Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Voice Results: Live Playoffs Claim 12 Victims!

The Voice results saw its Live Playoffs roster dwindle from 24 to just 12 heading into the next round, and with that came massive amounts of heartbreak.

The show keeps chugging along in popularity not because Blake Shelton got Gwen Stefani pregnant, but because of these undiscovered artists.

Format tweaks, coaches’ saves and roster expansions have exposed fans to more talent for a longer period over nine seasons, and we thank NBC.

Still, it means that just as one gets attached to a rising crop of aspiring singing sensations, they are shown the door – often seemingly out of nowhere.

Each coach – Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton, Pharrell Williams and Adam Levine – came in with six singers. America would save two; the coach one.

Without further ado, The Voice results from the Live Playoffs ...


Saved by America: Jeffery Austin, Braiden Sunshine
Saved by Gwen: Korin Bukowski
Eliminated: Viktor Kiraly, Regina Love, Ellie Lawrence


Saved by America: Barrett Baber, Zach Seabaugh
Saved by Blake: Emily Ann Roberts
Eliminated: Nadjah Nicole, Ivonne Acero, Morgan Frazier


Saved by America: Madi Davis, Evan McKeel
Saved by Pharrell: Mark Hood
Eliminated: Darius Scott, Celeste Betton, Riley Biederer


Saved by America: Jordan Smith, Shelby Brown
Saved by Adam: Amy Vachal
Eliminated: Blaine Mitchell, Keith Semple, Chance Pena

With 12 singers out, there will be plenty of “shockers’ fans can’t believe, but perhaps the biggest was Emily Ann Roberts needing Blake’s rescue.

Having made it as high as sixth on iTunes, well over any Team Blake rival and most of the overall field, we thought she’d be safe with no problem.

Ditto Ellie Lawrence and Celeste Betton, two would-be contenders we thought had the chops to go all the way, yet are out before the Top 12 begins.

What do you think of The Voice results? Did America get it right? And are Blake and Gwen serious or is this all a publicity stunt? Discuss!