Thursday, June 23, 2016

Shawn Mendes Comes Out as Straight

Shawn Mendes has an important announcement to make:

He is straight.

Yes, straight.

The 17-year old singer felt a need to record a video of himself setting the record… well… straight when it comes to his sexuality.

For what reason? We"ll let Mendes explain.

“So I don’t usually do this and bring up problems, but I was on YouTube just watching some of my interviews, and I was going down the comments and noticed a lot of people were saying that I gave them a ‘gay vibe," he says in the following footage peering directly into the camera and addig:

"First of all, I’m not gay.”

Okay then, Shawn.

He continued:

“Second of all, it shouldn’t make a difference if I was or if I wasn’t.

"The focus should be on the music and not my sexuality. Now I know 99 percent of you guys aren’t making assumptions like this, but this is just for the one percent of you that are.”

He wasn"t finished.

"I just want you guys before you judge someone on the way they speak or act, I want you guys to think, ‘Hey, maybe I shouldn’t be judging someone’ or ‘Wait, it actually doesn’t even matter; they can do or be or feel however they want to feel.""

Hmmm… wait a minute.

If it doesn"t matter whether one is gay or straight, how can you say others are "judging" you for giving off a gay vibe?

There"s no around this coming across as homophobic on the singer"s part, even if he did not mean for it to be so.

“Now I’m not frustrated because people were saying that I was gay at all," he added.

"I have no problem with that, because it wouldn’t make a difference to me.

"I’m frustrated because in this day and age people have the audacity to write online that I’m gay as if it were a bad thing.”

Again, Mendes is the one who made a point to record a video simply because, by his own admission, only one percent of people on his timeline made this allegation.

So who is really the one taking it as a bad thing?

"That’s all I really have to say about that. I just wish those one percent of people would grow up. I love you guys," he concluded.

Watch the video now:

Shawn mendes comes out as straight