Monday, November 16, 2015

Kanye West: Pissed at the Kardashians For Secretly Filming Lamar Odom?

Last week, we reported that the Kardashian family has been secretly filming Lamar Odom as he recovers from an overdose that resulted in multiple strokes.

Considering the reports that Lamar has suffered extensive brain damage, the Kards may soon suffer some serious backlash from fans, even if they had Odom sign consent papers first.

In fact, according to Radar Online, Kim and kompany are already being criticized from within their inner circle.

The website claims that Kanye West is “furious” with his in-laws for attempting to score ratings off of Khloe’s ailing ex.

“Kanye was so upset when he found out the family wanted to sneak cameras into the hospital and film Lamar,” says one insider.

“He really thinks they hit a low with this stunt. He said it was crass of them to do.”

The source says Kanye is so angry that he’s no longer cool with the idea of daughter North appearing on Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

“Kanye doesn’t want North or the new baby to be on the show anymore,” the source explained.

“He is really mad that Kim and Khloe and their mom exploit Lamar. He feels like Lamar needs to recover in privacy and to put that on the show in his condition is just outrageous.”

“Kanye is not going to let this go. He feels like he has to stand up to everyone for Lamar and for his daughter and son.”

We’re glad Kanye is fighting the good fight, but if he’d taken the time to watch the show before getting married, he probably would’ve realized that this is what his wife and her family do.