Monday, November 23, 2015

Charlie Sheen Gay Sex Tape: Actually in Existence?!

In the weeks since Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive in an interview with Matt Lauer, the bad boy actor’s sex life has come under intense scrutiny.

Sheen’s been accused of failing to inform sex partners about his condition, thus putting them at risk for contracting the illness themselves.

Several longtime associates of the actor have claimed that he did nothing to curtail his risky behavior after he received his diagnosis.

Porn star Lisa Ann tweeted that Sheen put countless men and women at risk over the past four years, as he frequently engaged in unprotected sex with both sexes.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that several videos that show Sheen performing oral sex on a man while high on crack cocaine are currently circulating online. 

Reporters for the website claim to have personally viewed three 30-second clips that show Sheen smoking crack before fellating an unidentified man.

According to sources, the footage was recorded in Nevada in 2011 – the same year Sheen was diagnosed as HIV positive.

It’s unknown if the actor was already infected with HIV at that time, but interestingly, the video was reportedly entered into evidence in a $ 20 million lawsuit involving allegations that Sheen knowingly spread herpes to several sex partners.

At the time, both the plaintiff and defendant (who is now believed to be Sheen) were unidentified, and court documents refer to the parties only as “J. Doe” and “J. Roe.”

Sheen reportedly settled out of court for several million dollars after he learned of the existence of the tape.

“Charlie had his team buy it off the market and settle the lawsuit because he and his camp believed it could destroy his life if it ever got out,” says one insider.

“He must be quaking in his boots that it could see the light of day.”

We’ll have updates on this strange development as more information becomes available.