Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 9 Recap: I Love You, TWO

On The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 9, Ben Higgins took his final three ladies on romantic overnight dates … with dramatic consequences.

As always, if you want to know who wins Ben’s final final rose on the finale in two weeks, just read The Bachelor spoilers right here.

If you prefer to remain spoiler-free … you can probably guess who Ben Higgins will pick after seeing the events of this week unfold.

Or can you? Following last Monday’s hometown dates, The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 9 saw Ben jet off to paradise with his top trio.

If you watch The Bachelor online, you know everything up to this point pales in comparison to what goes on on these overnight dates.

Fantasy Suite style.

“The water’s blue. The air is fresh. The people are friendly. Jamaica just has, like, a freedom to it,” Ben said, plugging show and country.”

“You can just take that deep breath and soak in life. Honestly, I think Jamaica could be a really great place to fall in love.”

With TWO people! 

On yes, it happened. Grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it people. Caila Quinn said that even she was shocked that she felt so anxious.

It showed. Their date was filled with plenty of nerves, though things picked up when the Fantasy Suite card came around. Such as it is.

When Ben and Caila woke up together, she said that she could wake up next to him for the rest of her life, and told him she loved him.

Ben did not return that sentiment, which she attributed to the fact that he’s not allowed to say it. Boy was this episode sad for Calia.

On his date with Lauren Bushnell, she said she felt like the luckiest girl in the world; Ben literally thanked God that they were together.

And people wonder who Ben Higgins will pick. He also told her that basically he was fortunate to be in the same vicinity of Lauren.

“You’re too good for me,” Ben said, gushing outwardly. “You’re beautiful, and you’re smart, and you’re sweet, and you’re sensitive.”

When they went to the Fantasy Suite, which they obviously did, Lauren said she loved him … and Ben said it back! Bachelor. History.

Oh, but continues. After Ben and JoJo Fletcher took a helicopter to a waterfall, she came right out and told him she loved him as well.

And Ben said, “JoJo, I love you too.” She was shocked because she knows Bachelor protocol. Ben was thrown off for different reasons.

“After telling two women that I’m in love with them, I’m in a state of shock because my heart’s leading me in two directions,” he said.

“I’m scared because I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Ben said, but he meant next week, not right this minute. Caila has got to go.

When she came to visit him unannounced, he was taken aback, but since she was there, and his mind was made up, he cut her loose.

“I also realized that I am in love with two women here, and I just couldn’t say it back to you, and I don’t know why,” Higgins told her.

“And I don’t know how because, as I think through this … you are literally what I described at the beginning of this as my perfect wife.”

Or not. An awkward, two-person rose ceremony followed after she peaced out in tears, leaving JoJo and Lauren to fight another day.

Who do you think Ben will pick? Who should he pick? Hit the comments below to discuss, and yes, read the spoilers above for answers.