Thursday, November 12, 2015

18 Reality TV Families That Make Us Want to Vomit

As previously documented, there have been plenty of reality TV show ideas that we can"t believe ever existed.

Along similar lines, meanwhile, there are even more reality TV show families that actually do exist… and which make us sick to our stomach to even think about, let alone waste time watching.

Which of the following families causes you to lose your lunch the fastest? Sadly, it may be difficult to choose…

1. The Duggars

The duggars

At this point, there’s only one thing we can count on from the Duggars. Okay, two things: lots of kids. And even more scandals, including one involving the molestation of a pair of sisters by their very own brother. And then a cover-up by their parents and… these people just really need to go away.

2. The Kardashians

The kardashians

Go ahead and make a sex tape. Feel free to brag about your bikini bodies. Pose naked all you want. But stop pretending as if you work hard and/or contribute anything to society, aside from a record amount of eye-rolling.

3. The Gosselins

The gosselins

We have nothing against the kids. We actually feel bad for them. But Kate and Jon Gosselin went from coming across as loving parents to parents who just love attention. And their poor children suffer the consequences.

4. The Spellings/McDermotts

The spellings slash mcdermotts

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott have used infidelity and suicidal thoughts as themes to their multiple reality shows. Once again, we just think about the couple’s poor children.

5. The Browns

The browns

Kody Brown has four wives. Four SISTER WIVES, to be exact. We don’t want to judge the lifestyles of others, but it’s hard not to see this as an example of Kody taking advantage of some insecure women, for financial and sexual gain.

6. The Here Come Honey Boo Boos

The here come honey boo boos

This family rose to fame because they youngest daughter entered into a number of child beauty pageants. What else needs to be said? Child beauty pageants are the work of the Devil.

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