Friday, March 11, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: Hillary Clinton is a F--king Liar!

Last week, I Am Cait Season 2 premiered on E!, and as part of their effort to boost last season"s middling ratings, producers had Caitlyn Jenner come out swinging against her fellow trans activists by expressing some surprising political views.

In case you don"t watch I Am Cait online, or you just don"t care about Caitlyn Jenner"s political beliefs any more than you cared about Bruce Jenner"s political beliefs (a reasonable stance to take), here"s the rundown:

  • Caitlyn supports Ted Cruz.

  • She draws the line at Donald Trump, though she thinks he"d be "good on women"s issues," which is pretty LOL-worthy.

  • Her friends are shocked that she"s not more concerned about trans issues.

  • Her friends seem to have forgotten that Caitlyn is very rich, and in her decades as a public figure has never wavered from her position as a single-issue voter, that issue being "lower taxes for rich people like Caitlyn Jenner."

What we"re saying is, Caitlyn"s views might not be what one would expect from the world"s most famous trans person, but they are consistent with what she"s always believed, so it"s a little weird that her friends expected her to become socially enlightened overnight just because she transitioned.

In fairness, her "friends" are a bunch of people that E! paid to hang out with her, and most of their knowledge of her past probably comes from Wikipedia. 

Anyway, Caitlyn really, really, really does not like Hillary Clinton. Like, really. Check it out:

Caitlyn jenner hillary clinton is a f king liar