Friday, November 6, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Sends Birthday Wishes to Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner turns 60 years old on Thursday, receiving happy wishes on the occasion from all the usual suspects.

Kendall Jenner, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian all posted positive messages to their mother on social media.

And now we can add Caitlyn Jenner to that mix as well.

“Happy birthday @krisjenner,” the 66-year-old former Olympian Tweeted as her ex-wife. “Enjoy the day with our wonderful family.”

Back when she was still Bruce Jenner, of course, Caitlyn and Kris were married for nearly 23 years.

They separated in June of 2013 and officially divorced in the fall of 2014.

The couple seemed to remain on mostly good terms, but then Caitlyn came out as Caitlyn, giving an interview to Diane Sawyer in April of this year about her desired gender change.

A few weeks later, Caitlyn Jenner was officially introduced to the world on the cover of Vanity Fair.

Kris seemed to react to this major life decision with confusion and even a bit of anger.

In June, Kris questioned why Jenner ever married her if he knew all along he had such feminine tendencies.

But the two mostly buried the hatchet during an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, clearing the air and concluding a big talk on amicable terms.

They don’t exactly hang out each week now, but the tension has dissipated to the point where one can wish the other a happy birthday.

Hey, that’s something, folks.