Thursday, April 7, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 18 Recap: Who"s in the Grave?!?

We have our answer, Arrow fans.

Following a season opening tease that featured Oliver standing over the grave of an unknown character, Arrow Season 4 Episode 18 revealed the identity of this character.

It’s Laurel Lance.

She’s dead.

As Team Arrow set out to stop Damien Darhk’s Malcolm Merlyn-assisted prison break this week, viewers learned that Laurel (also known, of course, as The Black Canary) was the one on the wrong end of a different kind of arrow.

Darhk even twisted the weapon into her good for food, violent, painful measure.

Later, at the hospital, Oliver’s former love interest and long-time close friend succumbed to her wound, although not before bidding Oliver and others an emotional goodbye.

“I was OK with it,” original cast member Katie Cassidy told reporters at a screening earlier this week.

“We all sort of came to an understanding that this is what was going to happen, and it made sense to me.”

The actress assumes there will be significant “shock value” to come out of Laurel’s murder and thinks that can only be a positive thing as Arrow Season 4 forges ahead.

“It’s such a turn in the story that it gives them so much more to do and places to go with it,” she said. “Otherwise, I feel like shows can get stale.”

As for how Cassidy wants her character to be remembered?

As “such a good person [who] had such a good heart and was a fighter.”

Are you sad to see the Black Canary go? Surprised?

Sound off in the Comments section below and go watch Arrow online if you want to see how these fatal events transpired.