Thursday, June 9, 2016

Kim Kardashian to Kanye West: Get Professional Help… Or Else!

Don’t let the latest Kim Kardashian and Kanye West photo fool you.

Don’t be duped by Kim’s recent birthday message to her husband.

Things are NOT going very well in Kimye paradise, people.

In fact, according to a new report, they could not going much worse.

For what reason? It all stems from Kanye’s erratic behavior, most notably his recent rant when he appeared as a guest on Ellen.

“I have ideas that could make the human race’s existence within our country better,” he said on the show a few weeks ago.

“Period. The paparazzi, whatever perception you have of me, starting with the truth, started with what everyone’s thinking, start there, put some dope sh-t with it.”

This, of course, was not exactly the first time Kanye has gone off in ridiculous, hilarious fashion.

Hilarious to us, that is. To Kim? Not so much.

“Kim [has] watched Kanye struggle for years, not just with his rage but also with a lack of focus that’s causing major troubles at home,” an insider tells Radar Online.

As a result, with West spiraling further and further out of control, the same source claims Kardashian has put her foot down.

She has supposedly ordered Kanye to receive medical treatment.

“He has no other choice really, because he refuses to go back to anger management and regular therapy hasn’t stopped the problem,” Radar writes.

We’re not entirely sure what that means, of course.

Kanye has “no other choice,” meaning Kim would divorce him if he shot down her proposal?

We somehow doubt that.

But the source concludes that Kim has won this debate.

“The next step is to sit him down with a psychiatrist, which Kanye’s reluctantly accepted is probably for the best.”

We’ll believe this when we see it.