Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Josh Duggar: Sued By Danica Dillon For Assault

Shortly after the world learned that Josh Duggar had used the website Ashley Madison to cheat on his wife, it was revealed that Josh had also paid at least one woman to have sex with him while Anna Duggar was pregnant.

That woman, a porn star named Danica Dillon, is now suing Josh for $ 500,000 in damages, claiming that he assaulted her during their encounters.

Dillon has previously stated that she and Josh engaged in extremely “rough” sex.

Now, according to court papers obtained by In Touch, she’s suing on the grounds that Duggar was so violent that he caused her “physical and emotional injuries” and she felt “as if she were being raped.”

It’s likely that Josh will attempt to settle out of court, as a trial focusing on his sexual history would be a nightmare for the Duggar family.

According to a statement from Dillon’s attorney, Marc Frumer, all of Josh’s past indiscretions would be considered fair game during  cross-examination.

“The defendant may be subject to [having to talk about] his prior bad [or] sexually abusive acts at trial,” Frumer says. “They are all relevant if he takes the stand.

“The defendant has a history of sexual and physical abuse towards women, particularly those he perceives as vulnerable or weak. He has to be held responsible for his actions.”

While he doesn’t go into specifics, Frumer appears to be referring to allegations that Josh molested five young girls while he was in his teens.

Josh checked into rehab to be treated for sex addiction back in August. His family has refused to comment on his sordid past in the months since. 

Unfortunately for the 19 Kids and Counting clan, it looks as though Josh’s perversions will soon be dragged into the light once again.