.

As for the NDA controversy, Stassi has this to say:

Lala handed out non-disclosure agreements. A NDA is a COMPLETE violation of the contracts we all have to sign for our show,” Stassi continued.

“None of us have the luxury of hiding anything in our lives; therefore, I 100% made it my goal this summer to see that justice was served, regardless of what it would make me look like.

“Mission accomplished.”

Stassi and her clique will likely continue to be accused of bullying, but if they were genuinely trying to rid the cast of behaviors that might hurt the quality of the show, their actions are justified.

We imagine many fans will blame Lala’s departure on the “mean girl” behavior of her female co-stars, but the fact remains, this show has a low tolerance for boring cast members (We’re looking at you, Vail Bloom!), so if Ms. Kent was taking great pains to hide the most interesting aspects of her life, she probably wouldn’t have lasted long anyway.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for the final days of Lala. We hardly knew ye.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Stassi Schroeder Admits to Hiding Drug Use While Filming Vanderpump Rules

These days, Stassi Schroeder is once again the HBIC of her Vanderpump Rules chick clique.

But as long time fans of the show know, it took her quite a while to climb back to the top of the heap after being bumped from her spot in Season 3.

Now we may know what enabled Stassi to both act like such a boss and think it would be a good idea to date Jax Taylor when she first started on the show.

Turns out, as is usually the case when someone is crushing it in one aspect of their life and making colossally dumb decisions in all the others – Stassi was on drugs.

Specifically, she was on Adderall, which is pretty tame when you consider the quality and quantity of substances that must pass through SUR on a weekly basis.

The amount of cocaine that Jax Taylor puts up his surgically-altered nose on a daily basis probably could’ve eliminated the need for a props department on Scarface.

We’d rag on the dude for all the roids he takes, too, but if they’re helping maintain a constant state of rage toward James Kennedy, we’re all for it.

Anyway, we were talking about Stassi, here.

According to Radar Online, on the popular ADHD medication on an episode of her podcast.

She says it helped her through long days of filming when the show first began, but it wasn’t long before she realized she was overly fond of the drug.

“When I started season 3, I had just quit Adderall,” she said.

“I was like ‘I’m not gonna be good. I don’t know if I can actually do this without taking a drug.’”

Stassi says she’s glad she kicked the habit, but she’s not exactly a walking anti-drug PSA:

“I didn’t need it,” she said.

“None of my castmates needed it. But Oh. My. God… I was so skinny when I was on it, it was the best!”

Despite the TrimSpa-like effect on her figure, Schroeder says she wouldn’t exactly recommend Addies to folks who are looking to not hate life:

“So that’s that…it’s the worst drug I’ve ever taken, I swear to God,” Stassi told her audience.

“I feel like it’s worst than coke because you get so addicted to it because it’s a pill and so you think it’s okay. But it made me absolutely psycho and it made me depressed all the time.”

Well, we’re glad she was able to kick the habit.

After all, with Million Dollar Matchmaker in her future, she’s got plenty of reason to be miserable without the study buddies clouding her judgment.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to try and catch Stassi in the act of slipping some crushed up pills into Lala Kent’s cran and vodka.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Reunion Recap: Ariana vs. Scheana! Stassi vs. Lisa!

On the second part of Vanderpump Rules’ Season 4 reunion special, Scheana Marie and Ariana Madix explored their rocky friendship.

Also, Stassi Schroeder and Lisa Vanderpump had it out, while Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright gave us an update on their relationship …

When the second part of the reunion, a.k.a. Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 22, picked up where last week’s absurdity left off …

Brittany explained her dubious decision to move in with Jax (or associate with Jax in general) despite all that we all know about him.

Jax acknowledged that he does “stupid s–t,” the understatement of all time, but called Brittany his rock. Which he might even marry.

“Maybe he can steal her a wedding ring,” Tom Sandoval said.

Speaking of marriage, “I really, truly wanted Katie to abandon all hope,” Tom Schwartz said of his unorthdox proposal to Katie Maloney.

She totes loved it, but they didn’t consummate it that night.

Or for the next 14-15 nights, now that you mention it.

“We technically should have had sex that night, but I went to put taquitos in the oven, and [Katie] passed out after I got back,” Tom said.

A hopeless romantic, that Tom Schwartz.

In all seriousness, he said that he looks to Scheana and Mike Shay’s marriage for inspiration, as they’ve been through hell and back.

Scheana has also been through a different kind of turmoil with Ariana, with whom she has an … interesting, complex friendship dynamic.

Ariana mentioned the fact that Scheana Marie bashed Tom Sandoval to Ariana’s mom via text while they were in Hawaii on vacation.

Lala Kent said it best, “If someone did that to me and my mom, I best believe someone would be going down, and it would be you.”

Not going down in the hot sense, either.

Katie, for her part, feels like Ariana thinks she’s too good for everyone, while at the same time carries herself like a “Debbie downer.”

Ms. Madix fired back that “this is the most toxic environment I’ve ever witnessed in my life,” before everyone ganged up on Ms. Kent.

According to Katie, Lala is a rude, immature, shady liar who can’t make any friends. She has no problem landing boyfriends, however.

As for Jax and Lala’s weird relationship, we all know he lied to Lala about Brittany coming into town to try to get her to go out with him.

Brittany, obviously, was not happy.

Jax denied, however, saying certain flirty things to Lala, while Lala just wanted him to own it because she owned up to flirting back.

This is middle school at its best.

One thing both of them agreed on is that if they had wanted to bone, they would bone, since we know both enjoy that act personally.

Okay, hard to argue that point.

Meanwhile, Stassi Schroeder appeared to explain why she decided to return back to the Bravo show after leaving for 12 installments.

Stassi claimed she had to “have a rock-bottom moment” to work on herself and finally turn things around and make it right with the group.

Was the group having it?

Not Jax and Tom Sandoval, who felt that Stassi had ulterior motives for returning, and zeroed in on Kristen Doute because she’s weak.

They don’t mean she’s weak in the physical sense – Kristen can deck people as hard as anyone – but emotionally. Easiest to manipulate.

Tom Sandoval was mad about the way Stassi treated Katie, but Stassi feels that Tom is out to get her and just has a weird vendetta.

Lisa just can’t take it.

“I think that if there wasn’t this show, none of you would have ever heard from Stassi Schroeder again,” Lisa said, and well, she’s right.

She, too, is pissed about the way Stassi spoke about her on camera, and we’re guessing Stassi’s apology fell upon deaf ears Monday.

“I feel that you hold things over my head, like I owe the rest of my life to you all of the time, and I feel like that’s not fair,” Stassi said.

Wait, what’s that … can you hear something? Somewhere, the world’s smallest violin is playing a sorrowful ode to Stassi Schroeder.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 15 Recap: Stassi Gets Awkward as F--k

Last night on Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 15, Katie Maloney finally launched her website, but not without some major hiccups.

Namely, James Kennedy showing up and a text from Stassi Schroeder that threatened to cast a pall over – if not full on ruin – the event …

Meanwhile, Jax adjusted to his new life as an unemployed outlaw as his girlfriend Brittany adjusted to her new life as the sole breadwinner.

Yes, not only is she dating Jax Taylor, but supporting him.

Also, Lala Kent reacted to a very ugly rumor, and Tom Schwartz grew a pair long enough to take the insufferable Stassi to task. Hard.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know Stassi has developed more bad blood with the cast than we can even begin to describe.

Still, Tom Schwartz is Tom Schwartz, so when he meets up with her, it can be “sweet,” and “awkward as f–k” and bitter, all at once.

He called her a “bitch” and told her she’s “venomous,” both fair points but hey, no hard feelings … come to Katie’s engagement party?!

This is a big f–king deal because Stassi cut Katie our of her life last year, but now she seems to want forgiveness and/or a paycheck.

She kind of deserved it when Tom told her she’s “a pain in the ass, and a bitch, and venomous,” but she did try to defend herself too.

“Did I, like, kill your dog?” Stassi asked Schwartz. “I am the type of person that, in order to protect myself, if you hurt me, I cut you out.”

“I’ve done that with everybody in my life,” Schroeder boasted.

“With shocking ease,” he replied, with hilarious accuracy. 

“Yes, and that is a fault of mine,” she admitted (the Stassi Schroeder sex tape would also qualify). “Yes, and I am now realizing this.”

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your view, Tom started warming up to Stassi, and asked her to celebrate his recent engagement.

That ought to go over super well. Just a prediction.

Meanwhile, when Katie threw a party for her “Pucker & Pout” blog, James crashed it and tried to get back together with Kristen Doute.

DENIED. She’s dating a “hotter” guy named Alex now, and James’ bad night continued when Lala kicked his ass to the curb as well.

All ’cause he got jealous after finding out she gave some other guy a rim job at one point. Seriously, that was why they got into a fight.

These are the things that happen on Pump Rules.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Stassi Schroeder Sex Tape: Who"s the Jerk That Threatened to Post It Online?

It was back in March of last year that we first learned about the existence of a Stassi Schroeder sex tape

On an episode of Vanderpump Rules that was filmed back in the summer of 2013, Stassi revealed that she’d masturbated on a live webcam for a boyfriend who was out of town.

On the season 3 reunion show, we found out that the intimate moment was recorded without her knowledge, and the video had been shopped around to potential buyers.

On last night’s episode, we learned a bit about the identity of the D-bag who extorted $ 900 from Lisa Vanderpump by threatening to go public with the footage.

Needless to say, if you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know just about everything about this tape except whether or not Stassi’s carpet matches the drapes. (We’re guessing she prefers linoleum.)

But for most fans, one big question remains: Who is this jerk that threatened to post Stassi’s solo sex tape online?

Well, after a bit of digging, we here at THG believe we can confidently reveal the answer:

But first we have to ask: Remember this douche?

That’s Frank Herlihy, the former Sur bartender whom Stassi was dating around the time she made the tape.

That’s not exactly conclusive evidence on its own, but on last night’s episode, Lisa revealed that the amateur extortionist was a former employee whom she had been forced to fire – which also describes Frank.

The only men we’ve seen Stassi get seriously involved with over the course of the series are Jax Taylor, her current boyfriend Patrick Meagher, and Frank.

We’re pretty sure those first two can be ruled out as suspects, which leaves Frank – who was not exactly a fan favorite to begin with – as the culprit.

Can we prove it beyond a reasonable doubt? No, but this ain’t Making a Murderer and Frank ain’t Steven Avery.

He’s just some D-bag who tried to extend his 15 minuted of fame by showing the world his ex’s handiwork. Gross.

Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 14 Recap: Sex, Lies & Stassi Schroeder Sex Tapes!

Last night on Vanderpump Rules, Stassi Schroeder finally gave fans the story on her sex tape, and – spoiler alert – there was drama.

Picking up where last week left off, Vanderpump Rules Season 4 Episode 14 saw Stassi make her long-awaited (dreaded?) return.

The impetus for her visit was to repay her boss for keeping the Stassi Schroeder sex tape from leaking, which apparently happened.

According to reports, Stassi FaceTimed with a former lover (not Jax Taylor) and showed her face while masturbating on camera.

Hot? Not? That’s subjective, but the dude tried to sell the footage for $ 900 – until Lisa Vanderpump bought the footage and erased it.

That’s right, Lisa actually intervened to squash this thing.

Naturally, Stassi tried to give her back the $ 900 last night, as if that’s what motivates her or would make her like Stassi again.

Lisa refused to take it, calling it an “insult” and tearing into Stassi for calling her an “old woman” and dissing the staff publicly.

She’s “not important enough to hate,” as Lisa put it, but she’s definitely worthy of being kicked the f–k out. Burn, Stassi. Burn.

At least she found a temporary home in Kristen’s apartment, after Ms. Doute booted her Stage 5 Clinger boyfriend to the curb.

Also on this installment of the Bravo hit, Jax Taylor had to answer to the court – and Lisa – after being arrested in Hawaii for shoplifting.

Naturally, Lisa was unhappy to learn that she had someone labeled a liar, a drunk, and a thief working for her businesses.

In other news, has Lisa never met Jax f–king Taylor?

Meanwhile, James Kennedy and Lala Kent could not keep their hands off each other at a racy photo shoot, to the dismay of viewers.

Seriously, who wants to watch James? Finally, Scheana and Shay toasted to their first year of marriage – rocky as it was at times.

Naturally, they celebrated with many cocktails – hey, you can just go out and get a good buzz on but not get s–tfaced, right Shay?

Follow the link to watch Vanderpump Rules online and see all of these intense storylines and more play out right here, right now.