Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Nathan Griffith Finally Visits Kaiser, Offers Proof on Twitter

According to some sources, Nathan Griffith recently went months without seeing his son Kaiser.

Some say it’s because Jenelle wouldn’t allow him to visit the one-year-old. Others (like Jenelle herself) say it’s because Griffith showed no interest in being a dad. Either way, the streak was broken yesterday, and Griffith offered plenty of evidence on social media.

A nice bonding moment with a total bummer of a caption:

“He will never forget his daddy!!!” Nathan wrote “Jumped in my arms and just held me when I saw him for like ten minutes!”

We may never know for sure who’s to blame for Nathan’s absence from his son’s life, but clearly the real victim is little Kaiser.

Nathan may have gone even longer than we thought without seeing the poor kid, as he seemed oddly intent on proving that Kaiser remembers who he is:

“What’s my name?” he asks in the clip above.

Kaiser, after some light prompting, replies, “Daddy!”

Obviously, the little guy is happy and healthy, but he’s at an age where he’ll soon begin to realize that his parents are filled with seething hatred for one another.

It’s unclear exactly how long it had been since Nathan saw his son but on this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, he complained that it had been 7-8 weeks – in a scene that was filmed several months ago.

As far as we can tell, he didn’t visit Kaiser at all in the interim.

Currently, Jenelle and Nathan are locked in a custody battle, and you can bet they won’t reach an amicable conclusion.

We’re hoping they’ll both make Kaiser’s best interests their top priority, but something tells us that won’t be the case.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more questionable parenting decisions from the Carolina Hurricane.