Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Girl Learns Lesson About Water Pressure... The Hard Way

Do not blame us for the following video.

We were not on the premises when it was filmed.

Would we have stepped in if we were?

Would we have prevented this young girl from making a potentially grave mistake? We"d like to think so.

But consider: the girl"s very own mother is the one filming… and she does nothing at all!

"That"s not gonna be a good idea…I should stop you," we hear from the woman, through fits of laughter, as the child puts the nozzle of a hose to her mouth.

You can see where this is going, can"t you?

But we can"t turn away! We just can"t!

And in the end, hey… the adorable toddler learns a valuable lesson about water pressure.

Check out the hilarious footage for yourself:

Young girl learns all about water pressure the hard way