Thursday, November 19, 2015

Arrow Season 4 Episode 7 Recap: Politics Not as Usual

Talk about the perfect combination of intense fight sequences and important character moments on Arrow Season 4 Episode 7.

This installment of The CW hit had it all.

Including a family reunion? Sort of, as Diggle learned that one of the “ghosts” the team went up against when trying to steal something from a biotech company was his supposedly dead brother Andy. Hooray, right?

Not exactly, seeing as Diggle was disturbed by the shady stuff he read about Andy in a file from Dahrk.

On the political side of things, Oliver decided on the restoration of Starling Bay as a major part of his mayoral platform.

This prompted Damien Darhk to appear at a PBA benefit to kind of offer Oliver support… but to really strongly warn the aspiring mayor to steer clear of the bay – otherwise, he may suddenly find himself “opposed.”

Elsewhere, Felicity turned to Ray (who watched his own funeral; saw that no one really cared; and later decided to leave town) to assistance in examining a ghost’s tooth.

It eventually gets traced to a former psychiatric hospital, which they figure was a home base for H.I.V.E.

Diggle has no interest in it, but Oliver, Thea and Laurel break in and Thea ends up knocking Andy out.

When she gets confronted by Dahrk and he goes in for the Death Grip… it backfires?!? Huh?

While this is taking place, Oliver is fighting outside and he gets a hand from The Atom and also from Diggle, who jumps in at the last moment.

Back at the lair, Oliver ends up agreeing with Diggle’s idea to take on Darhk in broad daylight, as opposed to from the “inside.”

John then goes to talk to his locked-up brother, who isn’t exactly in a bonding mood and who also confirms that every dirty detail in his file is “true.”

Finally, Oliver meets the media to talk up his bay restoration project, throwing it in Darhk’s face and vowing to “fight for Star City in the light of day, and never stop fighting.”

The speech was so on point, it led us to wonder: Was Oliver outing himself as the Green Arrow?

Go watch Arrow online for yourself and see if you end up with the same question.