Showing posts with label Trailer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trailer. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Bachelor: Arie Luyendyk Jr, Contestants Flirt in New Trailer!

It"s been nearly three months since, to the Bachelor Nation"s collective surprise, Arie Luyendyk Jr. was announced as the next Bachelor. We"ve had time to get about as comfortable as we"ll ever be.

But we weren"t quite prepared for this trailer, where contestants are appearing for the first time alongside Arie as they compete for his heart.

As you"ll see in the video below, it"s … quite the spectacle.

Arie jr

In case anyone is still in denial, yes, this is really happening.

In just over a month, the next season of The Bachelor begins, and Arie will play the leading man.

No, there is no chance that it"s a fake-out and that Arie Luyendyk Jr. will be swapped out by Peter Kraus, why will barge in and sweep these contestants (and the viewers) off of their collective feet.

(For many reasons, though one is that Peter Kraus already has his comeback lined up)

Remember, folks, it"s not like they start filming in January. Reality television can surprise you, but it"s almost impossible to keep everything a secret when you film it all months in advance.

In fact, we already know Arie Luyendyk Jr."s final four. (Spoiler warning for that link, obviously)

If you don"t want spoilers, though, stick to the official trailers like the one in the video below.

We"ve already met the full cast of ladies.

The bachelor suitors who is wooing arie luyendyk

Those are a lot of women whom ABC found and convinced to go on camera and pretend that Arie Luyendyk Jr. is the man of their dreams.

Okay, you know what? Maybe we"re being a little mean to Arie.

He"s a handsome man. You don"t have to be the literal most attractive man in the world to be a recognizably handsome dude.

He"s a racecar drivers, which must be exciting to some people (especially adrenaline junkies).

He travels a lot, which some people like.

And, for what it"s worth, Courtney Robertson says that Arie is "the best" at sex.

While most of the contestants won"t get to confirm that for themselves (this isn"t Bachelor in Paradise, folks), there"s still a lot about Arie to make him desirable to these contestants.

Arie luyendyk jr in the bachelor mansion

And Arie must be excited about this.

This isn"t his first bite at the apple — he was a major contender on The Bachelorette. And though most of us hadn"t really thought of him since, producers decided to give him another shot.

In fact, Arie was so pumped for this role that he broke up with his real-life girlfriend just two days before the official announcement that he was going to be The Bachelor.

That might not be the most romantic move, but it certainly shows drive and determination.

Different contestants are going to be looking for different traits, folks.

Arie luyendyk jr and courtney robertson novelty shirts

In the trailer below, you can see that ABC realized that he"s a controversial choice, so they"re really doing their best to hype him up.

We see clips of contestants singing his praises as a desirable match.

They"re also playing off of his racecar driving in the voiceover, because who can resist a good pun?

This trailer gives us confidence and reminds us that The Bachelor"s producers have sold audiences man after man for what feels like a thousand seasons.

They must know what they"re doing.

The bachelor arie luyendyk jr and contestants fawn and flirt in

Avengers Infinity War Trailer: What Did We Just Learn?

Marvel Cinematic Universe… unite!


The first official trailer for Avengers: Infinity War has been released, giving comic book and movie fans their first look at our favorite superhero squad teaming up to take down Titan Thanos.

Scheduled for a May 4, 2018 release date, Avengers: Infinity War will bring back Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man… Tom Holland as Spider-Man… Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow,…Tom Hiddleston as Loki … Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk… and Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange.

What will you learn upon viewing the crazy awesome footage below?

1. Scarlet Witch – a member of The Avengers with telepathic and telekinetic powers; and Vision – an entity brought to life with the help of an Infinity Ston – appear to be growing closer.

2. Peter Parker"s Spidey senses include the hairs on arm standing up to warn him of a threat hovering above New York.

3. Loki and the Tesseract (which, you"ll recall, Loki used to attack Earth to devastating effect in The Avengers) will be reunited.

It is comprised of one of the Infinity Stones that are vital to the upcoming storyline.

4. Thanos, the film"s main villain who sort of resembles a thumb, arrives on Earth and has gathered at least two of the Infinity Stones, placing them into his gauntlet.

He"ll also get the upper hand, literally, on Iron Man at one point.

5. Some of of the Avengers, including Black Widow and the Hulk, will team up in heroic fashion with Black Panther (Marvel"s first African-American superhero lead character) and dozens of warriors.

"Evacuate the city, engage all defenses and get this man a shield," Black Panther says of Captain America at one point.

See for yourself:

6. Thor will meet The Guardians of the Galaxy and ask: Who the hell are you guys?

Check out the trailer now!

Avengers infinity war trailer what did we just learn

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Teen Mom OG Trailer: Pregnancy Tests, Breakups, Firings, and MORE!

It"s official: Teen Mom OG is back, at long last.

It feels so good, doesn"t it?

It"s not that we don"t love the Teen Mom 2 girls — we"ll always have a special place in our hearts for Jenelle, Chelsea, Kailyn, and Leah (and maybe one day Briana but probably not).

But nobody would know anything about those ladies if it wasn"t for the OGs.

For the past few months, there"s been a lot going on in the lives of Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, and Farrah Abraham.

We"ve been curious about what would make it onto the show this season, and thanks to this brand new supertease, we know quite a bit more about what"s to come.

Spoiler: it"s so much drama.

The teaser starts off with Ryan Edwards — fresh out of rehab, he tells his new wife, Mackenzie Standifer, that "I know if I don"t get Bentley, I"m gonna hurt somebody."

Ooh, threats over custody, starting off strong!

Next, we see Maci tell her husband, Taylor, that Ryan had been threatening her repeatedly, just after getting out of rehab — something we saw for ourselves thanks to social media.

On the bright side, Ryan really does seem way more alert here. On the not-so-bright side, he"s still awful.

From there we go up to Michigan, where Catelynn is talking to a producer about the possibility of having another child — she"s scared because she had such bad postpartum depression after giving birth to Nova.

Meanwhile, Amber has had it with Matt Baier, so much that she yells at him "You did not change. Get out of my life. Go!"

He then speeds off in the Corvette he "bought" for "her," so that"s cute.

As for Farrah, she"s still not too fond of her mother"s now-husband, and we know that because we see her tell Debra "I wish that you would not date somebody who is so narrow-minded and horrible, so when we"re not at your wedding, you know why."

(She did end up going to the wedding, but we"ll have to go on that journey on the show, won"t we?)

Let"s see, what else … Ryan nearly cries while saying "We"re gonna go to court," apparently talking about custody issues with Bentley.

It seems like Maci had been keeping Bentley from him after rehab, and rightfully so, but that Ryan had decided to go to court for a formal custody agreement so that Maci wouldn"t be allowed to call all the shots.

It sounds like Maci thinks his plan will backfire though — she says "Good luck, buddy, because that judge isn"t going to give you half of what I"ve given you."

Oh, and then Amber takes a pregnancy test! It looks like we"ll get to see her breakup with Matt, the beginnings of her relationship with Andrew Glennon, and the pregnancy, all in one season!

On a less exciting, but still very dramatic note, the trailer ends with Farrah being told that if she continues to work in the adult industry, they wouldn"t be able to continue filming her for Teen Mom.

The conversation apparently does not go well.

Check out all these incredible moments and more in the trailer below!

Teen mom og trailer pregnancy tests breakups firings and more

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 Trailer: Released!

The first trailer for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 8 is here, courtesy of Bravo, and man alive, it features plenty of drama.

Would you expect anything less?

Lisa Vanderpump, Kyle Richards, Lisa Rinna, Erika Girardi and Dorit Kemsley are all back again, with some new faces joining the fun:

Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave, the daughter of rock god John Mellencamp and his second wife Victoria Granucci, is joining as a new Housewife.

Meanwhile former cast member Camille Grammer, the former wife of Kelsey Grammer, is returning as well, as a "friend" of the housewives.

Backstabbing is not the primary focal point of this new teaser, though it does have its moments, such as Dorit calling Teddi a "psycho."

Erika, for her part, sure looks like she"s coming at the new queen as well, threatening, "don"t f-ck with me like that, you won"t want that."

Ohhhhhhhhhh. Put on notice.

Lisa, Kyle and Dorit are in a feud, meanwhile, that Erika describes thusly: "This boils down to three bitches that are competitive over friendship."

Bravo"s official synopsis promises that this season, "the ladies are busier than ever, juggling life at home and in the boardroom."

Hustle and heart, so to speak.

Kyle must decide whether to renovate or move out of the home where she’s raised her four kids, which truly must keep her up at night.

The choices we face. Brutal.

Dorit is trying to re-launch her swimwear line, which proves daunting given the time frame of just a couple of months that she"s working with.

Erika Jayne’s rise to the top has fueled her professional drive, with more music and a memoir on the way from this firebrand.

Lisa Rinna, for her part, is channeling her inner Kris Jenner as Momager to her model daughters, who are looking to make it big.

That comes with its own challenges, though, as achieving too much fame too soon in one"s life makes it hard to stay grounded.

Finally, Lisa Vanderpump is knee-deep in dogs. Vanderpump Dogs, her new business venture, seems to be doing well already.

With trips to Berlin, NYC, Las Vegas and Tokyo on tap, the new season (kicking off December 19) promises plenty of trips.

That"s where all the fun happens.

Follow the link to watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online and check out the first look at the new season right here:

The real housewives of beverly hills season 8 trailer these 3 bi

Monday, November 6, 2017

Fifty Shades Freed: See the Hot Full-Length Trailer!

What did we ever do to deserve the sexy, sexy magic that is the Fifty Shades of Grey series?

The books, the movies, all of it is just so good.

Maybe you think it"s good because you genuinely like it, maybe you think it"s good because it makes you feel funny in your pants, or maybe you just appreciate it for what it is: a dumb, trashy, fun bit of entertainment.

Either way, does it really matter?

Fifty Shades of Grey has a little something for everybody, and if you don"t believe it, then just check out the new trailer for Fifty Shades Freed, the final film in the franchise.

Then you"ll see.

This is actually the first official trailer for the movie — we"ve seen a few teasers, but this is the first real look we"re getting.

And it"s amazing.

The trailer starts by reminding us that Anastasia and Christian are married now — we know that because he tells her "Good morning, wife," and then she answers with "Good morning, husband."

They go on a fancy honeymoon, he spends a ridiculous amount of money and licks her leg. You know, just married people things.

When they get back home, it turns out that they have a different home, because he went and bought a house without discussing it with her.

It"s not because he"s possessive and controlling, it"s because he"s romantic. Right?

Later on, Ana is driving around town with Christian when he notices they"re being followed, so she does some slick maneuvers to get away from the other car, which is something she would totally know how to do.


And then … oh, and then Ana"s deranged old boss, Jack Hyde, calls her up, looking more psychotic than ever.

What does he want? The trailer doesn"t make it clear, but later we see him holding a knife to her throat, so it"s nothing good.

What else? Ana gets jealous because Christian hangs out with that older woman who turned him onto all this BDSM business, someone gets punched in a club, for some reason.

And don"t forget all the sex!

Check out the whole wild show in the video below:

Fifty shades freed see the hot full length trailer

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Season 6 Trailer: Is Scheana Being Cheated On?!

Well, fall is here again, which means it"s time to find out exactly how the men and women of SUR effed their lives up over the summer.

Yes, another season of Vanderpump Rules is upon us, and things are a little different this year.

For one thing, Season 6 doesn"t debut until December (boo).

But on the bright side, Lala Kent will return after abruptly quitting the show last season (yay).

As for your favorite couples–we"re afraid we have some bad news.

With the exception of Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix, it seems just about anyone everyone on the cast has endured a breakup since last season.

The dissolution of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright, of course, was chronicled in the little-watched Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky.

(Count your blessings if you skipped that ill-conceived slog.)

The rest of the splits, however, will apparently be documented on VPR.

The trailer focuses primarily on the Scheana Marie-Robert Valletta breakup what we learned about last week.

One scene explains the split by showing Lala inform Scheana that Robert cheated on her.

A bit ironic, perhaps, given that Lala walked away from the show last year due to scrutiny of her love life, but whatever.

As long as there"s drama we"re happy … and it certainly looks like this season delivers.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for Season 6, and check out the full trailer below:

Vanderpump rules season 6 trailer is scheana being cheated on

Friday, October 20, 2017

"Trailer Park Boys" Won"t Recast Mr. Lahey Character After John Dunsworth Death

Jim Lahey will return to Sunnyvale Trailer Park in the upcoming season of “Trailer Park Boys” — but the character won’t be back after that … TMZ has learned. Sources involved in the production tell us John Dunsworth’s character will not be recast…


Monday, October 16, 2017

"Trailer Park Boys" Jim Lahey Actor John F. Dunsworth Dead at 71

“Trailer Park Boys” actor John F. Dunsworth — who played Jim Lahey on the show — has died. Dunsworth’s daughter told a Canadian outlet her father died after a brief and unexpected illness. John was a part of the show’s original cast, and…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer: Welcome to the Dark Side?

At halftime of ESPN"s featured Monday Night Football game, the Minnesota Vikings were leading the Chicago Bears by a non-rousing score of 3-2.

Yet viewers stuck around because they had been promised something rather unique at the break:

The second trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

In this surprisingly revealing preview, we open with a look at Kylo Ren"s turn to the Dark Side, as Supreme Leader Snoke says the following to the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia:

"When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power. And beyond that, something truly special."


The footage then takes us to Rey"s training with Luke Skywalker, where her power of the Force simply astounds the Jedi.

"I"ve seen this raw strength once before. It didn"t scare me enough then. It does now," Skywalker tells his impressive pupil.

He’s talking, of course, about Kylo Ren’s massacre of the young Jedi trainees Luke was once overseeing. And he now thinks the Jedi must end… yet perhaps this fear will merely push Rey away.

Elsewhere, we"re treated to a glimpse at Finn facing off in a battle against his ex-commander, Captain Phasma, as well as our first look at Supreme Leader Snoke that isn"t an evil projection.

How does the trailer end?

In ominous fashion, with Rey telling her adversary Kylo Ren:

"I need someone to show me my place in all this."

Cue Kylo Ren extending his hand to her… and our hearts practically leaping out of our bodies.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15.

Ahead of the trailer’s release, meanwhile, Lucasfilm unveiled the official theatrical poster for The Last Jedi:

Pretty darn awesome, right?

Also: rest in peace, Carrie Fisher.

Check out the full Star Wars: The Last Jedi now!

Star wars the last jedi trailer teases dangerous alliance galaxy

Monday, September 11, 2017

Fifty Shades Freed: See the New (Super Hot) Trailer!!!

When you woke up this morning, you probably thought today was going to be a relatively normal day.

You"d probably do a little relaxing, maybe catch up on the news, go to brunch or church or what have you.

What you didn"t expect was to have your whole entire world rocked … but lucky for you, that"s what is happening!

On this very, special day, something incredible happened: another teaser for Fifty Shades Freed dropped.

Fifty Shades Freed, of course, is the third and final installment of the Fifty Shades of Grey series — that magical tale of bondage, love, and disregarded boundaries.

In hindsight, we should have known that something special would happen today, since, after all, today is the birthday of the series" protagonist, Anastasia Steele.

But the point is that the trailer is here, there"s new shirtless footage of Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey to view … 

It"s a good day.


The trailer begins, if you can even believe it, with beautiful scenes from Anastasia"s wedding to Christian.

"I solemnly vow to love you faithfully, forsaking all others," he tells her as he slips the ring on her finger.

"I promise to trust and respect you," he adds, which is pretty important because, you know, he hadn"t really done that previously, "and to keep you safe for as long as we both shall live."

Of course, then she finds a gun, and there"s a car chase and somebody holds a knife to her throat, so apparently those vows went out the window pretty quick.

But still, there"s the previously mentioned shirtless Jamie Dornan, and obviously there"s a couple of bondage-y sex scenes thrown in for good measure.

The movie won"t be released until Valentine"s Day of next year, and the first full length trailer won"t drop until November.

But for now, we have this to tide us over.

And it is enough.

Check out all the action in the video below:

Fifty shades freed see the new super hot trailer

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Fifty Shades Freed Trailer: They Do (Each Other)!

Fifty Shades Freed, the third installment in E.L. James" erotic trilogy that hundreds of millions of people watch to laugh at, is due out in 2018. 

We"ve got your first glimpse at the epic conclusion of the film adaptation below, and suffice it to say, fans will not be disappointed.

At least we assume they won"t be.

The way we see it, if you"re a fan of the books and films at all, you know what you"re getting into at this point, and will likely see it through.

With no disrespect to Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, as Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey, respectably, this is no Oscar contender.

It is what it is, to use the old cliche, and what it is is very successful and at least somewhat titillating thanks to the two leads" chemistry.

The biggest question is whether the conclusion of the trilogy will feature less nudity and more action than the two previous films.

In any case, Fifty Shades Freed will show us Anastasia and Christian as a married couple enjoying their honeymoon in Europe.

When the duo returns to Seattle, and Christian finds out that Ana has kept her maiden name, well, Mister Grey is not gonna like that.

Before this, of course, Ana and her billionaire husband will tie the knot in what can only be described as a fairy tale wedding. Or something.

“I solemnly vow to love you faithfully and to keep you safe for as long as we both shall live,” Christian tells Ana beneath her veil. 

Will he keep that vow?

It"s unclear, as an unknown assailant creeps up on Steele; Ana also finds her former boss inside their apartment, unconscious.

She will even complain that her new husband is so controlling and possessive, which is sort of Christian"s thing, but we digress.

It"s not clear when Universal Studios is planning to release a full-length trailer of Fifty Shades Freed, but we"re guessing soon.

Fifty Shades Freed is set for release on February 9, 2018, so by the end of this month or early next, expect a longer preview.

Red band style.

For now, whet your appetite with the teaser below and tell us just how much you"re anticipating the film in just over five months" time.

Fifty shades freed trailer they do each other

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Bobbi Kristina Brown Biopic: Watch the First Trailer!

Bobbi Kristina Brown tragically died on the 26th of July, 2015. That"s only two years ago. Realistically, no matter what her death certificate says, Bobbi Kristina"s life ended in that bathtub, about half a year earlier.

There"s already a made-for-television biopic coming out, though. And you can watch the very emotional trailer below.

It"s hard to imagine anything good coming from this.

Bobbi kristina brown at the gym

You can"t talk about Bobbi Kristina without talking about her death.

Many people believe that Bobbi Kristina Brown"s death, which hauntingly mirrored Whitney Houston"s, came at the hands of Nick Gordon.

The prevailing theory is that Nick Gordon was Bobbi Kristina"s long-time abuser before he went too far and ended her life.

(Though, to be clear, any abuse is "too far")

Nick Gordon has already been found legally liable for Bobbi Kristina"s death, to the tune of $ 36 million.

Criminal liability is another thing, though investigators say that they are working to build a case and compile evidence.

(Rushing to prosecute a wealthy man in a celebrity case is a recipe for disaster, and it"s not uncommon for homicide cases to be years in the making)

Though the biopic trailer shows some frightening moments between Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon, we have to wonder exactly how their relationship will be portrayed.

Nick gordon loves bobbi

Over the summer, Nick Gordon was arrested for kidnapping and domestic battery.

This arrest, which took place in Florida, is based upon accusations and testimony (plus physical and medical evidence) by Gordon"s ex-girlfriend, Laura Leal.

Allegedly, after an extended period of gradually escalating physical abuse (followed by the usual empty apologies), Nick Gordon had pinned Leal to the bed and was punching her in the face so hard that she was losing consciousness and covered in her own blood.

She says that it was only because she was able to grab a candlestick and strike back at Nick that she was able to escape and flee to wake up Nick"s mother, asleep in a different room in the house, to receive sanctuary.

She then went to police. Nick Gordon was arrested.

Laura Leal sees frightening parallels in the beatings and abuse she accused Nick Gordon of inflicting upon her and everything that she"s now heard about Bobbi Kristina Brown.

She said that, until that day when she thought that he might kill her and everything that she heard afterwards, she had dismissed past accusations against Nick Gordon as "rumors."

That is no longer the case. Laura Leal acknowledges that she could have died the same way.

Given the obvious parallels, investigators who are looking into Bobbi Kristina"s death stated that they consider Nick Gordon"s arrest as evidence in their own investigation.

Nick Gordon pleads not guilty, for whatever that"s worth to public opinion.

Krissie and nick gordon

What does all of this have to do with the biopic?

Well, we wonder what they"ll show.

Will they portray Nick Gordon as a violent, abusive monster?

Will they show Nick Gordon ending Bobbi Kristina"s life?

Or … will they avoid potential lawsuits from Nick Gordon and show no abuse, let alone murder? Maybe limiting themselves to some awkward or tense exchanges or some implications of abuse but never showing anything for sure.

The former option would seem like a huge legal risk that, um, no network would want to take.

The latter … would strike anyone who believes that Nick Gordon is the monster responsible for ending Bobbi Kristina"s life as just plain irresponsible and a gross misrepresentation.

Krissie rip

Either way, why make this movie now until after Nick Gordon"s conviction?

We guess that they just wanted to rush it out and be the first to make a Bobbi Kristina biopic, but … the judgment here is questionable.

On Sunday, October 8th, we guess that we"ll all find out together how good (or bad) of a job they did with this biopic.

For right now, watch the trailer for yourself and decide if this is something that you want to see at all.

Bobbi kristina brown biopic watch the first trailer

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Teases Corinne and DeMario Pool Hookup Footage in Trailer

Corinne Olympios looked more than willing and fully conscious when she led DeMario Jackson into a pool for the hookup that stopped production. A scene from the controversial incident — in which Corinne essentially claimed sexual assault…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Siesta Key Trailer: Is This the Next Laguna Beach?

Imagine a place where anything is possible.

So teases the official trailer for Siesta Key, an upcoming docuseries from MTV that comes from the same producers as Laguna Beach.

Will the network be able to match the publicity garnered by that former reality show smash or its predecessor, The Hills?

It certainly hopes so.

Siesta Key will chronicle the lives of a handful of 20-somethings fresh out of college for summer break/their transition into the real world in Siesta Key, Florida, a small island near Sarasota in the Gulf of Mexico.

Granted, this is just about as far from any semblance of any real world as we can imagine.

But whatever.

We bet it makes for some high drama!

The show will star Alex, a "top parties and playboy lifestyle," according to his MTV bio.

And also Brandon a "laid back heartthrob."

And Chloe, who can be your "best friend or worst enemy" and who has a well-known "bad side."

And Kelsey, who gave up a modeling career to live close to her sick mother.

And Garrett, who is Kelsey"s boyfriend and who will get jealous this summer over how close she grows to other men.

And Juliette, who has a fling with Alex last summer that didn’t end well.

And finally Madisson, who is Alex’s high school sweetheart and who just graduated with an engineering degree.

What will these attractive people be up to in this hot climate?

How will paradise heat up, as the teaser suggests?

Watch below and find out!

Siesta key trailer is this the next laguna beach

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Escaping Polygamy Season 3 Trailer: Prepare to Be Horrified

A new season of Escaping Polygamy is coming in about two weeks. With it, we"ll get more heartbreaking stories of people victimized by controlling religious cults.

Hopefully, as the title suggests, we"ll also get the stories of people escaping and starting news lives.

The trailer for the new season is below, and it gives us a glimpse at the horror stories that this season will confront. Brace yourselves.

First of all, if you haven"t watched Escaping Polygamy before, it"s an A&E docuseries about helping people who want to be free of their fundamentalist lives to break away.

Ten years ago, Andrea, Jessica, and Shanell escaped their fundamentalist cult, The Order, based in Salt Lake City with the help of their aunt.

In a nationally publicized court case, the girls managed to make their escape permanent.

Now, these three sisters have devoted their lives to helping others — not only other women and children, but also men — escape from these harrowing cult situations that feel inescapable.

It"s important to remember that these groups are very controlling, so help is certainly needed for someone to be brave enough to break away.

It"s even more important to remember that, while many members do sign up for these lives, many more are born into these isolationist communities and never know the outside world.

Many don"t know what they"d do if they got out into the world.

So there"s more that these girls and others who do this sort of work can do to help people to step away than just offering them a ride back to civilization.

Admittedly, calling it Escaping Polygamy is a somewhat misleading title.

(Though it"s a super eye-catching one)

The problem with "polygamist cults" like the Order or the FLDS isn"t that people have multiple partners or even spouses.

Polyamory can and does lead to wonderful and fulfilling relationships that last just as long as monogamous ones.

And some polyamorous relationships are purely polygamous — where there"s one man in a relationship with two or more women.

But that"s not what these groups are at all.

The problem with them is that their particular fundamentalist beliefs involve carefully controlling its members lives, oppressing women, and sexually preying upon underage girls under the guise of a religious mandate.

"Escaping Fundamentalism" would be a more controversial and less salacious title for some Americans, however.

This season, the girls are helping members of the FLDS, a fundamentalist offshoot of Mormonism that was until very recently ruled (yes, ruled) by the infamous Warren Jeffs.

One of the people featured in this season, as you"ll see in the trailer below, is Warren Jeffs" own son, who very appropriately has zero kind things to say about his father.

And he does not mince words:

"My father molested girls."

Yes, Warren Jeffs is absolutely in prison where he belongs, which is the very least that he deserves.

(Current leadership of the FLDS following his incarceration isn"t publicly known, but there are four possibilities — one of which being that Jeffs, as the cult of estimated 10,000 members" Prophet, is still the church"s leader from behind bars)

The trailer also shows us a very emotional man admitting that he wants to leave, but that he cannot leave without his family.

The season will feature more, however.

According to a press release for the series, we can expect to see:

"A mother hoping to find her daughters who have been hidden within an elite group in the FLDS community."


As unthinkable as it is for us, some people can"t take their children with them when they escape — or are forced out.

(We don"t know if she fled or was excommunicated)

Sometimes, the best way to help someone whom you love is to seek out help, even though our justice system is woefully unequipped to protect the welfare of children.

And there"s more from that press release:

"And a young girl who desperately wants to rescue the love of her life in a dangerous mission that further exposes the dark and treacherous realities of polygamy."

Well, we"ll be having nightmares just from this trailer.

But this is a docuseries where the drama and suspense doesn"t have to be fabricated by producers.

If you"re tired of the manufactured tension on reality television but still want to see real people in their unscripted, human stories, Escaping Polygamy might be the series for you.

At the very least, you might want to check out this trailer.

You should hear these people"s stories in their own voices.

Escaping polygamy season 3 trailer prepare to be horrified