Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Anna Duggar is "Strong," Says Cousin Amy

Last week, Amy King (nee Duggar), Instagram’d a selfie with Anna Duggar at a fundraiser for Loving Choices, a Christian pregnancy center that offers support to young women with unplanned pregnancies and STDs.

“Any negative comments will be deleted, just try me. She’s beautiful!” Amy wrote.

Despite speaking out against her cousin, Josh Duggar‘s indiscretions (“we’re still in shock and furious to the extreme,” the newlywed told People Magazine in September),  Amy is showing support for Josh’s wife and their children.

“I think the picture I posted shows how strong Anna truly is, she’s smiling, and has a lot of love around her,” Amy told Entertainment Tonight.  “She was talking to people at the event, having so much fun. And she looked so pretty.”

Amy said she and Anna attend the fundraiser annually, and this year was no exception.

“We love babies and just love this event,” Amy said.  “Aunt Michelle was there, Jessa and Ben were there, my mom, Dillon, a lot of the family was there. The event raised over $ 300,000.”

Josh is currently seeking treatment at a faith-based rehab for child molestation, an addiction to porn and having an active account with extramarital affair site, Ashley Madison.