Showing posts with label Yeah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yeah. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ex-Dodgers GM Ned Colletti Tells Fans Not To Worry, (Yeah Right Dude)

Good news Dodger fans … the team’s epic collapse ain’t NOTHING fret about, so says ex-GM Ned Colletti who told assured TMZ Sports that everything was A-OK when we got him out in Beverly Hills.  Okay so here’s the thing, the Dodgers are in…


Ex-Dodgers GM Ned Colletti Tells Fans Not To Worry, (Yeah Right Dude)

Good news Dodger fans … the team’s epic collapse ain’t NOTHING fret about, so says ex-GM Ned Colletti who told assured TMZ Sports that everything was A-OK when we got him out in Beverly Hills.  Okay so here’s the thing, the Dodgers are in…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Ice Cube: Lamar Odom to BIG3? Hell Yeah!

If Lamar Odom wants to join the BIG3 league, Ice Cube says he’s got an invitation — there’s just one catch.  Cube touched down in L.A. — getting into one of the biggest limos we’ve ever seen — when we asked how he felt about Odom expressing…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Kate Gosselin: Yeah, We Partied Without Collin on His Birthday! That"s Life!

In case you’ve forgotten that evil triumphs when good people do nothing, here’s a reminder: Kate Gosselin is still around and allowed to be a parent.

We’d say that she still has all eight children in her clutches, but as we mentioned, Collin Gosselin is missing. He didn’t even get to attend his own birthday party with his five fellow sextuplets. Fans are worried. Fans are angry.

The beast of a woman herself actually spoke about his absence. We’ve been waiting for ages to hear a satisfactory explanation.

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to wait longer than that.

Kate had a lot to say during a confessional for Kate Plus 8, which is somehow still on TV, but as you can see, she’s still skirting the issue.

You have to wonder if she doesn’t really care.

“Thirteen — need we say more?”

That’s a huge milestone — they’re teenagers!

(That much closer to reaching adulthood and making their escape)

But yes, she needs to say more.

“The photos around the cake, I have them for every year, every child, every birthday.”

Every child, though?

“It’s definitely an iconic moment.”

Pictures are forever, after all.

“This year [was] much like last year.”

Here it comes:

“Obviously the difference is that Collin wasn’t there.”

Yeah, we’ve known that ever since the earliest promotional materials showed that Collin Gosselin was missing from his own birthday party.

“I am comforted with the fact that my kids, all of them, each unique child, is receiving exactly what they need and that hasn’t changed.”

What they need and what she thinks that they need are likely very, very different things.

“I’ve said that before, I’ll say it again. It’s a bittersweet moment [and] we’ve had many of them.”

Bittersweet is a good word for that family.

Because the children are sweet, but they’re sure to grow into bitter adults.

The world has just stood by and watched — literally watched — during Kate’s reign of terror.

“You can’t do anything without realizing he’s missing.”

So maybe you should let him celebrate his birthday with his siblings, especially when this year involved a huge birthday bash.

And let his siblings celebrate their birthdays with him.

“So we may not say it, but it’s always there.”

Now, we get that Collin is in some mystery facility with alleged “behavior specialists.”

Jon Gosselin claims to have an idea of where Collin is but he doesn’t seem to know any specifics, which is scary enough.

Needless to say, we don’t trust Kate Gosselin as far as we can throw her.

(Actually, Kate’s only 5-foot-4, so we don’t trust her anywhere close to as far as we could throw her)

We don’t know much of anything about where Collin is staying, what sort of treatment he’s receiving, or when he’ll leave.

We’re of two minds about it.

On the one hand, there are some facilities for children with behavioral problems that are not legitimate or safe.

Hopefully Kate didn’t choose one of those — but we just don’t really know, do we?

On the other hand, maybe the best possible thing for Collin is to be away from the awful woman whose own “behavior problems” did so much damage to him and his siblings in the first place.

Maybe he’s better off being away from her, even on his birthday.

But he and his siblings have to be missing each other.

Did he celebrate his birthday alone in an institution?

Did he get to celebrate it at all?

The sextuplets are 13, now.

Just 5 long, long years until they’re old enough to escape from Kate on their own.

We wonder if they’ll do a special miniseries titled “Escape From Kate” that chronicles their newly free lives and almost certainly getting therapy for PTSD.

(We’re not kidding — we fully expect that at least some of them will need it)

More heartbreaking than having them adjust to being adults in a non-toxic environment will be when one of them inevitably breaks down on camera and asks the viewers — and America — why they never did anything to rescue the kids sooner.

Maybe some of these kids will grow up to be advocates for children, like those women on Escaping Polygamy.

In the mean time … why is it that Kenya Moore’s reality career is at risk if her new husband doesn’t appear on The Real Housewives of Atlanta

… But Kate Gosselin is free and clear to just disappear her own child with almost no explanation?

Because, as Kate Gosselin’s children know better than most, the world isn’t fair.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Kris Jenner, Yeah, I"d Welcome Tristan Thompson to the Family!!!

Kris Jenner is down with Khloe Kardashian’s BF in a big way. Kris was leaving Craig’s in WeHo Tuesday night when our photog asked if she would welcome Tristan Thompson to the family, and she made her feelings clear. Khloe and Tristan joined Kris…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Taylor Swift to Katy Perry: Oh Yeah? Take THIS!

So much for talk that the Taylor Swift-Katy Perry feud is fake.

So much for the belief that these two singers have played up their rivalry with a mutual understanding that it will help boost record sales and keep both relevant year-round.

Because Swift just made an announcement aimed at bringing Perry’s career down.

Are we being overly dramatic here?

Not really. But you can decide for yourself…

On Thursday, a rep for Taylor confirmed that the record-breaking solo artist will make ALL OF HER SONGS available on Spotify, Pandora, Tidal, Amazon and other streaming platforms.

The rep explained Swift’s decision as follows:

“In celebration of 1989 selling over 10 million albums worldwide and the RIAA’s 100 million song certification announcement, Taylor wants to thank her fans by making her entire back catalog available to all streaming services tonight at midnight.”

Do you know what else went on sale at the exact same time?

Perry’s new album.

What a coincidence, right?!?!?

Or maybe not at all.

In 2014, Swift got into a very public fight with Spotify after she removed her full catalog from the streaming service, including 1989.

“I think there should be an inherent value placed on art,” she told Time Magazine at the time.

Other than Apple Music, no streaming service was able to feature the star’s pop album until now.

And Swift only permitted Apple to stream her fifth studio album after the company said it would pay artists royalties during its free three-month trial.

So, why the change of heart from Swift?

Come on. Must we really spell this out for you?

Swift and Perry have been feuding since the release of the former’s smash hit “Bad Blood.”

Taylor never cited Katy by name when asked whether the track was about her, but it was. Plain and simple. Everyone knows it.

We’re sure each singer would disagree with certain details behind their long-simmering feud, but Swift seems to think Perry tried to steal three backup dancers from her…

… while Perry thinks Swift acted inappropriately in the way she treated these backup dancers during their time with her foe.

“I tried to talk to her about it and she wouldn’t speak to me,” Perry recently told James Corden of this difference of opinion, adding that the ball is very much in Swift’s court.

“She started it, and it’s time for her to finish it.”

But this isn’t to say Perry won’t keep playing a role in it.

She’s basically come out and admitted that the first single off her new album, “Swish Swish” is all about how much Swift sucks.

Speaking to NME for the latest issue of that magazine, Perry made it clear she has no intention of letting this feud die.

“I wish that I could turn the other cheek every single time, but I’m also not a pushover, you know?” she says.

“Especially when someone tries to assassinate my character with little girls [her fans]. That’s so messed up!”

That seems a bit strong and harsh, no? Has anyone’s opinion of Perry’s character really changed due to Swift’s songs or comments?

But while Swift can’t really affect Perry’s character, she can most definitely have an effect on her enemy’s record sales.

By dropping all of her singles on as many streaming services as possible at the same time Perry drops a new album, does anyone doubt this is her plan?

We love it.

Your move, Katy. Make it a good one.


Friday, March 31, 2017

Lebron James" Kids Can Snowboard? Hell Yeah! (Video)

File Under: ATHLETES  LeBron James’ superstar sons got game in the snow, too — putting their snowboarding skills on display during a spring break trip to Aspen. Look, they’re not exactly Shaun White … but they’re pretty good.  LeBron’s…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hayden Panettiere To Olympian: Hell Yeah I"d Play You In A Movie (VIDEO)

How do you make a dream come true for someone who’s already won 4 Olympic gold medals? “Nashville” star Hayden Panettiere might’ve just found a way … telling TMZ Sports she’d totally bring Olympic champion Laura Kenny’s life to screen in a…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ole Miss Football Gets SELF-IMPOSED BOWL BAN ... Yeah, We Messed Up

Ole Miss University just hit its own football team with a 1-year Bowl game ban — after admitting it broke several NCAA recruiting rules.  School officials — including head football coach Hugh Freeze — just copped to 3 definite violations. 1)…


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Babes In Beds ... Sheet Yeah!

These hot stars pressed snooze to snap a sexy selfie in bed … snuggle up with these lounging ladies and see who’s bringin’ the heat to social media … and the sheets!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Mark Wahlberg"s Rooting for the Chiefs?? Yeah. (VIDEO)

New England Patriots superfan Mark Wahlberg says he’ll be cheering on Alex Smith and the rest of the KC Chiefs this weekend … and why?  We’re guessing he thinks they’re an easier path to the Super Bowl than the Pittsburgh Steelers.  Of…


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Jennifer Aniston -- Up for a Game of Tag! (Yeah, Happens to Her Too) (PHOTOS)

Jennifer Aniston is either a returnaholic or her stylist committed a major faux pas sending the celeb to her NYC movie premiere with her jacket’s retail tags waving … “HELLO!”  We’re banking on the latter, but either way … looks…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Donald Trump -- Yeah, His Head Bobbles But Don"t Rip It Off ... Company Sues

Donald Trump’s head was totally jacked by a company peddling knockoffs of it, according to a new lawsuit — and we should probably mention we’re talking Bobblehead Trumps.   Plan P2 Promotions just filed suit against JF Sports Marketing for…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Pilot Jones: Yeah, I Made Out With Blac Chyna!

Pilot Jones has broken his silence over Blac Chyna’s paternity questions, and as Radar Online put it, this is the interview that “will break Rob Kardashian’s heart.” 

As if Rob Kardashian needed any more damn sadness in his life. 

In the interview, Jones admitted, “I met Blac Chyna a couple years ago, at a party that I was hosting.” 

The two go even further back than ChyRo, it would seem, huh? 

About Rob, he said, “We never really talked about him.” 

“He never really came up in conversation or anything, so I kind of found out like everyone else [that she was dating Rob].” 

So not only is Chyna shady, she sounds like an opportunist, too – hopping on the Rob bandwagon and striking while the iron was hot. 

Jones claimed that he assumed that Chyna was in a relationship with Rob when he and Chyna would “go out” and “have fun,” claiming that the two were friends. 

“She’s been a really really great friend. We’ve hung out. We had a lot of fun together.”

When asked about the purported makeout pics, he responded, “Who wouldn’t want to kiss Blac Chyna? She’s beautiful.” 

Jones continued slyly, “A picture’s worth a thousand words.”  

Though Chyna publicly dragged him all over the internet, claiming that he was gross, and that he was gay, and that he, himself, was an opportunist, Jones had nothing but praise for Blac Chyna. 

“We’re still friends,” he said. 

“She’ll always be my friend.” 

“I just want the best for her,” he smiled, yet reportedly requested a paternity test after he found out that she was pregnant. 

Friends, hmm. 

Friends who reportedly sleep together and then have public feuds over Kardashian paternity testing

That sounds like some great friendship right there, huh? 

After Jones’ allegations went public, Chyna hit the internet in a fury. 

She said, “Ur a dirty ass Punk!!!”

“You can never join my roster BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!”

Ever the class-act, Chyna slammed Jones like there was no tomorrow. 

Which she’s, you know, pretty good at. 

In further disturbing baby news, it was reported that Blac and Rob might be televising the birth of their child. 

It was reported that if the cameras were allowed to roll in the delivery room, ChyRo would make “hundreds of thousands of dollars.” 

Just what they’ll need to fend off homophobic-instigated lawsuits. 

You see, everyone wins, really! 


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Wiz Khalifa -- Hell Yeah I Got My Own Kush ... Want Some? (VIDEO)

Wiz Khalifa was in a charitable mood with the paps Friday night … handing out free weed to his target demo. We got Wiz leaving Catch in WeHo … with a bag of his own “good s***” you can buy in stores now — because he can’t give all of his KK…


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Joe Jonas, Gigi Hadid -- Yeah, We"re Still Doin" It (PHOTO)



Forget the rumblings at New York Fashion Week … Joe Jonas and Gigi Hadid are still very much together.

They hit up “l’Entrecote’ restaurant in Paris Saturday night and were all over each other.  They’re in town for Paris Fashion Week.

If you can’t get romantic in France, forget about it.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Steven Tyler -- Hell Yeah, I"m into Nude Gisele Bundchen!! Sorry, Tom Brady (VIDEO)



Steven Tyler loves him some New England Patriots and Tom Brady, but he also loves butt ass naked Gisele Bundchen — soooo … something’s gotta give.

Aerosmith’s frontman was at LAX when we asked if he’d be checking out Gisele’s new $ 700 coffee table book featuring nude and semi-nude shots of Mrs. Brady. Steven’s dilemma was immediately clear.

As he put it, “Don’t even ask me about her. I’ll piss Tom off.”

Steven does eventually give us his final decision on whether he’ll give GB a look.

Hint: He’s a man.


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