Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard: Shocking New Abuse Allegation Revealed

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been less than one week since Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of assault while filing for a restraining order against her estranged husband.

In the days since, so many allegations have surfaced and the public’s perception of the screen legend has shifted so dramatically that it feels as though it’s been much, much longer.

In response to skepticism from fans and friends and accusations that she’s blackmailing Depp, Heard’s reps have come forward with a mountain of evidence supporting her claim that the attack that took place on May 21 was not an isolated incident.

In addition to photos of Heard’s injuries, sources have leaked text messages from Depp’s assistant that describe an incident in which the actor kicked Heard while blacked out from drinking.

Now, London-based tabloid the Daily Mirror has published an account from an anonymous friend of Heard’s describing an ugly incident that allegedly took place in 2013, while Depp was traveling abroad to promote his notorious box office flop The Lone Ranger:

“Johnny took his family with him on the trip, on a private jet paid for by the studio. During the flight, Johnny was drinking and smoking loads,” says the insider.

“His behavior became unpredictable, and Amber didn’t want to be around him. But there was nowhere to go on the jet except the bathroom, so she hid in there.

“She only rejoined him once the plane had landed.

“The rest of the trip was a completely disaster – Johnny continued boozing throughout. The film had tanked at the box office, so it was a difficult trip anyway.

“He had brought his family along for support, but ended up pushing them away.”

The account had not been substantiated by Heard, but it jibes with her descriptions of the 52-year-old actor as a violent alcoholic.

Heard has filed assault charges against Depp, so the Oscar nominee will likely be forced to testify on his own behalf in the near future.

Regardless of how he fares with an actual jury, it seems that Depp has already been convicted in the court of public opinion.

We’ll have updates on this story as more information becomes available.