Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Suffering From Withdrawal, or Something More Serious?

Last month, Jenelle Evans taped an appearance on The Doctors, during which the show’s panel of experts attempted to diagnose the strange medical ailments in recent weeks.

The episode aired yesterday, and the team of physicians had an unexpected explanation for why Evans has been hospitalized several times in the past few weeks.

They told the 24-year-old mother of two that she may be suffering from withdrawal symptoms due to abruptly stopping her use of birth control pills and marijuana.

Several medical specialists expressed their skepticism on social media, and now it looks as though the treatment they prescribed (rehab and weaning off the birth control) is not doing the trick.

“Jenelle stopped taking the birth control a week before she saw The Doctors,” a source close to the situation tells Radar. “And then they told her to stay off it, so now this is the fourth week she’s been off it and she is still having the same issues.” 

“Today, she can hardly walk because to her it feels like her right lymph node or ovary is swollen, but no one knows.”

Jenelle recently traveled to New York City to be tested by experts who were unable to confirm a diagnosis, which is part of the reason that many doubted the physicians on The Doctors had spent a sufficient amount of time with Jenelle.

Unfortunately, it looks as though it’s back to the drawing board for Jenelle and her own doctors.