Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen: 6 Women Prepare To Sue

There have been messages of support for Charlie Sheen, but there has also been an onslaught of legal ramifications regarding his Today show interview.

Charlie Sheen is HIV-Positive, having been diagnosed four years ago.  It’s reportedly been an “open secret” in Hollywood, one that Sheen said he tried to keep by paying off those who knew in return for their silence.

TMZ reports that six women have gotten legal representation and are preparing to sue Sheen for “intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, and sexual battery.”

The unnamed women tell the site that they had both protected and unprotected sex with Sheen, who did not inform them he was HIV-Positive.

Sheen, a source said, has had over 200 partners in the last two years.

Porn star Lisa Ann tweeted her issues with the way in which Sheen made his big reveal.

“Being in the industry, I met many people who interacted with him,” Lisa Ann tweeted.  “This is a direct hit on the adult industry, he hired male/female performers.  

“Hands down… this is the most bizarre & reckless celebrity scenario. If this were anyone else, the public tone would be totally different.

“Don’t get me wrong here, It is sad that he is in this situation, he made it criminal when he started paying off people & not disclosing it.

“Funny, media interviews me, as a porn star, as somewhat of a criminal – Yes, Charlie is a hero today.. WOW…..”

I don’t find myself saying this very often, but the porn star has a point.