Showing posts with label Victims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victims. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2018

Anthony Rizzo Chokes Back Tears During Speech at Vigil for Florida Shooting Victims

Chicago Cubs star Anthony Rizzo choked back tears while delivering a powerful speech at the vigil for those lost in the tragic shooting at his H.S. alma mater … and he’s calling for the government to make a change. Rizzo — who attended…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

"Star Wars" Auction of Signed Stormtrooper Helmets to Benefit Victims of Northern California Fires

A few fun ‘Star Wars’ props from the last 2 franchise films are on the auction block, and are expected to fetch thousands for a good cause — helping victims of last year’s fires in California’s wine country. Lucasfilm donated 2 screen-used First…


"Star Wars" Auction of Signed Stormtrooper Helmets to Benefit Victims of Northern California Fires

A few fun ‘Star Wars’ props from the last 2 franchise films are on the auction block, and are expected to fetch thousands for a good cause — helping victims of last year’s fires in California’s wine country. Lucasfilm donated 2 screen-used First…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Larry Nassar Attacked By Victim"s Dad, "Gimme 1 Minute with that Bastard"

The father of one of Larry Nassar’s victims went nuclear in a Michigan court moments ago — violently trying to attack the ex-Team USA doctor in front of the judge in his sentencing case. Moments before the attack, Randall Margraves — father of…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Mark Salling: Why His Suicide May Screw Over His Victims

Prior to Mark Salling committing suicide this week, the former Glee star pleaded guilty to a number of child pornography charges.

In December, Selling entered a guilty plea in court, faced with mounting evidence against him that included the discovery of 50,000-plus images of prepubescent children on his personal devices.

Moreover, authorities reportedly found a video of a five-year-old girl performing a sex act on Salling.

We’re talking truly heinous stuff here.

It’s why many people out there were not sad to read that Salling took his own life via hanging on Tuesday.

However, it’s now come to light that Salling’s decision to kill himself may have a negative impact on those who suffered at his hands.

As part of his plea deal, it had been agreed to months ago that Salling would pay each of his molestation victims $ 50,000.

But this had not been made official by a judge.

Now that the actor isn’t actually around to make any payments, an insider explains to Us Weekly why the victims may never see this money.

“Restitution would be a part of his sentence,” the source explains. “The amount of the restitution is determined by the sentencing judge.”

The problem is that Salling was due to be sentenced in March. 

“He will not be sentenced,” the tabloid’s expert continues.

“Therefore there will be no restitution order… I doubt that there is anything to take to civil court. Any restitution order would be allocated among multiple known victims.”

In other words, as cited above, the plea deal had been reached, yes.

Restitution had been agreed upon.

But Salling killed himself before a judge could actually order it paid.

“The amount allocated to each would be different based upon, for example, therapy expenses they have incurred,” this source expounds.

“No such order has been entered. I am unclear as to how anyone feels that they could go into court to enforce an order which has not been entered.

“I’m not saying that there isn’t some lawyer out there willing to file suit on behalf of someone claiming to be a victim. 

“But I am saying, that there is no order to be enforced, for $ 50,000 or any other amount on behalf of anyone.”

A coroner has confirmed that Salling died by hanging himself on Tuesday.

He was set to be sentenced to a minimum of four years in prison on March 7.

According to E! News, Salling had been isolated for quite some time before his suicide, having lost contact with almost anyone close to him.

“He had demons he was wrestling with for many years,” this outlet writes, sort of stating the obvious.

After Salling’s body was found in a park near his home, his lawyer made the following statement:

I can confirm that Mark Salling passed away early this morning. Mark was a gentle and loving person, a person of great creativity, who was doing his best to atone for some serious mistakes and errors of judgment.

He is survived by his mother and father, and his brother.

The Salling family appreciates the support they have been receiving and asks for their privacy to be respected.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mark Salling Had Money Available to Pay Child Porn Case Victims

Mark Salling was far from broke before killing himself — and that’s good news for his child porn victims, who now have to sue to get the money he agreed to pay them. According to docs obtained by TMZ … Salling set up a corporation in 2009 –…


Mark Salling"s Victims Have to Fight For Restitution

Mark Salling’s suicide isn’t just a tragic ending for him and his family, but it also screws over the victims in his child porn case … TMZ has learned. Under Salling’s plea deal, the former “Glee” star agreed to pay victims $ 50k each in…


Friday, January 26, 2018

J.J. Watt Helps Move Hurricane Harvey Victims Back Home

Remember when J.J. Watt raised $ 37 MILLION for Hurricane Harvey relief?? Grab your tissues, ‘cause families impacted by the disaster are moving back home … and the video will hit you right in the feels. The Texans superstar shared the update on…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Larry Nassar Awaits Sentencing As His Final Victims Speak (LIVE STREAM)

Larry Nassar is probably going to spend the rest of his life rotting in a jail cell … the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor will be sentenced Wednesday in his sexual assault case after his final victims give their impact statements — and we’re…


Larry Nassar Awaits Sentencing As His Final Victims Speak (LIVE STREAM)

Larry Nassar is probably going to spend the rest of his life rotting in a jail cell … the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor will be sentenced Wednesday in his sexual assault case after his final victims give their impact statements — and we’re…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Larry Nassar"s Victims Speak In Court, Here"s Why You"re a Scumbag

It’s finally time for the victims of disgraced ex-Team USA Olympics doctor Larry Nassar to give their impact statements in court … where they will tell him to his face why he’s a piece of human garbage.  Nassar sexually assaulted more than…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Maci Bookout-Ryan Edwards Feud Heats Up, Claims More Victims

Ryan Edwards has undergone a lot of changes recently.

In just the past six months Edwards has gone to rehab, overcome a life-threatening addiction, gotten married twice (same girl, two separate ceremonies), and launched a concerted effort to become more of a presence in the life of his son, Bentley.

Unfortunately, Ryan"s relationship with his baby mama, Maci Bookout, hasn"t improved along with the rest of his circumstances.

In fact, relations between the exes have hit a new rock bottom, and Ryan and Maci aren"t the only one suffering for it…

1. Rehabbed Ryan

Ryan edwards wedding photo

Over the summer, Ryan checked into rehab after becoming addicted to heroin and prescription painkillers. He’s been sober for several months now, but he’s still struggling to regain Maci’s trust.

2. Father’s Day Showdown

Ryan edwards is not happy

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, Maci brought Bentley to Ryan’s parents house for Father’s Day. The visit did not go smoothly.

3. Custody Battle Brewing?

Maci bookout cries

Ryan vaguely threatened Maci with a court battle before she left his parents’ house with Bentley in tow. The scene confirmed what many viewers had feared–the fight over Bentley is soon to get even uglier.

4. A Silver Lining?

Maci bookout ryan edwards and bentley

Ryan supporters were hopeful that his eagerness to fight for increased parental rights was a sign that Edwards would begin taking a more active role in Bentley’s life. As this week’s episode of TM2 showed us, however, that doesn’t appear to be the case.

5. Drug Test Drama

Ryan edwards is not happy

Ever since Ryan left rehab, Maci has been clear about what she expects from him as a father. Her trust is understandably shaken, and she wants Edwards to submit to drug testing before he’s permitted to spend time alone with Bentley. On this week’s episode, he appeared reluctant to do so.

6. Disappointing Dad

Ryan edwards sad

Many fans expressed disappointment in Ryan, particularly after being reminded that he, Maci, and Bentley aren’t the only ones who’s lives are affected by his bad behavior…

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Royal Family, Adele Attend Memorial for Grenfell Fire Victims

The Royal family was among more than 1,000 guests who packed St. Paul’s Cathedral to remember victims of the catastrophic Grenfell Tower fire. Prince Harry, Kate Middleton, Prince William, Camilla Parker Bowles and Prince Charles took part in…


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Taylor Swift Offers Important Advice to Sexual Assault Victims

On the entertainment front, Taylor Swift had a relatively quiet year.

She released a new album and announced a new tour toward the end of 2017, but she remained almost entirely silent for a solid three-quarters of the past 12 months.

In front of the camera or on social media, that is.

Outside of the music industry, Swift was actually involved in a lawsuit that perhaps helped set the tone for the #MeToo movement.

Following allegations that a DJ groped her during a 2013 photo opportunity, Swift testified under oath as part of her harassment lawsuit against David Mueller.

She had alleged that Mueller reached under her skirt and grabbed her butt during a meet-and-greet four years ago, an accusation that actually prompted Mueller to sue Swift for defamation.

But Taylor refused to back down.

First, her testimony and other pieces of evidence caused a judge to dismiss Mueller’s lawsuit.

Then, the singer won her countersuit against Mueller, earning raucous praise for how she handled herself on the witness stand amidst a barrage of victim-shaming attempts by Mueller’s lawyer.

(“I am not going to allow your client to make me feel like it is any way my fault because it isn’t,” she said at one point to the attorney.)

Due to how strongly she stood up for herself and, by extension, other victims of harassment, Swift was included this week on Time’s Person of the Year cover:

The issue honors the “Silence Breakers” who have helped exposed an unseemly number of sexual harassers and predators around the country.

Asked by the publication why she was so aggressive in her fight against Mueller, Swift replied as follows:

“I figured that if he would be brazen enough to assault me under these risky circumstances and high stakes, imagine what he might do to a vulnerable, young artist if given the chance.

“It was important to report the incident to his radio station because I felt like they needed to know.

“The radio station conducted its own investigation and fired him. Two years later, he sued me.”

Swift added that she spoke to Kesha at one point to find out more of what she went through after suing producer Dr. Luke for sexual misconduct.

To her fans and anyone else dealing with abuse or harassment, Swift has this to say;

My advice is that you not blame yourself and do not accept the blame others will try to place on you.

You should not be blamed for waiting 15 minutes or 15 days or 15 years to report sexual assault or harassment, or for the outcome of what happens to a person after he or she makes the choice to sexually harass or assault you.

The superstar also praised all the “brave women” speaking out in public about their experiences for helping “move the needle in terms of letting people know that this abuse of power shouldn’t be tolerated.”

The #MeToo movement got underway in earnest after Harvey Weinstein was exposed as a serial sexual predator.

After Alyssa Milano sent a Tweet that asked women (and men) to use the hashtag #MeToo if they had been the victim of any sort of unwanted sexual act or comment, an endless array of social media users followed suit.

As a result, celebrities such as Kevin Spacey, Louis CK, Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer have lost their jobs (and their statuses) in the wake of troubling allegations.

We can likely expect more and more famous men to be outed as generally awful people in this regard in the coming weeks and months.

It’s depressing and disturbing to learn of these incidents.

But it’s clearly about time these perpetrators were held accountable for their despicable actions.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Famed Photographer Bruce Weber"s Alleged Sexual Misconduct Victims Talk (LIVE STREAM)

Two male models are coming forward to detail allegations of sexual misconduct at the hands of famed fashion photographer Bruce Weber … and TMZ will be streaming live. The male models will be flanked by their attorney, Lisa Bloom, who has…


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Lisa Bloom Says She Has a Number of New Alleged Victims of John Conyers, Bruce Weber

Attorney Lisa Bloom says she has a number of women who contacted her and are ready to testify that they too were victims of sexual harassment at the hands of Representative John Conyers. We got Bloom at LAX where she said she was busy on her flight…


Lisa Bloom Says She Has a Number of New Alleged Victims of John Conyers, Bruce Weber

Attorney Lisa Bloom says she has a number of women who contacted her and are ready to testify that they too were victims of sexual harassment at the hands of Representative John Conyers. We got Bloom at LAX where she said she was busy on her flight…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Janice Dickinson Says Cosby Accusers Inspired Other Victims to Come Forward

Janice Dickinson agrees with our photog … she’s one of the people who opened the door for women to muster the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse.  Janice was one of the first people to claim abuse at the hands of Bill…


Janice Dickinson Says Cosby Accusers Inspired Other Victims to Come Forward

Janice Dickinson agrees with our photog … she’s one of the people who opened the door for women to muster the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse.  Janice was one of the first people to claim abuse at the hands of Bill…


Friday, November 24, 2017

Senator Al Franken Tells His Victims He"s Just a Big Hugger

Senator Al Franken is clearly trying to save his job, but his answer to the various women who have accused him of sexual assault/harassment is sketchy … he says he just likes to hug a lot.  Franken issued a statement on Thanksgiving Day,…
