Friday, June 10, 2016

Tom Cruise: Hoping a Facelift Will Save His Career?

The press and the movie-going public have not been kind to Tom Cruise in recent years.

Of course, it’s not like the 53-year-old actor-turned-Scientologist-mouthpiece has mounted a particularly strong case in his own defense.

First there were the reports that Cruise hadn’t seen his daughter Suri in 1,000 days.

Not only was that bizarrely specific length of time eventually extended to three years, Cruise reportedly used a series of bizarre justifications to justify abandoning Suri.

Insiders say that in addition to the usual sci-fi mumbo-jumbo, Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige filled Tom’s head with some tailor-made BS about Suri being “infiltrated by a bad Thetan.”

That may not mean much to most folks who haven’t been driven mad by decades of fame and X Files storylines being presented as religious doctrine, but to Cruise it means that he now needs to run from his daughter just like he runs in every single one of his movies.

In fact, insiders say Cruise will essentially be bidding farewell to his family and his career in the near future so that he can essentially live as a nomad and serve an international ambassador for Scientology.

But first, it seems have to fix a problem that’s too big for Xenu to handle on his own.

According to In Touch, Tom is not happy with the way he’s aging, and he’s planning to go under the knife to restructure his famous face.

“He is getting older and it’s starting to show,” says one insider.

“He’s noticed that his jawline and brows are starting to droop. It’s been making him unhappy for a long time.”

No one seems to agree on whether he’s more concerned about preaching the word of L. Ron are getting better movie roles, but the consensus seems to be that Cruise will be getting nipped and tucked:

“Tom wants a facelift,” says the source. “Botox and fillers won’t cut it. A facelift is the only way to fix what he doesn’t like. This is very important to Tom.” 

Yes, it seems plastic surgery is officially a bigger priority to Cruise than his 10-year-old daughter.

Hey, he may be a religious fanatic, but he’s still Hollywood to the bone!