Monday, November 2, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Ditching Lamar Odom For James Harden?

In the weeks since Lamar Odom nearly died from a drug overdose, the former NBA star’s relationship with Khloe Kardashian has experienced many ups and downs.

First, it was reported that Khloe and Lamar had called off their divorce.

Shortly thereafter, there were rumors that Khloe stormed out of the hospital after Lamar received a visit from his drug dealer.

Not long after that, several sources claimed that Khloe is still dating James Harden.

Now, Radar Online is confirming the news with reports of Khloe traveling to Texas to spend some alone time with Harden.

“[Khloe and James} have been spending quiet time together this week in Houston,” says one insider.

Bizarrely, the source claims Odom is cool with James and Khloe’s “quiet time.”

“James gives Khloe the space to do what she needs to do,” the insider says. “He is comfortable enough with their relationship. Khloe had been in contact with James daily in the days after Lamar had overdosed and was in a coma.”

Apparently, Khloe initially decided to dump James and give Lamar another chance, but changed her mind after seeing that Lamar is still up to his old tricks.

“It became clear to Khloe very quickly after Lamar woke up, and the days went on, that he wasn’t going to be changing any time soon,” the source says.

“Calling his drug dealer to the hospital was the final straw for Khloe.”

The insider adds that Khloe plans to continue to be there for Lamar and support him during his recovery. She’s reportedly made it clear to him, however, that their relationship will remain purely platonic.