Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kim Kardashian vs. Taylor Swift: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Forget Trump vs. Clinton, Cavs vs. Warriors or Batman v. Superman. (Actually, you’ve probably forgotten that one already.)

The real clash of the titans this summer is between Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian.

Yes, two of the most important women in Kanye’s life (for very different reasons) may be soon to butt heads, after Kim fired some shots at Taylor in a recent interview.

As you may recall, Kim appeared nude on the cover of GQ yesterday.

Obviously, naked Kim Kardashian is no longer Internet-breaking news these days, but Kim’s comments in the accompanying interview are raising a lot of eyebrows today.

Asked about Taylor calling out Kanye West for what she described as sexist, bullying lyrics, Kim went off on Yeezy’s on-again, off-again rival:

“[Taylor] totally knew that that was coming out. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn’t,” Kim told the men’s mag.

“She totally approved that [line in the song about Swift]…. I swear, my husband gets so much s–t for things [when] he really was doing proper protocol and even called to get it approved. What rapper would call a girl that he was rapping a line about to get approval?

“She totally gave the okay. Rick Rubin was there. So many respected people in the music business heard that [conversation] and knew. I mean, he’s called me a bitch in songs.

That’s just, like, what they say. I never once think, [gasping] ‘What a derogatory word! How dare he?’ Not in a million years. I don’t know why she just, you know, flipped all of a sudden.

“It was funny because [on the call with Kanye, Taylor] said, ‘When I get on the Grammy red carpet, all the media is going to think that I’m so against this, and I’ll just laugh and say, ‘The joke’s on you, guys. I was in on it the whole time.’ And I’m like, wait, but [in] your Grammy speech, you completely dissed my husband just to play the victim again.”

Asked if she’s had any contact with Taylor in the months since the Grammys, Kim dropped another bomb:

“No. Maybe an attorney’s letter she sent saying, ‘Don’t ever let that footage come out of me saying that. Destroy it.’” 

Whoa. The past 24 hours, have not exactly been kind to Taylor’s reputation as one of the more authentic A-listers.

First she was accused of staging the now-famous photo of her kissing Tom Hiddleston by just about everyone who saw it, now Kim Kardashian is alleging that the singer threw a fellow celeb under the bus just to make herself look like a victim.

We’re guessing Taylor will comment on these developments some time today.

We’re hoping her comments take the form of shade thrown at Kim because, well … we’re shameless when it comes to a good celebrity feud, and this one is as big as it gets.