Monday, November 16, 2015

Dwayne Johnson Gives Us Another Reason to Love Him

Dwayne Johnson is big and strong and muscular and tough.

But he"s really just a giant teddy bear inside

This was evident in how Johnson reacting to the loss of a puppy and then also evident in how excited he was to announce that he and Lauren Hashian are expecting a baby.

And it"s especially evident in the video featured here, which comes to us from Oprah"s Master Class and which features Johnson breaking down into tears over hie teenage daughter.

"I always wanted to be a great dad," he explains. "I always wanted to give Simone things that I felt I never got. When I held her when she was born, I held her in these two hands and I said to her, "I will always, always take care of you, for the rest of your life. You are safe."

"Throughout the years, throughout the ups and downs, I"ve realized that the most important thing that I could do with my daughter is lead our life with love,

"Not success, not fame, not anything else but, "I"m always here for you. I love you.""

Johnson goes on to tell the story of how he once asked Simone what she values most about her relationship with her father.

The child hems and haws and gives her dad a hard time at first because that"s what kids do.

But then she tells Johnson that she trusts him and that simple word is all it takes for Johnson to break down a bit.

Simply put, he says at the end of this video, "I love that girl."

And we love Dwayne Johnson. This is yet another reason why.

Dwayne johnson breaks down over daughter