Showing posts with label United. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

United Airlines Doctor Convicted of Exchanging Drugs for Sex

The passenger who was savagely removed from a United flight is a medical doctor with a sordid history. Dr. David Dao was charged in 2005 with 98 felony drug counts for illegally prescribing and trafficking painkillers. Prosecutors claimed Dao…


United Airlines CEO to Staff: Way to Beat That Guy Up!

With the entire Internet and most of the free world aghast and appalled by the actions of United Airlines on Sunday, CEO Oscar Munoz has sent an email to employees assuring him he’s on their side.

What about the doctor who was violently removed from a Louisville-bound flight this weekend despite sitting in a seat he had legally paid for?

Pishaw! He totally deserved his bloody fate!

united pic

That’s basically what Munoz told his staff in a message that was obtained by TMZ and other prominent outlets.

As a quick refresher:

On Sunday evening, United boarded all passengers in Chicago for a flight bound for Kentucky.

However, four United employees needed to be included on the plane in order to get to their subsequent posts in Louisville.

In response to this overbooking, United offered passengers $ 800 to change their plans and get on a later flight. When no one volunteers, the airline randomly selected four individuals to leave the plane.

A 69-year old doctor was among these individuals.

When he refused to get up from his seat (reportedly due to patients he had to get home and see), members of the Chicago Police Department were called in.

Then THIS happened:

Reaction to the shocking incident has been swift.

The above video, which was filmed by a fellow passenger, has been viewed over 200 million times in China alone.

Many residents of that nation believe the doctor was singled out because of his ethnicity and they are calling for a boycott of United Airlines.

chinese man

Munoz didn’t help his company’s cause at all when he issued the following, tone deaf statement in response to what amounts to assault of a passenger:

“This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United,” Munoz wrote.

“I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers.

“Our team is moving with the sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened.

“We are also reaching out to this passenger to talk directly to him and further address and resolve the situation.”

Yes, he really did use the phrase re-accommodate for what transpired here.

united comment

So this brings us back to the email Munoz sent to his employees.

“While I deeply regret this situation arose, I also emphatically stand behind all of you, and I want to commend you for continuing to go above and beyond to ensure we fly right,” the executive actually said, adding:

“As you will read, this situation was unfortunately compounded when one of the passengers we politely asked to deplane refused and it become necessary to contact Chicago Aviation Security Officers to help.”

In this memo to employees (below), Munoz describes the doctor as “disruptive and belligerent.”

After he was dragged limp from the plane, the man – blood streaming from his mouth – reentered and ran down the aisle, repeatedly saying, “I have to go home, I have to go home.”

He was clearly confused and disoriented; maybe because he just got assaulted for simply being a passenger on a plane that had been oversold.

With reference to that disturbing scene, Munoz wrote that the man in question “continued to resist  – running back onto the aircraft in defiance of both our crew and security officials.”

oscar statement

It’s worth noting a few things here:

  1. The Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) disagrees with Munoz. In a statement of its own, the CDA says the incident “was not in accordance with our standard operating procedure and the actions of the aviation security officer are obviously not condoned by the Department.”

  2. United made $ 2.3 billion in profit last year. At the very least, they could have increased the compensation amount from $ 800 to a figure where actual volunteers would have emerged.

  3. United also denied flight entry to a 10-year old girl in leggings last month.

We’ll continue to update this story as more news breaks.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to hope this beaten-down passenger is okay and we’ll continue to assert that United’s skies are anything but friendly.


United Passenger Was Resisting Standard Procedure for Overbooked Flight According to Airline

United Airlines staff was merely following “established procedures” when security was called to remove the passenger … according to United, which is finally explaining its side of what went down before the video. TMZ has learned United CEO, Oscar…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Officer Who Forcibly Removed United Airlines Passenger Placed on Administrative Leave

The officer who forcibly removed the United Airlines passenger Sunday night at O’Hare International has just been placed on leave pending an investigation. The Chicago Department of Aviation said Monday that “the incident on United flight 3411 was…


United CEO Issues Ridiculous Apology for Passenger Assault

With the entire free world slamming United Airlines for its treatment of a passenger who refused to give up his seat on Sunday night, the company’s CEO has come out, issued a statement…

… and made the situation even worse.

First, it’s worth revisiting the disturbing incident that has caused United to go negatively viral for the second time in just a few weeks:

Not long after United denied flight entry to a 10-year old girl in leggings, the airline overbooked a flight yesterday from Chicago to Louisville.

For some reason, it allowed all ticketed passengers to board, prior to offering $ 800 to anyone willing to change his or her plans and take a later flight.

After receiving no volunteers, United randomly chose four individuals… but one man still refused.

He said he was a doctor and he had patients scheduled for Monday morning and he simply could not reschedule these appointments.

But the airline wasn’t having it.

Employees actually contacted members of the Chicago Police Department, who arrived on the scene and violently dragged the man off board.

Because this is 2017, the incident was captured on camera and the footage uploaded to Facebook, where it has been viewed close to one million times.

United spokesman Charlie Hobart told People Magazine soon afterward that the flight was overbooked and officials asked for volunteers to give up their seats.

Which we’ve been over already, of course.

This is (somehow) standard operating procedure for an airline.

But instead of increasing the amount of money offered to passengers until they had four actual, willful volunteers, United bloodied and bruised a man who had paid for his seat as cops dragged him off a plane to which he had every legal right.

“When we didn’t get the number of volunteers we needed then we had to follow Department of Transportation procedures and ask that customers, four of them, exit the aircraft,” Hobart said, adding:

“One customer refused to do that after we had explained the situation and apologized and let that customer know what we were gonna do on his behalf to get that customer to where he needed to be.

“He still refused, at which point we had to involve the Chicago Police Department.”

a plane

United CEO Oscar Munoz has since issued a statement of his own via Twitter, one that makes the airline look even more insensitive.

“This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United,” Munoz wrote. “I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers. Our team is moving with the sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened.

“We are also reaching out to this passenger to talk directly to him and further address and resolve the situation.”

You want to address and resolve the situation, Mr. Munoz? We don’t think talking will accomplish this goal.

Look for a lawsuit to be filed any day now and for the passenger to settle with United for a cool eight figures. At minimum.

united comment

In response to this unfortunate situation, a number of celebrities have jumped online to express their shock and consternation.

Among the most memorable Tweets so far:

Billy Eichner: Jet Blue’s new slogan – extra leg room and we won’t physically drag you down the aisle screaming in pain.

Joss Whedon: Getting on a United flight this morning. Excited to, I don’t know… stay on? For the comfort and safety of the other passengers, please remember we will be resorting to cannibalism BY GROUP NUMBER.

Chrissy Teigen: Cannot wait to use ‘i will re-accommodate your ass’ in my next fight.


United Airlines Bloodied Passenger Bolted Back Onto Plane (VIDEO)

The United Airlines passenger who was grabbed and dragged off a flight Sunday … somehow got back onto the jet — and seemed extremely disoriented and confused. The man, reportedly a doctor, ran down the aisle, yelling … “I have to go home! I…


United Airlines Calls Cops Who Yank and Bloody Passenger Off Overbooked Flight (VIDEO)

A passenger on a United Airlines flight was savagely yanked off by airport police Sunday night at O’Hare International because he refused to get off an overbooked flight. You see cops drag the man who screams in agony before getting pummeled with…


Monday, March 27, 2017

United Airlines Earns Ire of Twitter for THIS Company Policy

WARNING: The following story is likely to make your blood boil.

Shannon Watts – a mother of five from Colorado and founder of pro-gun control organization Moms Demand Action – shared on Twitter Sunday that young passengers getting on board a flight from Denver to Minneapolis were not allowed down the walkway unless they changed outfits.

Two girls in particular, one of whom was 10 years old, were barred from boarding because they were wearing leggings.

They had to actually cover up more and wait for the next flight to Minnesota.

The incident has gone viral – with everyone from People Magazine to The New York Times picking it up – and United responded to Watts on Twitter by writing that they “have the right to refuse transport for passengers who are barefoot or not properly clothed."

As used in this context, that response has not sat well with many people on social media, including quite a few you"ve probably heard of…

1. The Opening Tweets

The opening tweets

This is how Watts alerted social media to the situation.

2. The United Response

The united response

The airline checked and said the passengers in question appeared to be family members of employees and were therefore held to a high standard, per company bylaws.

3. Patricia Arquette‏ Responds

Patricia arquette response

@united Leggings are business attire for 10 year olds. Their business is being children.

4. And Chrissy Teigen

And chrissy teigen

I have flown united before with literally no pants on. Just a top as a dress. Next time I will wear only jeans and a scarf.

5. And Sarah Silverman

And sarah silverman

Hey @united I fly a LOT. About to go on tour all April and changing all my @united flights to other airlines.

6. And Andy Richter

And andy richter

.@united I have flown numerous times while displaying an egregious mooseknuckle. What’s a male over 10 have to do to get noticed?

View Slideshow

Friday, January 20, 2017

TMZ Live: Donald Trump: The 45th President Of The United States

ON TODAY’S SHOW Ivanka & Jared: God Wants Us To Party “A Dog’s Purpose” Premiere Canceled! Jimmy Carter’s Advice For Trump Melania Trump: Slovenia Celebrates! SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: We"re United!!!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are back together.

Sorry, wait. Hold up. Don’t pop any champagne bottles just yet.

These two stars are most definitely NOT back together in any kind of romantic sense.

But reports have now confirmed that Pitt and Jolie are back to being on the same legal page when it comes to their divorce.

Specifically, when it comes to how little of their divorce and custody battle will be released to the public going forward.

Over the past few weeks, things has turned extremely ugly between the former spouses.

First, you had Brad Pitt entering a court document in which he accused Jolie of exploiting the couple’s six children for personal gain or advantage.

Seeking to keep details of their back-and-forth custody arrangement(s) private, a lawyer for Pitt said Jolie had no problem disregarding the kids’ privacy when it served her “benefit.”

The legal paper added that Jolie “exposed the children by making public the names of their therapist and other mental health professionals.”


Pretty damning, huh?

Several days later, Jolie fired back (also through her attorney) and said it makes perfect sense that Pitt would want to keep as much information away from the public as possible…

… because he’s scared of the truth getting out!

In her own set of legal papers, Jolie wrote earlier this month that Pitt he only made the aforementioned accusations against her because he’s “terrified that the public will learn the truth.”

Read the court filing:

“There is little doubt that [Brad] would prefer to keep the entire case private, particularly given the detailed investigations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Dept. of Children and Family Services into allegation of abuse.”

As you likely recall, Pitt was accused of assaulting his 15-year old son on board a private plane in mid-September.

Authorities looked into these charges and determined that there was not ample evidence to pursue a case.

So, yeah. Things have been a mess between Jolie and Pitt, despite neither saying a negative public word about the other since news of their divorce went viral on September 19.

Now, however, a joint statement, released through their reps, at least confirms that a deal has been struck that will, indeed, keep details of their ongoing custody battle private.

“The parties and their counsel have signed agreements to preserve the privacy rights of their children and family by keeping all court documents confidential and engaging a private judge to make any necessary legal decisions and to facilitate the expeditious resolution of any remaining issues,” this statement reads.

“The parents are committed to act as a united front to effectuate recovery and reunification.”

A united front to effectuate recovery and reunification.

Not exactly the most romantic language or description, is it?

On Sunday night, meanwhile, Pitt made a surprise appearance at the Golden Globe Awards.

And those in attendance made it pretty clear on which side they fall in the Battle of Brangelina. Just listen to the applause Pitt received at the ceremony:

Pitt and Jolie have been embroiled in an increasingly bitter divorce battle and fight over custody of their six children :

Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 12, Shiloh, 10, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 8.

The kids are living with Jolie, and have seen Pitt only for a few supervised visits since the split.

One of those visits took place around Christmas and allegedly led to a Jolie breakdown of epic proportions.

The actress is seeking sole physical custody of all six kids, while the actor is seeking joint custody.

And we’re still seeking an answer to how we ended up here. Say it ain’t so, Brangelina!


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Carrie Fisher"s Family Wants to Thank Heroic United Passengers

Carrie Fisher’s family is on the hunt for the off-duty emergency workers who came to her aid on a United jet when her heart stopped. Family sources tell us … they believe 2 people on Carrie’s flight deserve a big thank you for their valiant…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Donald Trump Wins Electoral College Vote, Will Be President of the United States

Despite a last ditch effort by concerned citizens and Federalists, Donald J. Trump won the Electoral College vote and with it, the U.S. presidency.

Yes, Trump was elected president in November, but the Electoral College had not formalized that victory until Monday, and not without protests.

The president-elect ultimately won easily, racking up the 270 electoral votes needed to send him to the White House and then some.

Any talk of the Electoral College stopping Trump, as the framers of the system itself made possible as a failsafe, was a moot point.

Interest in the normally mundane, archaic process spiked this year after Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

And also because … well, it’s Donald Trump.

In the end, the brash reality star and businessman secured 304 electoral votes – just two fewer than he earned in the November election.

He let people know it, too, as only he can …

Trump Win Tweet

Ridiculous tweets aside … so much for the Hamilton Electors‘ efforts to deny him 270 and whispers that as many as 20 electors might defect.

Not only did it not happen, but more electors tried to defect from Clinton than from Trump, by a count of 7-2, according to media reports.

Three Democratic electors in Maine, Minnesota, and Colorado tried to vote for other candidates than the former Secretary of State.

Electors in both Maine and Minnesota attempted to cast a ballot for Bernie Sanders, while a Colorado elector tried to write in John Kasich.

In Washington, a state where Clinton prevailed by double digits a month ago, she received just eight of the state’s 12 electoral votes.

Colin Powell received three and Native American tribal leader Faith Spotted Eagle received one as part of an effort to protest Trump.

Yes, that was actually a thing that occurred this afternoon.

All of these faithless electors’ votes, however, were disallowed because of state rules binding them to the statewide popular vote winner.

So beyond a fun read for us, that was the end of that.

Despite a deluge of anti-Trump protesters descending on state capitols nationwide, nearly every Republican elector voted as expected.

Only one GOP elector, Christopher Suprun of Texas, pledged not to vote for Trump despite his state heavily favoring the future president.

One other Texas elector also abandoned Trump today.

The 538 members of the Electoral College met in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., Monday. Congress will certify the results on January 6.

No, there is no chance of stopping him then, either.

Trump Support Tweet

Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President on January 20, a day many have already circled on their calendars as the End of Days.



Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump Elected 45th President of the United States

Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States earlier this morning following a stunning night of 2016 election results

Victories in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the wee hours of Wednesday morning put Trump over the top with 276 Electoral votes.

Trump, a 70-year-old businessman and reality TV star who had never before run for office, will be the oldest man elected to a first term. 

After running a divisive campaign, he sounded a note of reconciliation as he claimed victory over Hillary Clinton shortly before 3 a.m.

“Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.”

“I mean that very sincerely. Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division,” he added. “We have to get together.”

“To all Republicans, Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.”

Clinton called to concede just before his remarks.

His win marked the culmination of a campaign that defied expectations, polarized a nation and, ultimately, repudiated the status quo.

Clinton’s quest to become the first female U.S. president in history was thwarted by voters fed up with Washington, and mistrustful of her.

Trump portrayed her, often facetiously, as the embodiment of a rigged political and economic system that had failed the everyday American.

Her credentials were seen not as an asset, but a liability, as the former Secretary of State was cast as the ultimate establishment insider. 

The general election, which riveted the country, perhaps turned on the question of national identity more than either of the two candidates.

While Clinton assembled a diverse coalition that she said reflected the nation’s future, it was no match Trump’s self-professed movement.

Millions of Americans alienated by forces of globalization and multiculturalism and frustrated with the ineptitude of D.C. backed him.

In droves. His Electoral College triumph is already decisive and may turn out to be even more so when the final results are confirmed.

Voters convinced that the system is stacked against them, fearful of terrorism and angry about falling incomes gravitated toward Trump.

In him, they looked past a number of personal and professional flaws to see their fearless champion who will re-create a bygone era.

An America unchallenged, facing no threats at home and unfettered by elitist notions of “political correctness” is what Trump promised.

Can he actually deliver that? Needless to say, that’s easier said than done, if not impossible, but America bought what he was selling.

Trump, who has famously promised to Make America Great Again as per his camoaign slogan, said that under his upcoming administration:

“America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.” 

He also promised foreign countries that “while we were always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone.”

“We will seek common ground, not hostility.”

The NYC real estate developer thanked his wife, Melania, and his children for their patience, saying: “This was tough. This was tough.”

“This political stuff is nasty and it’s tough.”

The people have spoken, with Trump not only winning but doing so decisively, winning states that had gone Democratic for decades. 

Arizona, Alaska, Michigan and New Hampshire are still too close to call and could add to the Republican’s vote total today or this week.

It’s possible, albeit not consequential, that Clinton will still win the popular vote, where she very narrowly leads 58,879,610-58,844,022.

If that happens, it will be the second time in 16 years that a Democratic candidate achieved that hollow victory while losing the election.

What comes next is anyone’s guess, but it can be summed up – regardless of which side of the spectrum you’re on – in just one word: 


With Trump’s ascension to the White House, the nationalist wave that has swept through the European Union and the world has hit home.

While it would’ve been foolish to discount his chances, and we certainly did not, no one has any idea what a President Trump will be like.

Even his true believers and probably his own staff have to be somewhat curious, if not concerned, about what will transpire on January 20.

This isn’t an insult, but a byproduct of the sheer unpredictability of his outsider status and brash, unapologetic shoot-from-the-hip candidacy.

It should be … very interesting.

On Wall Street, all three major stock index futures tanked overnight and will open markedly lower when trading begins in a few hours.

And so it begins. So it begins.

Let’s come together and congratulate and pray for Donald, and the Republic he must now lead … whether he actually wanted the job or not.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Kris Jenner Calls Her Family "A Mini United Nations"

A new interview with Kris Jenner is live on CNN Style, one that was commissioned by Balmain creative director/Kardashian bestie Oliver Rousting.

The 2:45 clip shows stunning shots of Jenner"s backyard as the birthday girl (she turns 60 today) lists off her six biological kids: Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Robert, Kendall and Kylie.  "We"re like a mini United Nations," she joked.

“It’s just so great and brings so much criticism sometimes from people who just don’t understand.

"Things get crazy, or you know, chaotic … you’re just trying to get it right and everyone makes mistakes. For sure, I’ve probably made a handful of my share.”

The interview wasn"t a show-stopper by any means, but Jenner did stress that if there is a family crisis, then business is shelved until things improve.

“I will drop anything to do something for the kids. That’s personal, way over anything business," Jenner said, no doubt alluding to her former son-in-law, Lamar Odom"s recent health scare.  "They know that that’s just the rule.”

As for her work ethic, Jenner explained that she"s had a knack for it since childhood, having worked with her mother and grandmother at their shops in La Jolla, CA.

“Through the years I got a very good education that I never would have gotten from a proper schooling,” Jenner pointed out. “Learning how to be accountable for what’s going on in your life. I think that I was able to pay that forward, if you will, to my kids.”

Kris jenner calls her family a mini united nations