Wednesday, November 4, 2015

David Justice, Ex-Husband of Halle Berry, SLAMS Berry on Twitter

David Justice, Halle Berry’s first ex-husband, has a thing or two to say about Berry’s other (and newer) ex-husband.

On Monday, the former professional baseball player took to Twitter to defend himself, claiming he was never abusive toward Berry.

Berry never outwardly claimed Justice was abusive, but she filed a restraining order against him in 1996.

Sources close to Berry told People Magazine, “Halle and David haven’t spoken for years and when they did last, there was no animosity between them whatsoever. They were really friendly. This is coming out of nowhere.” 

Justice followed up with that sentiment on Twitter.  He stated, Berry “was mad at me leaving the relationship so she and her Hollywood Team just tried to destroy my character. It had to be my fault, right?” 

He also tweeted: “It just makes me mad to still see the same lie being perpetuated about the source of her abuse being me.Never happened!” Justice added the hashtag “#formerboyfriend.”

In his Twitter rant, he also touched on Berry’s other high profile ex-boyfriends, such as Eric Benet, Gabriel Aubry, and Martinez.  He abrasively stated that they were all a “Knight in Shining Armor, until it ends. Then we all become the worst guys in history.” 

He also mentioned, “Only the guys in the relationship with Halle know the real deal. There will be another, of course. He’ll be called ‘The Best’ until it ends.”

It seemed as if this were just a bitter ex trash talking Berry, but even Benet applauded his remarks.

Benet, Berry’s husband from 2001 to 2005, responded to the tweets: “My man at @23davidjustice is tweeting some truth dis’ mornin’!” 

Justice then continued his rant, warning Martinez,  “Just wait, Olivier. It’s coming! She insinuated that her daughter wasn’t safe around Gabriel. Look it up and see the reason! Just wrong.” 

Though many of his Twitter updates have since been deleted, Justice opened up to the Daily Mail about his comments.

He said, “I had to say something after reading about Halle’s recent marriage. So many years ago, I didn’t say anything about the accusations that I abused her.”

He continued, “But now I have three children, ages, 15, 13 and 11, two boys and one girl, and they can read this stuff and they have friends who will read it as well so I had to finally come out and say once and for all I never hit Halle Berry.” 

“Back then it didn’t matter, but it’s different now,” explaining that while Berry never said he hit her, she also “never said I didn’t either, which was disappointing.” 

But Justice wants to be known as more that just “the face of Halle Berry’s exes.”  And he claimed he “won’t be going on TV to talk about this.”

“I just wanted to make sure my wife, my children and the rest of my family, friends and fans know the truth,” he said.

Halle Berry and Oliver Martinez divorced in October.  Berry and Martinez married in 2013, but announced on October 27 of this year that they were splitting up.

In a statement to People Magazine, they said, “It is with a heavy heart that we have come to the decision to divorce. We move forward with love and respect for one another and the shared focus for what is best for our son.”

Berry has a lengthy divorce history.  Martinez was her third husband. The actress married Justice in 1992 and Benet in 2001.

In 2007, Berry to InStyle, “I will never, never get married again.”

We doubt it.