Thursday, November 12, 2015

Kris Jenner: Kardashian Sisters Fighting Over Her Fortune?!

Last week, Kris Jenner turned 60, and she celebrated with a theme party based on a book that we’re guessing no one in her family has actually read.

Turns out, the Great Gatsby motif may have been more appropriate than anyone realized, as apparently, Kris’ 60th kicked off some ugly drama revolving around a vast fortune.

“Right after her birthday her kids demanded that she get life insurance,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online. “Of course, Kris took it as an insult, but her family is serious.

“She has so much money that – God forbid something happens to her – the Kardashians want to make sure that they know who gets what so that there is no fighting over her money.”

Kim and kompany aren’t exactly hurting for money. In fact, sources say they spent $ 2 million just on Kris’ birthday party

So we think it’s pretty clear what they’re really worried about.

Ever since her daughters learned that Kris wants to marry Corey Gamble, they’ve reportedly been concerned that the 34-year-old is after their mom’s cash.

As a result, Kris has reluctantly agreed to look into a life insurance policy, but she’s still unsure of how she should divide up her loot.

“Kris is using her lawyer to do this life insurance policy and she is trying to figure out how to distribute all of her money when she is gone,” says the insider, adding that Kris’ fortune has been estimated at around $ 125 million.

Yes, that’s $ 125 million. We’d say she has plenty to go around.