Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wilmer Valderrama and Demi Lovato: What the Heck Happened?!?

They seemed so happy. They seemed so in love.

They seemed destined to get married and have lots of kids and grow old together and holds hands on their rocking chairs while talking about their grandkids many decades from now.

But looks can be deceiving, we sadly suppose.

A few days ago, the world was stunned to learn that Wilmer Valderrama and Demi Lovato have broken up, with the former couple taking the unusual step of releasing a joint statement to announce the news.

They had been a romantic item for six years.

“This was an incredibly difficult decision for both of us, but we have realized more than anything that we are better as best friends,” wrote the stars, adding:

“We will always be supportive of one another. Thank you to everyone who has offered us kindness and support over the years.”

So… what happened between Lovato and Valderrama?

How did they go from potential spouses to mere friends, seemingly in the blink of an eye?

“[The relationship] had turned into more of a big brother-little sister kind of [thing],” an insider tells E! News.

It’s worth noting here that Valderrama is 36 and Lovato 23.

“The romance wasn’t what it used to be,” the source continued.

“That said, Wilmer is still very protective of her. He did a lot for her – not just in terms of being there for her when she had her health issues, but really helping build her brand and launch her product lines.

“You never saw him out in front, though. He never tried to ride her fame.”

It’s true. Lovato would very often thank her then-boyfriend for the positive influence he has had on her life.

But Valderamma never took any kind of credit himself.

While most exes always say they will remain friends, it really does seem as if that will be the case this time around.

“He was very close to her family. I don’t expect that will change. There was a lot of love there,” E! writes.

As happy as Demi and Wilmer seemed together, it does say something that they never got engaged.

Clearly, at least one half of the couple sensed something was off.

“They love each other but aren’t in love anymore,” a second source concludes. “They are really great friends, which they’ll continue to be, but the romance sort of died.”