Monday, November 9, 2015

Justin Bieber Flips Over Chair, Insists He Did Not Flip Out

Justin Bieber came very close to pulling a Teresa Giudice at a restaurant in Cannes, France late last week.

Instead of flipping over a table, however, the singer flipped over a chair on his way out of the establishment.

Was this yet another recent controversy created by the singer, who acted all condescending in a concert abroad when telling fans how to clap?

And who stormed off the stage during a show in Norway after playing just one track because he was pissed that some fans spilled some water and wouldn"t make it easy on him to clean up?

It appears that way. It appears to be another example of Bieber acting like a spoiled brat.

But Justin swears this wasn"t the case. And he"s perturbed anyone would say differently.

After being accused of "flipping out at fans" by Perez Hilton, Bieber replied on Twitter and wrote the following:

"lol. No one is flipping out dude. My buddy had just told me some bad personal news. Don"t lie please."

He then added:

"Just took pics with a bunch of Beliebers. I must have been mad at them. Lol."

Bieber still wasn"t finished, though. He shared multiple GIFs of chairs being thrown online, trying to make light of the incident and concluding, in a note to supporters:

"Don"t listen to what the media has to say. U Want to know me. How I feel. What I"m about.  It is all right here."

In fairness, Justin, your irresponsible behavior has been all over the Internet and has taken place all over the world, as well.

So we"ll believe you here. We hope all is okay with you and your friend and the news he shared.

But don"t make it sound as if jumping to a different conclusion is not perfectly understandable. This is the situation you"ve created for yourself.

Justin bieber flips over chair insists he did not flip out