Thursday, June 16, 2016

Leah Messer Actually Spends Time With Her Kids!

Leah Messer has had a rough few years on Teen Mom 2

Every single thing she does is under the highest form of scrutiny. Social media jumps on her every action.

Leah Messer Twitter Display Picture

Obviously some of the things she was doing were NOT okay. The texting while driving was pretty reckless. It was made worse by the fact that the kids were in the back of the car. 

Anyone who would even dream of doing that, knowing they’re responsible for the well being of the children in the back, is just deplorable. 

Then there was her apparently not feeding her children.

If you you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you probably know that she had to get up super early to ensure her children made it to school. 

With such little time already, she told her daughter that she would get breakfast at school.

Then, her daughter complained that she didn’t want a hot lunch and that her mother should stop at the gas station to get her something. 

Her daughters comments stirred up a storm on social media because she was letting Leah know that she was hungry, but Leah was just fobbing her off and letting her know she would get food when she got to school. 

The thing is, they were a LONG way away from the school and the child had to sit hungry until they arrived at the school. 

That just doesn’t cut it and that’s totally the wrong way to parent your children. 

Things have been considerably better since Leah lost her right to sole custody of the children and Corey Simms decided that she deserves more time with the kids.

It sure seems like Leah has changed her ways. 

A few months ago you’d be hard pressed to find a post about her saying how much she loves motherhood, but it seems like she really has turned over a new leaf. 

Leah Messer Twitter

Now, you can look at her various accounts on social media and see the improvement for yourself. 

She’s watching movies, taking them out on trips and just generally being what a mother should to her children. 

This is all happening while Corey and Miranda are plagued by divorce rumors coming from everywhere. 

Miranda was quick to dismiss them as false, but could Leah be having more time with the kids so that Corey and Miranda can work on their relationship?

It’s certainly plausible.