Tuesday, April 19, 2016

O.J. Simpson: Crushing on Kris Jenner AND Caitlyn Jenner From Prison?!

O.J. Simpson has been back in the news in recent weeks, due mainly to the fact that the miniseries based on his famous murder trial proved to be a major ratings success for FX.

The renewed interest in O.J.’s bizarre life and times has revealed that despite the fact that he’s been locked up since 2008 there’s still plenty of drama in the world of the Juice.

In addition to the recent controversy over a knife that was found on Simpson’s property and briefly thought to be the weapon he used to kill Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman (DNA testing eventually proved that it wasn’t.), O.J.’s story has now become intertwined with the lives of reality TV’s most famous family.

As you may already know, Simpson was a long time friend of the Kardashian family before his fall from grace.

He even credits patriarch Robert Kardashian, Sr. with helping him beat the murder charges against him.

But while the Kard clan has gone on to experience unprecedented levels of celebutante fame, O.J. has been serving a lengthy prison sentence on theft and kidnapping charges.

But that doesn’t mean he’s forgotten about the Kardashian-Jenner family.

According to UK tabloid The Sun, O.J. is already thinking about his post-prison romantic prospects (He’s up for parole next year.), and they include not only Kris Jenner, but also her ex-husband, Caitlyn Jenner:

“O.J. has had a crush on Kris forever,” a source close to Simpson claims. “He believes the relationship that Kris is in now with Corey Gamble is a sham.

“He believes he is the man for her and intends to pursue her when he gets out of prison. There is definitely a long history there.”

But O.J.’s fondness for the women of the Jenner family doesn’t end with Kris:

“O.J. is obsessed with Caitlyn,” says the insider. “He is struck by how she has captured the hearts of the world and said with a straight face, ‘When I get out of here I would consider dating her too.’”

Apparently, Simpson’s intentions aren’t purely romantic, as he also views his relationships with Kris and Caitlyn as his best chance to restore his shattered public image:

“O.J. definitely has a plan when he gets out of prison and he intends to be around the Kardashians,” the source claims.

“He is going to pitch to them about getting a spot on the show. He is broke, he needs money and he feels his only chance to get back on TV — which is his dream — is to hook up with his old ‘family.’”

Don’t worry, O.J. We’re someone will offer you a reality show pretty much the day you’re out of the clink.