Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ariel Winter Brings Giant Boobs to High School Graduation Party

Ariel Winter graduated high school this week.

As we reported earlier, she’ll be enrolling as a full-time student at UCLA, but she plans to continue acting on Modern Family until the conclusion of the series, which should take place some time after the sun engulfs the Earth, bringing the grand human experience to an end.

But even if she were to retire from public life altogether, we think Ariel might find it difficult to quietly blend into the background of campus life.

For one, even though she’s only 18, she’s been on a popular network television show since the time when the earliest ancestors of man first learned to tame the wilderness around them and bring in advertising revenue with bland, mockumentary-style sitcoms.

Also, there’s the fact that Ariel has huge boobs.

Fortunately, Ariel doesn’t seem to shy away from the attention her ginormous breasts bring her.

Unfortunately for her lower back, however, she’s already had breast reduction surgery and they’re still Christina Hendricks-like in proportion.

Anyway, the photo above is from a graduation party hosted by Ariel’s school.

Something tells us she’ll be sorely missed by at least half of her fellow classmates.

We’re surprised Schuyler and Hunter’s High School didn’t rename all its teams the Twins and make Ariel’s boobs the official mascots.

There’s still time to fix that error, of course.

You don’t want to be on the wrong side of history on this one, Schuyler and Hunter’s!

It’s bad enough you’re a high school that sounds like a pair of yuppie toddlers.