Showing posts with label Steven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steven. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Steven Tyler Says Ric Flair Is "Full of Sh*t" with Sex Talk

Steven Tyler’s banged an astronomical amount of groupies over the years — but even he’s calling B.S. on Ric Flair’s claim that he got 10,000 chicks (give or take) to ride “Space Mountain.” We got the Aerosmith legend leaving LAX … and you can…


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Tony Gonzalez Shouts Out Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese for Movie Roles

Tony Gonzalez is putting Hollywood’s A-List directors on notice — telling TMZ Sports that guys like Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese need to get him in the game!! FYI, the NFL legend’s been dabbling in acting for a few years…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Portia de Rossi: Steven Seagal "Unzipped" in Front of Me, Sucks as a Person

Portia de Rossi is out for some kind of justice against Steven Seagal.

And we really hope she gets it.

The veteran actress took to Twitter on Wednesday to level a serious accusation against the former action star, claiming Seagal made a clear sexual advance in her direction a number of years ago.

Here is how de Rossi described the disturbing scene:

My final audition for a Steven Segal movie took place in his office. He told me how important it was to have chemistry off-screen as he sat me down and unzipped his leather pants.

I ran out and called my agent.

Unfazed, she replied, “well, I didn’t know if he was your type.”

Jeez. It’s hard to even say what’s more troubling here:

The actions of Seagal or the response of Portia’s agent?

The Arrested Development and Scandal actress has made this claim not long after Julianna Margulies outlined a similar encounter with Seagal back when Margulies was just 23 years old.

“A casting director, a woman, said, ‘Steven Seagal wants to go over the scene with you in his hotel room at 10 o’clock at night,’” The Good Wife star told Jenny Hutt on SiriusXM’s Just Jenny last Friday.

For understandable reasons, Margulies explained that she was hesitant to follow this direction.

She tried to make excuses for why she couldn’t attend the random and possibly shady meeting.

“I lived in Brooklyn, and I said, ‘Oh, I don’t do that. I don’t travel. I don’t have money for a cab.’ And I didn’t,” Margulies said on the show, adding:

“And I said, ‘And I don’t take subways late at night.’ And she says, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll reimburse you. And I’m here, a woman.’

I got to the hotel at 10:40, and she wasn’t there. And he was. Alone. And he made sure that I saw his gun, which I had never seen a gun in real life.

“And I got out of there unscathed.”

Ummm… WTH?!?

Seagal has not made a movie in ages, and yet has been in the news often of late.

First, he slammed the NFL and looked like this in an interview:

Then, footage surfaced of Seagal referring to female journalists as bitches.

So, we’re not saying de Rossi and Margulies are 100% telling the truth for sure.

We’re just saying we wouldn’t be surprised if they were.

Last month, Inside Edition correspondent Lisa Guerrero went public with her own alleged encounter, stating that Seagal answered the door of an audition one time “in a silk robe and nothing else.”

Guerrero went on to claim that she was cut from a movie after refusing to go to Seagal’s dressing room.

Again, would anyone really be stunned if this happened?


Portia de Rossi Claims Steven Seagal "Unzipped" During Her Audition

Portia de Rossi claims Steven Seagal put her on the casting couch in his office during an audition — and she’s also blasting her then-agent for a callous and nonchalant reaction. Portia says the incident happened during her final audition for a…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Steven Seagal: Sexist Rant About Female Journalists Exposed

Steven Seagal might seem like too much of a caricature to actually exist, but we regret to remind you that he is all too real.

The actor, who has openly pondered a political run and shared some of his truly frightening political views, is only the latest to be accused of sexual harassment.

But newly revealed audio of Steven Seagal has him ranting angrily about female journalists in what has been characterized as a misogynistic rant. You can listen below for yourself.

What"s the most recent news that we"ve heard from this guy?

Probably when Steven Seagal slammed the NFL for "disrespecting the flag." There were a couple of problems with his complaints.

One, that"s not what the NFL protests are about — they"re not sticking up their middle finger at America, they"re using the opportunity to protest the killing of unarmed black men by the very police who are supposed to protect them and enforce the law.

At this point, we feel like anyone who honestly wants to understand the situation already knows that.

Two, if Steven Seagal loves America so much, why does he live in Russia?

Russia isn"t just another country — it"s a hostile foreign power that has actively worked against the United States time after time.

And yet Steven Seagal seems to absolutely adore Russia"s shameless despot, Vladimir Putin.

We don"t really need to rehash the election interference that almost no one is denying, right? Or the habit of Vladimir Putin"s political enemies have of being poisoned or otherwise dying?

(The same happens to journalists investigating Putin and his interests)

So Steven Seagal has some pretty controversial opinions, to say the least.

That is not, however, the most recent thing that we"ve heard about Steven Seagall.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, more and more actresses (and actors!) have been coming forward with their #MeToo stories.

In many cases, they"ve revealed instances of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Some women have come forward to add their names to the lists of Harvey Weinstein"s accusers.

Others have, for a host of reasons, declined to name the men who harassed or assaulted them.

Actress Jenny McCarthy, perhaps best known for her ludicrous "medical" beliefs that have mad her name synonymous with the anti-vaxx movement, recently came forward in a podcast.

She alleges that Steven Seagal told her to take off her dress during a casting call for one of his films. Just so that you know, folks, that is not appropriate.

And Lisa Guerrero, who is now a journalist but was once an actress, told The Hollywood Reporter of her own Steven Seagal encounter.

She alleges that in the "90s, Steven Seagal summoned her to his Beverly Hills home for an audition.

That"s a little weird, so she insisted upon the casting director also being present, so it should be fine, right?

Well … Steven Seagal not only seemed surprise to see that casting director with her, but he answered the door in a silk kimono.

Now, we"re sure that kimonos are very comfy, but if you"re not a college student, you should probably put on something other than a robe when people come over. Especially if it"s a work thing.

Instead, she describes how Steven Seagal sat on a throne-like chair in his robe and watched her audition for 10 minutes.

It was fine — he didn"t touch her or expose himself. But … what would have happened if she hadn"t brought the casting director?

While the brief audio clip, which you can listen to below, doesn"t provide a whole lot of context, it"s pretty damning on its own.

You hear Steven Seagal"s own voice as he speaks to a male interviewer.

"The few times that I had a hard time was usually with women."

That"s not a great way to talk about … anything.

"When somebody is on tour, a promotional tour, he’s there to talk about his film, not about who he’s f—ing or who he would like to f— or who his wife was with ten years ago."

Those are the explicit versions of normal questions to ask celebrities.

"They should go into pornography or something else instead of journalism if they want to hear that s–t. They"re a bunch of a—-."

They should "go into pornography" … what?! Does he mean that they should be porn stars or interview porn stars? Both suggestions are absurd.

He has some lovely things to say about some unnamed woman.

"I won"t even dare tell you what I think it is. It was just some dumb b–ch that is a liar and wanted to be sensational."

If someone is saying "some dumb b–ch" and not jokingly referring to themselves or making a totally okay inside joke with a friend … that tells you a lot about their opinions of women.

Steven Seagal"s decision to style his home and much of his clothing in an Asian manner is fine. He"s a little eccentric, sure. But it"s fine.

As we all learned in 2016, an audio recording of a man with extensive Russian ties saying offensive things about women doesn"t necessarily mean that he"ll be negatively impacted.

Of course … what exactly is Steven Seagal"s career these days? So whatever fallout this audio recording might have had during his heyday probably won"t amount to anything in 2017.

Listen for yourself:

Steven seagal audio reveals sexist rant about female journalists

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Michael Buffer: George Foreman Would Kick Steven Seagal"s Fat Ass

If George Foreman and Steven Seagal ever really get it on, the boxer would beat Seagal’s overweight ass all the way to oblivion — so says Michael Buffer.  We got the legendary announcer outside Craig’s in L.A. … and asked about 68-year-old…


Michael Buffer: George Foreman Would Kick Steven Seagal"s Fat Ass

If George Foreman and Steven Seagal ever really get it on, the boxer would beat Seagal’s overweight ass all the way to oblivion — so says Michael Buffer.  We got the legendary announcer outside Craig’s in L.A. … and asked about 68-year-old…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Steven Seagal Slams NFL, Resembles All Sorts of Pretend Villains

Steven Seagal is … wait for it… UNDER SIEGE by the Internet.

The former action star sat down for a bizarre interview with Piers Morgan on Tuesday morning, speaking to the host from his home in Russia and taking serious umbrage with athletes who kneel during the National Anthem.

"I believe in free speech," the actor said, prior to contradicting this statement as follows:

"I believe that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t agree that they should hold the United States of America or the world hostage by taking a venue where people are tuning in to watch a football game and imposing their political views.

"I think it’s outrageous. I think it’s a joke. It’s disgusting.

"I respect the American flag, and I myself have risked my life countless times for the American flag and I don’t understand or agree with this kind of behavior. I think it’s an outrage.”

Seagal, of course, is talking about the scandal Donald Trump stirred last week when he said NFL players who take a knee during the National Anthem ought to be fired.

Well over 100 players responded to this stance by…. taking a knee on Sunday.

But that"s a debate for another day.

The issue at hand following Seagal"s strange Q&A ("For anyone to think that Vladimir Putin had anything to do with fixing the elections, or even that the Russians have that kind of technology, is stupid," he said at one point) was the actor"s appearance.

Twitter can"t seem to decide just what sort of villain Seagal most resembles in the video below.

Here are two options:

Not bad choices, right?

You can see where each Twitter user is coming from.

Another critic speculated on how there"s an "87% chance this is a John Travolta character," while another chimed in as follows:

"Steven Seagal can’t decide who he’s angrier at – kneeling NFL players or the wizard who cursed him to gradually turn into an owl."


Watch Seagal"s interview below, sound off on his NFL views and then also jump in w.ith your take on just what the heck has happened to Steven Seagal:

Steven seagal slams nfl in bizarre interview resembles various t

Steven Seagal Blasts NFL Protests From Moscow, "Outrageous, Disgusting"

Steven Seagal says the NFL protests are “outrageous” and “disgusting” and it makes him sick to his stomach to watch.  And he said this all while sitting in a chair in Moscow. Seagal joined Piers Morgan on “Good Morning Britain” on a satellite…


Friday, September 15, 2017

Darrell Hammond Says Steven Bannon Never Called Him About "SNL" Portrayal

Steve Bannon never reached out to ‘SNL’ announcer and former cast member Darrell Hammond about how the show would portray him, at least not according to Hammond. There was a rumor going around that Bannon had contacted Hammond while he was still…


Darrell Hammond Says Steven Bannon Never Called Him About "SNL" Portrayal

Steve Bannon never reached out to ‘SNL’ announcer and former cast member Darrell Hammond about how the show would portray him, at least not according to Hammond. There was a rumor going around that Bannon had contacted Hammond while he was still…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Rick Fox Recruits OKC"s Steven Adams For His Pro eSports Team

NBA player Steven Adams just got an offer to make big bucks playing another pro sport … ‘cause Rick Fox wants the killer Kiwi to join his pro gaming team. Fox is the owner of team Echo Fox, a team that competes in Major League gaming … and when…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Steven Adams: Melo to OKC Would Be "Awesome," But ...

OKC center Steven Adams says he’s ALL ABOUT playing with Carmelo Anthony — but warns that talk of Melo being signed by the Thunder is still just a fantasy.  The 7-footer was flying out of LAX when we asked about the possible move. …


Friday, May 12, 2017

Steven Tyler Says He"s All In for "American Idol" Reboot IF ... (VIDEO)

Steven Tyler is serious about putting the band together again — not Aerosmith, but his fellow judges J Lo and Randy Jackson … for the “American Idol” reboot. Thing is though … Steven’s got a lot of demands. He was at…


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Steven Holcomb Dies; Former Gold Medalist Was 37

Steven Holcomb, a former Olympian Gold Medalist in the bobsled, was found dead in his room at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Lake Placid, New York on Saturday.

He was 37 years old.

As of this writing, the cause of Holcomb’s is unknown.

No foul play is suspected and it is believed he died in his sleep, although we’ll know more about an autopsy is performed.

“The entire Olympic family is shocked and saddened by the incredibly tragic loss today of Steven Holcomb,” Scott Blackmun, United States Olympic Committee CEO, said in a statement.

He added: “Steve was a tremendous athlete and even better person, and his perseverance and achievements were an inspiration to us all.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Steve’s family and the entire bobsledding community.”

Holcomb, a native of Park City, Utah, won a total of three medals while representing the United States at the Olympics.

He took home a Gold in 2010 after piloting the four-men sled that broke the United States’ 62-year first-place drought in the event.

And Holcomb also won two two bronze medals in 2014; the five-time world champion was training for the 2018 Games at the time of his death.

“The only reason why the USA is in any conversation in the sport of bobsled is because of Steve Holcomb,” U.S. bobsled pilot Nick Cunningham, who roomed next to Holcomb in Lake Placid, told the Associated Press.

“He was the face of our team. He was the face of our sport. We all emulated him.

“Every driver in the world watched him, because he was that good at what he did. It’s a huge loss, huge loss, not just for our team but for the entire bobsled community.”

Holcomb battled depression in the past and even attempted suicide inside of a hotel room in 2007.

He wrote honestly and emotionally about this period in his life as part of his 2012 autobiography, “But Now I See: My Journey From Blindness to Olympic Gold.”

The memoir chronicled how Holcomb was diagnosed with the eye disease keratoconus, which slowly degenerated his vision until a surgery saved his sight and, as a result, his bobsledding career.

“After going through all that and still being here, I realized what my purpose was,” Holcomb said in a 2014 interview with the AP.

Said USA Bobsled & Skeleton CEO Darrin Steele said in a statement on Saturday:

“It would be easy to focus on the loss in terms of his Olympic medals and enormous athletic contributions to the organization, but USA Bobsled & Skeleton is a family and right now we are trying to come to grips with the loss of our teammate, our brother and our friend.”

We send our condolences to the family members, friends and loved ones of Steven Holcomb.

May he rest in peace.


Saturday, May 6, 2017

Team USA Bobsledder Steven Holcomb Dead at 37

Bobsledder Steve Holcomb, who brought home gold for Team USA, was found dead Saturday in Lake Placid, NY. Holcomb’s body was found in his room at the Olympic Training Center … according to the U.S.O.C. He was only 37, but the committee has not…


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Steven Tyler Interested in Floyd Mayweather"s Million Dollar Bugatti (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

Floyd Mayweather’s Bugatti may get a new celebrity butt in the driver’s seat cause Steven Tyler is seriously interested in buying the champ’s insanely expensive whip.  TMZ Sports spoke with RD Whittington — co-owner of Luxury Auto…


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dog the Bounty Hunter -- I"d Use Truth Serum on Steven Avery & Brendan Dassey (VIDEO)

Dog the Bounty Hunter has unconventional methods for proving whether or not Steven Avery is worthy of a get out of jail free card like his nephew Brendan Dassey. Dog was leaving Catch in WeHo Tuesday night, and while Dog’s…


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Steven Hill Dies; Law & Order Star Was 94

Steven Hill, a veteran actor best known for his work on Law & Order, died on Tuesday in Manhattan.

He was 94 years old.

The actor’s daughter, Sarah Gobioff, confirmed this sad news to The New York Times.

Hill originated the character of District Attorney Adam Schiff on Law & Order, playing the lawyer from 1990 to 2000.

Schiff appeared in all but two episodes of the show’s opening 10 seasons, earning him a pair of Primetime Emmy nominations along the way.

In 2000, after season 10 concluded, Hill resigned from the show and retired from acting.

Prior to nabbing this landmark role, Hill starred as Daniel Briggs in the freshman season of Mission: Impossible in 1966.

However, was replaced by Peter Graves for the duration of the drama.

In a 1996 interview with The Washington Post, Dick Wolf, the creator of Law & Order, referring to Hill as “the Talmudic influence on the entire zeitgeist of the series,” adding of the star:

“Steven has more moral authority than anyone else on episodic TV.”

Born Solomon Krakowsky, Hill was a native of Seattle who graduated from the University of Washington. He broke into show business on the radio in Chicago.

He debuted on Broadway all the way back in 1946. His first television role took place three years later.

Hill also enjoyed an impressive film career, spanning from 1950’s A Lady Without Passport to 1993’s The Firm.

His supporting role as criminal accountant Otto Berman in 1991’s Billy Bathgate adaptation earned him recognition at the National Society of Film Critics Awards and the New York Film Critics Circle Awards.

Hill is survived by his second wife and nine children.

We send them our condolences.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Steven Nabil: Iraqi-American Journalist Live Tweets Istanbul Airport Attack

At around 10:30 p.m. local time, gunmen opened fired and detonated explosives at the international terminal inside Instanbul Ataturk Airport.

Steven Nabil, an Iraqi-American journalist (per his Twitter bio) was heading home to New York after his honeymooon, when he and his wife nearly got caught in the crossfire.

Nabil’s play-by-play account of how they escaped is nothing short of miraculous.

“We just left the aiport. My wife was injured during the attack,” he tweeted.

“We were face to face with the attacker while he sprayed I ran back got my wife pulled her to store broke in and waited in terror while he was shooting outside the store.we barely made it.

“My wife was sitting at nero cafe while i went 3rd floor to get food from sabbaro.

“Heard shots ran fast toward her.

“people Came down the stairs to see the court empty and the terrorist firing toward us.

“carried her arm and ran around sitting ducks we then took cover in a closet inside a hair salon.

“The 45 minutes we were sitting ducks waiting to find out who will open the door.”

The death toll is still being counted as of press time, but NBC News reported at 7:50 p.m. ET 35 dead and “over a hundred” injured.

One witness told NBC that he spotted three suicide bombers.  Another said he heard blasts in a parking lot, where an attacker was seen shooting an AK-47 before blowing himself up.

Then, yet another blew himself up in arrivals, while one more suspect was seen by police who then yelled “suicide bomber.”

He then detonated his explosives.

Details on the attack are still coming in, and one witness told Voices of America what he saw.

“There were two small explosions and then a large one. People scattered everywhere,” he explained.

“They didn’t know where to go. We were waiting for my sister, but couldn’t find her. We’re [still] waiting.”