Monday, November 9, 2015

Justin Bieber Talks More About His Penis

Welcome to Justin Bieber Week, ladies and gentlemen!

With Bieber"s latest album set to go sale November 13, the singer will be appearing on Ellen every day this week in promotion, culminating in performance of his new single on Friday.

First, though, the artist sat across from the comedian and focused on something nearly as meaningful to him as his music: his penis.

Yes, the Justin Bieber naked photo from Bora Bora (snapped and shared by The New York Daily News a couple months ago) was once again a topic of discussion.

Bieber says he learned of the privacy violation via manager Scooter Braun, who relayed the following message to his friend and client:

"I hate to tell you this, but your penis is on the Internet."

How did Justin react to the news?

"The first thing I saw was the censored one which had the black thing over it, and I was like, "Oh my goodness, I don"t know what this is going to look like!"" he said.

"And then it wasn"t as bad as I thought it was going to be."

DeGeneres joked that she isn"t a "expert" in male genitalia, but she heard "it was good."

What about Selena Gomez, who Bieber has discussed openly in other recent interviews and about whom he has written a few songs?

Could they ever be a romantic item once again?

""Maybe," he replied, explaining in detail:

"We have a lot of history together so it could possibly happen. I think we"re both just on our own journeys, figuring ourselves out and once we"ve figured ourselves out we could maybe come together and make an awesome duo.

"Or she"ll find someone awesome and I"ll find someone awesome. I just want her to be happy, honestly."

Watch more from this fun Q&A now:

Justin bieber talks more about his penis