Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Husband Snaps Selfie While Wife Gives Birth

Yes, plane crash selfies were once a thing.

So, we hate to say it, were Auschwitz selfies.

But has a young man named Gil Solano now started the latest selfie-related trend? The Excited/Pained Mid-Labor Selfie?

Most women around the world likely hope not.

Gil and wife Sarah have gone viral this week, however, because the latter decided that he should turn the camera on himself and on his better half during a recent hospital visit.


“My wife wanted to make sure that someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born today. So I took one,” wrote Gil as a caption to the image on imgur.

And while you’d think taking a picture of your wife while she’s experiencing incomprehensible pain (and you’re acting all giddy) might get a guy in trouble… Gil apparently got away with this maneuver.

He even got props for it from the only person whose opinion matters.

“I had been pushing for a few hours and Gil showed it to me to help take my mind off of things and make me laugh,” Sarah said after the photo went live online.

“I thought it was hilarious and told him he should send it to some of our friends.”

So there you have it.

The couple is now parents to a healthy girl named Eve… and we can clearly expect Kanye West to do this same thing when Kim Kardashian goes into labor next month.

Minus the smile, that is.