Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kaley Cuoco: Throwing Shade at Ryan Sweeting on Instagram?

It’s been just over a month since we first learned that Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting are getting divorced, and the split has officially gone from amicable to ugly.

First, Kaley wasted no time in dropping Sweeting’s last name. Not a surprising move by any means, but the quickness with which she filed the paperwork has led many to believe that she’s very eager to cut ties with her ex.

Shortly thereafter, Sweeting requested spousal support, a move that suggests there may be an ugly legal battle ahead, despite the couple’s supposedly iron-clad prenup.

Kaley has refused to speak about the split in interviews, but her frustration is apparent on her Instagram page:

Kaley Cuoco Instagram Upload

Cuoco posted that pearl of wisdom earlier this week, and we’re sure she knew that it would be widely interpreted as a shot at Sweeting.

As more details about the weeks leading up to their divorce become public, it’s becoming easier to see why Kaley might be very, very pissed off.

First, there were the rumors that Sweeting is addicted to prescription painkillers. Kaley reportedly did everything she could to help him kick the habit, but the former tennis pro reportedly had no interest in sobering up.

Sources say the nail in the coffin came when Sweeting went missing for 4 days and returned home as though nothing was wrong. 

Appealing the terms of the prenup is not uncommon in cases in which one party is the sole breadwinner, but we’re hoping that in Ryan’s case the judge will see right through his BS.