Thursday, November 5, 2015

Jessa Duggar: I"m Still Pregnant and I"m BIG!

Jessa Duggar, who’s past her due date and eagerly anticipating the arrival of her first child, shared a new baby bump shot on Instagram this week.

At 40 weeks-plus, she is not small, to put it mildly!

The wife of Ben Seewald, who just celebrated her first anniversary and due date, joked about being “big” in this photo with a fellow pregnant friend.

Big is an understatement, but she still has that glow!

The beaming mom-to-be, 23, posed in Mexican restaurant with her pal Sierra as both flaunt big baby bumps and flank non-expectant friend Kristen.

“#40weeks2days,” Jessa captioned the pic. “Wow, Sierra! We’re big … & lil’ Kristen is sandwiched in the middle … But those tacos … #Tacos4Life.”

Jessa and the rest of the Duggars do love their food.

She’s indulged in pregnancy cravings for much of this year, such as crinkle-cut French fries, mounds of ice cream, and a pineapple to induce labor.

Which didn’t work, obviously, but was still yummy.

“Sometimes, you forget about eating healthy and go for the good stuff,” she wrote on Sunday to Ben Seewald. “Happy anniversary, Love!”

The reality stars, who announced in April they were expecting their first child, have yet to reveal whether they’re expecting a boy or a girl.

“It’s hard for them to keep from saying ‘him’ or ‘her’!” a source says, but they have done so, and we can’t wait to find out the answer soon.

Could be any day now, but also could be awhile.

Big sister Jill went about a week past her due date earlier this year, then endured a 70-hour labor before finally welcoming baby son Israel.

As for reports that Jessa is terrified of a home birth going haywire like Jill’s, here’s hoping #BabySeewald doesn’t put her through that!