Thursday, November 12, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Lamar "Understands" That I"m Dating James Harden

Khloe Kardashian had to assume that with a book signing comes questions about her estranged husband, Lamar Odom.

At The Grove on November 9th, Kardashian fielded several questions about Odom’s health and the state of their marriage.

According to Fishwrapper, Kardashian explained how writing Strong Looks Better Naked sort of prepared her for the tough times.

“I definitely know that this has made me stronger,” Kardashian told The Insider.  “I don’t know what it is that’s in you, but when you feel like ‘OK, how are you going to do this?’ or ‘how are you going to find the time?’ or, like new moms, how they could run off fumes without sleeping or eating or whatever with their baby.

“It’s kind of like I felt like ‘I’ve had no sleep, I have to still work, I have to do whatever,’ you just have to find a way. You just get this energy because it’s about somebody else, it’s not about yourself.”

When asked if Odom was showing gratitude for the care she’s provided since his mid-October hospitalization, Kardashian had this to say:

“I don’t know if he can right now. Like I don’t know if he fully understands everything, but I know he’s grateful, like I know — and I’m not doing it for validation, I’m not doing it to get praise back — but I know he’s grateful.

“There’s not much he could do right now because he has to take care of himself, but I don’t know if he fully understands the extent of what’s happening.” 

Kardashian realizes that she’s still legally married to Odom, but at this point it’s just a formality so that she can take proper care of him.  That does, however, make it more difficult for her to focus on her budding relationship with James Harden.

“It’s just now it’s more I’m by Lamar’s side, People say, ‘Oh, I pulled back on the divorce’” Kardashian explained, joking that she was was dabbling in polygamy.

“They think it’s something sexual or there was a relationship to be thought about when he can’t even fully understand what’s happening. He understands I’m dating James, but it’s not like — he’s not thinking about a relationship.

“Like, he can barely think about himself right now, if that makes sense.”

Kardashian’s will be in San Diego on November 13th to sign copies of her book.