Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kim Kardashian Giving Birth to Saint West: Will It Be Televised?

As you’ve probably heard, Kim Kardashian gave birth to a son on Saturday. As you’ve also probably heard and possibly tried to erase from your memory, Kim and Kanye named the kid Saint West

Unfortunately, you’ll just have to take take Kim’s explanation for why she named the kid Saint and accept that he entered the world under miraculous conditions, because unlike other events involving Kim’s vagina, the birth will not be televised.

Yes, it seems the Kardashians will not be featuring Saint Robert West’s glorious entrance into the world in a very holy episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

In fact, the boy probably won’t appear on the show for the first year of his life.

When North was born, Kim and Kanye (read: Kanye) decided not to involve her with reality TV until after her first birthday.

Insiders say with Saint, the couple might wait even longer! In fact, we might not see this kid on KUWTK until he’s ready to perform his first miracle.

We’re hoping he’ll turn Smart Water into Hennessy at one of Kanye’s shows, but who knows? Maybe he’ll just shrink his Aunt Kylie’s lips back down to human size.

In any event, it’s good to know that even the Kardashians have a line they won’t cross in terms of what they’re willing to exploit for ratings.

In related news, don’t forget to check out Khloe’s 14-part special on Lamar Odom’s recovery process, beginning next week. We kid!