Monday, November 2, 2015

Nicki Minaj Denies Dissing of Disabled Person

Nicki Minaj may have dressed up for Halloween as a fairy. (A sexy fairy, of course).

But that doesn’t mean the singer believed she had actual magical powers on Saturday night. It also doesn’t mean she’s a terrible person.

The singer found herself in hot water over the weekend after video went viral of Minaj pointing her wand at a woman in a wheelchair while celebrating Halloween at 1 OAK in Las Vegas.

She then commanded this person to “walk.”

Which would be rather cruel and inappropriate if this person were truly confined to a wheelchair, as most assumed and as most celebrity gossip outlets wrote.

But Minaj Tweeted in response to Perez Hilton accusing her of this act by writing the following on Sunday evening:

“Lol. That’s NOT a disabled person and u know that. Are u that desperate for attention?

“Bitch, u knew. That’s my friend in a scooter. Have a great day. I surely will.”

Oh. Right. Sorry. Our bad, Nicki.

The singer wasn’t done being critical, however.

She also took note of someone dressed as Bill Cosby for Halloween and made her feelings known on Twitter, coming down hard on anyone who would use multiple sexual assault charges as the basis for a costume.

“Our generation is so desensitized,” she wrote while posting a picture of a man dressed up as the comedian, holding a woman appearing to be asleep. 

Cosby costume

She makes a couple good points here, doesn’t she?

  1. Cosby is accused of drugging and raping over 40 women throughout his professional life.

  2. And also, come on… who would think Minaj would truly yell at a woman in a wheelchair?!?